Maul returns

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"Holy shit." Ezra stated breathlessly looking up at the sky. There standing in front of a newly forming tornado, outside of the base, was Maul. The horned male laughed as he slowly dug out his blade.
"Evening apprentice. Now would you kindly tell me where your master is?" Maul asks walking toward. Ezra's heart speed up. There was no way he was letting Maul get to him again. Not when he had a wife and a child to worry about.
"W-When I die!" He yelled. That was when he sensed it through the force. Arcann was a few feet behind him.
"Very well then. I have a new apprentice I'll just have to wait a few months for." Maul smiled walking forward. Ezra panicked knowing he must be talking about Hera. He knew her and Kanan had been trying for another child. There was no way his brother or sister was gonna end up like Maul.
"Arcann close the door and go get Galen!" Ezra yelled turning around. Arcann froze before reaching into his pocket for his blaster.
"I am not leaving you with this Maniac!" Arcann yelled. Ezra shot back a glare before force pushing him back into the base. Arcann groaned before sitting back up to see his fiancé fighting with Maul. He quickly locked the entrance to the base before racing off to go grab Galen.
"This is childish Bridger just let me in there. You can't handle raising a child in this condition." Maul said threw gridded teeth as their faces were inches apart.
"We've done it before. I can do it again." He snarled back before kicking Maul in the stomach sending him tumbling backward. Though he didn't fall. He was still standing up.
Within seconds they were back at it. Ezra swung the blade at his legs. Maul jumped over the blade and slashed at Ezra's neck. Ezra dodged quickly. He yelled out of fright for a moment. Then they were back at it.
There were clashes between both blades. Mixed of the colours blue and red from their savers collides multiple times. The male's grunted trying to slide each other anywhere they could. Ezra got a hit in on Maul's left leg while Maul left a tiny mark on Ezra's elbow. Yet, Maul soon got the upper hand.
Ezra heard a noise and focused on that for a single moment, thinking it was Galen. It was just a single lightning bolt hitting the base's wall instead. Seeing this made Ezra's realize how close to death he was right now. Maul noticed this. He kicked Ezra's shin sending the boy tumbling backward onto his back. Maul stood over Ezra with a blade ready to cut his head off.
Ezra's heart raced as he watched the blade lower. He also heard Arcann screaming his name before his own brother blocked the blade.
"I thought I smelt cockroach." Galen smiled up at Maul before force pushing him back a few feet. He then helped his brother to his feet.
"Hi dear brother. We need to get inside." Galen smiled handing Ezra his light saber. Ezra sighed.
"Really Galen. I thought we could stay out here all day to fight him." Ezra scoffed. Maul threw his blade at the boy's head. Galen hit it back to the older male quickly. He rolled his eyes as Ezra got into a battle stance.
"Well the storm is supposed to have a extreme tornado. Like the one that hit when we were first together." Galen sighs.
"Then let's finish this quickly." Ezra smiled at him. Galen nodded as he got ready before charging into battle with Ezra.
The two brothers move quickly. Ezra tried to slash Maul's shoulder the same time Galen went for his leg. They both had their sabers blocked. Then they were blocking the red Saber's hits again and again. Soon though the storm behind them got as bad as anyone had ever seen it.
A flying rock hit Galen on the heard, knocking him out. Ezra yelled his brother's name as he watched him fall. Maul took this time of distraction to push him on the ground again. Ezra yelped as he fell backward again with his saber being carried away by the now powerful tornado.
"Any last words Bridger?" Maul smirked down at the boy. Ezra gulped trying to use the force to bring something over to help him. He was to weak and tired at the moment to do it. That was when he knew it for sure. This was it.
This was how Ezra Bridger died. No huge battle. No troopers. No Darth Vader. No nothing. Just an old man in a robe killing him before he gets married. He began tearing up.
The tears got dragged away by the tornado out of his eyes. That is until the blade went downward.

~The end of book one~

Only to be stopped when Maul dropped down to the ground, dead. A single blaster wound in his skull.
"I got one. Don't touch my fucking Fiancé!" Arcann snapped before shooting him six other time to make sure. Then he dropped down by his fiancé and helped him up.
"My god I'm so sorry I-"
"Arcann it's fine. You didn't know he was coming. Now just help me drag Galen inside." Ezra said racing over and tossing his older brother over his back. Arcann gulps as he helped him inside with his brother.
  "No Ezra I should have told you sooner about what happened. If I did then maybe we could have all been more prepared." Arcann said helping Ezra get into one of the bunkers in the base with an in unconscious Galen.
"Look Arcann I know about it. I knew from day one." Ezra sighs laying his brother's head on a pillow. Arcann dropped what was in his arms on the floor. Ezra sighed racing over and picking the blankets up.
"Really? Oh my god that's great. Then I don't have to see you panic." Arcann laughed to himself. Ezra laid the blankets over Galen with a sigh. Then he stood back up as he heard the wind howling above their heads.
"Yeah I knew Hera was knocked up. I mean I found that test in the guy's bathroom a few ago and-"
"Wait what?"
"I know Hera's pregnant again."
".....Um about that..."
"I just don't know why she would tell you first? I mean I kinda do. You probably walked in on her taking the test in the girl's bathroom. I mean the guys here make you go there because your trans sometimes, still beating them up for that by the way. Anyways, then you move it to the guys so she wouldn't get judged for having another hybrid. Or maybe it was another reason but, it's sweet you wanted to tell me babe and I-"
"It wasn't Hera's test."
".....Oh my God Sabine's pregnant!"
"Oh my god!" Arcann rubbed his temples.
"Who's the dad? Oh my god I didn't even-"
"Ezra it was mine."
"Come again."
"Ezra, we're having a baby." He sighs.
And just like that, all hell broke lose.

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