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(Okay before anything this is a one shot idea I had that I thought about doing before going on vacation in a couple days. This has nothing to do with the plot of the book. In this idea Morgana was recruited onto the ship after season three episode 'Legacy of Mandalore'. If you didn't watch the episode then I request you come back to this chapter after you watch it but, if you really don't care then continue. Now she is gets along with everyone except for Ezra. He believes she's hiding something. Which she is. What is it? You'll have to read to find out. With that let's begin)
Ezra's POV
Today was a day like any other. Well almost. Everyone had left me on the ship with that little demon child while they were on a supply run. Morgana had been with the crew for almost three months so far. She's hiding something. I just know it. Yet, no one believes me. They all think she's so innocent and normal but, something tells me she's not. At first I thought it was the force so I asked Kanan. He said it wasn't. Kanan could be wrong though. It is possible.
Right now I was walking around the ghost when I saw someone in the nose guns looking at a picture of two people. As I grew closer I realized it was a picture of a thirteen year old blue T'wilek girl wearing what appeared to be a sun dress who had her arms wrapped around a red faced girl. Morgana was sitting in the chair in front of it smiling.
"How I miss those days." She mumbled. Who is this? Was this her friend? It sure looked like it. Why didn't she mention she had any friends before? There had to be a reason she didn't mention her ever. Wait a second. That's it. That's what she was hiding.
"I knew it!" I screamed. Morgana jumped out of the chair and spun around.
"Ezra what are yo-" I cut her off.
"I knew you had a secret!" I smiled making Morgana's face turn a bright red. She looked up at me with a look of fear but, calmed down within minutes.
"What? What secret?" She smiled.
"That girl. She was your friend. Then she was murdered by you."
"Wow. You clearly don't know what you're talking about."
"Then how come you never mentioned her."
"I have my reasons Ezra."
"Really became it seems like there's a reason I never heard her name or heard you mention her before."
"Please do us both a favour and just shut up. There's a reason I haven't mentioned Crystal bef-"
"Ah ha! She has a name! What did you do if you didn't kill her? Did she do something because of you?"
"No. Look she's been mad at me for a while. Look no can we please drop the subject. I really don't want to talk about it"
"What did you do? Spread rumours about her? You told some of her secrets? Did you pick on her?"
"Please stop. I really don't want to talk about it. I just want to go in my room right now."
"Why so you can avoid this conversation? That's not gonna happen. What made her pissed off at you?" I smiled standing between her and the door. She wasn't going to get away from this. This time I know she has a secret and that it involves this girl. She's going to tell me about it right now or so help me I will stand here until the others come back. They have to believe me now that I have evidence.
"Look I'm gonna only ask you one more time drop it. Now please get out of my way so I can go to my room."
"Not until you tell me why you never mentioned her before. What did you two do that was so bad that you won't talk about her? Did she hurt you? Was she the one who beat you almost to death when Hera found you?"
"Then what happened between you two? What was so bad you never mentioned her to us ever? Wh-"
"I LOVED HER!" Morgana screamed as loud as she could before realizing what she did. Wait a second did she just say she loved her? Like a sister?
"I LOVED HER AND SHE NEVER LOVED ME AT ALL. SHE TOLD EVERYONE I WAS SICK AND THEY ALL PICKED ON ME. THEN MOM FOUND OUT AND BEAT ME SENSELESS. IF IT WASN'T FOR HERA I WOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW. SO FIRE AWAY THE INSULTS. FIRE AWAY EVERYTHING YOU COULD EVER CALL ME. JUST KNOW NOTHING WILL EVER HURT ME AS MUCH AS HAVING MY HEART BROKEN BY MY BEST FRIEND AND HEARING HER CALL ME 'SICK' TO MY FACE." She was crying now. Her purple eyes looked up at him with a look of sadness. "Besides I heard everything you can ever call me before." I froze. Thousands of thoughts went threw my head. Then I realized she was full on sobbing now. Oh lord what did I just do? Did I just break an 14 year old girl? Kanan's going to kill me. Correction. Hera's gonna kill me for sure. I sighed. I guess Morgana's been threw a lot. So have I. I pulled her into a hug.
"I remember how it felt when I thought no one cared about me. People used to do the same thing to me but, about being a street rat. Trust me I'm not gonna hurt or insult you ever I promise." I stated. She wrapped he arms around me.
"That's all I ever wanted anyone say." She smiled.
"So your secret all along is that you like girls?" I joked.
"What? Then what was it?"
"I'm Bi. I like both genders."
"Wow. So does that mean you would be able to go in a date with both Ariana Grande and Ryan Reynolds of you wanted to?"
"Yeah. Well if they both like me I guess."
"Surprising right."
"No, it's just I didn't even know that was a thing."
"It is though. You know I can't help it though right? People can't chose who they fall in love with."
"I know."

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