Visons and voices part two

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Morgana's eyes had then same mist Sabine, Ezra and Galen had coming out of the,. Yet, unlike theirs, her most was a bright white. Same with the flame in her hand. Meanwhile Kyle and Kanan just watched from a couple inches under the floating possessed teens with green eyes. Morgana, I mean Sin looked at them.
"Are you to death? I said grab the last and head to the ship. I got the rest." Sin smiled.
No body moved. That is until Sabine magically feel out of Sins grip. She tried to cut Kanan's head off. That is until he seems to disappear a a cloud of white mist. In reality though, he had been teleported near Zeb.
So Kyle was left with he blade blocking each one of Sabines hits. That is until a white fire ball was thrown at her. That was when the two posses boys ran deeper into the cave with Sabine. The posses Morgana went to chase after them but, Kyle steeped between his possess friend and her path. He was inches away from her face when he seemed to find his voice.
"Look, miss ghost lady, you are using my best friend. It may not seem like a lot to you but, you're possessing the one good thing in my life so, what ever you're gonna do I am gonna do it with you. Cause I am not losing the last thing I love to some ghost's plan." Kyle stated quickly.
The ghost seemed to snicker a bit. Yet, it didn't sound like Morgana's snicker. Her laugh sounded like a blessing from heaven. It sound like a song with an up beat tune. It sounded like a the best thing in the world. At least to Kyle it did. Yet, now it just sounded like an ordinary giggle. Well it was in two voices so.
"Alright then lover boy. Let's go." The ghost smirked as she grabbed his wrist and lead the way.
Meanwhile behind them Kanan was trying his hardest to wake Zeb up. In the end he ended up slapping Zeb. What fun that was for Zeb. I mean here he was having a nice dream about his crush then, the god damn married Jedi woke him up. If they weren't friends then he probably would have punched him.
"Zeb, we gotta go." Kanan stated quickly. Zeb sat up and saw the two kids running off into the cave after three teens who were climb the cave walls like spiders.
"Wait, were gonna leave the kids here and their only hope is Kyle?" Zeb asked.
"Well, technically Morgana's helping to so, I think they'll be good." Kanan explained as he helped the large Lasat to his feet. Then he began walking him to the ship. While they were walking Kanan smirked a bit.
"So you like Kallus?" Kanan asked. Zeb blushed a thousand shades of red.
A possessed Sabine was thrown against the wall by Kyle. While this happened he was basically lightsaber fighting Galen. Morgana on the other hand was using a saber Galen dropped earlier to battle Ezra.
"Wait, why haven't I just used magic on him yet?" The ghost possessing Morgana asked looking at Kyle for a second. She forgot about why she wasn't doing things. This was kinda why she didn't like possessing Morgana. Morgana forgot stuff a lot. In fact while using her body, she had forgotten things a lot.
"Cause that's her family. Her siblings. How would you feel if someone attacked you sibling- oh wait, you don't have siblings, your dead. Okay, I'm give me another second to reword this." Kyle stated as he blocks the Galen's yellow blade as it was inches away from his tiny neck. Then he block a blow to his stomach.
"I did have siblings you know." Sin stated as she blocked a blow to he shoulder blade.
"Oh then how would you feel if someone attacked you with your creepy magic that may kill them?" Kyle asked blocking another blow. Yet, this time the blade missed the horns on his head by an inch.
"Like I'm watching my death all over again. Except the magic that killed me was the force so, I kinda wanna use magic. I mean the force pushed me into ten fucking walls before choking me to death."
"Oh says the inquisitor!"
"I will have you know Sin, I never used those words when I wasn't killing people!" Kyle snapped. He used the name she mentioned earlier. Since she did say it was her name.
"Like hell you didn't!"
"Do you two ever shut up!" Sabine asked turning on the dark saber again as she charged at Morgana.
With a sigh Morgana raised her hand causing Ezra to float in the air again. Then she dodged a blow to her stomach. Eventually this so how ended with Sabine's neck in a floating Morgana's hand. Sabine's glowing green eyes looked a little scared.
"Nope. Besides what's the fun in being quiet?" Sin asked. Then she placed Morgana's thumb on her sisters forehead. Sabine's eyes started to glow a bright yellow which made the ghost possessing her scream. Her body soon fell to the ground without any glowing eyes. Meanwhile a glowing green figure floated back into a table like item as fast as it could.
Which was good since that meant she wasn't possessed anymore. Now as for it she was alive, Sin could see her chest moving up and down every second. Which meant one of two things. One she was breathing. Or two an alien she heard about was gonna burst out of her chest. (Anybody get the reference? No? Okay.)
"Wait a second, are you telling me you could have forced the ghosts out of their bodies anytime you wanted?!" Kyle asked stomping his foot on the ground. Sin nodded her head yes.
"Why didn't you say anything?!" Kyle's voice cracked as he snapped at her. Sin shrugged as she blocked a blow from Ezra.
"You never asked." Sin stated.
"Lord, this is like asking Morgana about anime all over again." Kyle mumbled as he blocked a light saber blow to his head.
Soon he was forced to force pushed Galen into Sins view. The ghost grabbed his skull and did the exact same thing she did to Sabine. Infact he laid right next to Sabine's unconscious body. Everything about getting those to ghost out of their friends bodies was the same. Except the one possessing Ezra let out a louder scream.
Sin stood near the unconscious teenager, throwing fire balls ay any ghost daring to get close to them. Well, or Kyle occasionally. Which left him fighting his friend without any magic on his side.
He remembered every thing he did to take Ezra down. Kyle blocked a blow to his head. Then neck. Next was neck. After words, one to his shoulder. Soon their blade were hitting each other every other second. Then Kyle did the one thing he could think of. He waited for an opening before kicking the possessed tall blue haired boy in the shins.
"I'm warning you ghost, get out of my friend before I give ya sin." Kyle stated holding his saber at the boy's neck. His yellow eyes filled with a look of hatred. The ghost let out a high pitched laugh.
"You are truly a stupid boy. It makes me wonder why my sister ever saved you." The ghost grinned. Kyle didn't drop his blade. Yet, his eyes were opened in fear.
Was this really what his aunt was like? Maybe. Yet, that didn't seem like the was what it was dong. It seemed like the ghost was stalling. Wait a minute.
Kyle spun around to see a ghost reach out to grab him. He quickly force pushed Ezra in front of sin as the ghosts long finger nails scratched his eyes. Kyle covered his burning eyes as he let out a high pitched scream. The his body fell to the ground as the female ghost behind him only said one thing,
"I'm sorry son."
Sin quickly kicked the ghost out of Ezra's body as she raced over to Kyle. Sure enough he wasn't posed. He was still breathing too. Then there were groans behind her. Sure enough Sabine and Galen had sat up. Ezra sat up as well second later. As all three teens sat up Sin knew what happened next. Sure enough she could feel Morgana waking up.
Now Sin could finally have done what she had done for years. Keep her body. Use the girl's body as he puppet, using it to kill thousands for her family. Or kill her vessels family causing them to go insane. Or ever kill this vessel her self and move onto the next. Yet, she wasn't going to do that.
Truth be told she like this vessel a lot. She was a nice girl. Just being around her made Sin think she was with her family again. Maybe that's why she was finally ready. Ready to stop all the killing. Ready to see her family again. Ready to move on. Ready to move on to the other side.
So she let Morgana take control of her own body. She deserved it. Morgana feel to her knees. Sin watched from inside her necklace as Morgana's siblings helped her stand up. Her eyes were full of so much confused. Not Sins though. Sin was crying. Truth be told, she was scared of what came next. It was unknown after all.
"KYLE!" Morgana screamed once she got to her senses. Ezra ran over with her. He could tell Kyle was alive but, unconscious. So the three teens and two preteens ran back to the ship. Yet, Morgana stopped when she saw a familiar ghost.
"Sin what are you doing?" Morgana asked. She hadn't seen what Sin had. Sin had saw a bright white light on the opposite side of the necklace.
"Moving on." Sin sighed. Morgana's face fell quickly. Her eyes began to fill with tears. This couldn't be happening. One of her best friends was leaving her. Going somewhere where they wouldn't be able to see each other for a long time.
"You can't leave me. We've been friends for years. You also said you can't leave this necklace until I die. Sin, I'm not dead." Morgana stated looking at Sin. Sin sighed before turning around.
She didn't look like the same ghost with an awesome crazy smile, long white see through hair, colour less eyes filled with so many emotions that always wore the grey dress that covered her knees. Her grey hair was curly with it's own tiny braid in the back. As well as long grey dress that went over her knees as well as selves the covered her hands. Infact her eyes were back to being a dark blue.
"Morgana, it's because of you I can move on with my family. You helped me. You helped everyone. Everything your friends are today is because of you. Like Ezra would probably be a emo like 17 year old. Galen would probably be an inquisitor. Kanan and Hera wouldn't be married. Hell, Kyle would probably have been killed by now. So, I want you to do four things for me, okay?" Sin asked as she floated inches away from her first friend that she had forever.
"What are they?" Morgana asked.
"Don't ever think everyone would be better off without you. Cause it isn't true. Second, keep the necklace, it suits you. Thirdly, don't ever forget me cause I won't ever forget you." Sin smiled. Not the ones she used to give though. Those were so cruel. Now a days Sins smiles were full of so much joy. This was the happiest smile Morgana had ever seen Sin show.
Morgana tried to smile back but, ended up frowning before silently crying. Then she ran forward before trying to hug Sin. Her hands fazed through Sin since she was a ghost. Well, for ten seconds. Afterwords Morgana's arms seemed to wrap around an actual physical being. Sins upon realizing that she had a non broken physical form hugged her back quickly.
"I won't forget you. Ever." Morgana whispered. Sin smile got larger.
"I know. Also pleas call me Stellar, or Stella for short. It is my real name after all." Sin chuckled. Then she seemed to float through Morgana's arms.
She stood inches away from the bright light before turning around. Then smiled and waved goodbye as she looked at Morgana one last time. Morgana waved back. With that Sin walked into the light and disappeared into thin air.
"Morgana, you coming?" Sabine yelled as she quickly hid the dark saber in a pocket. Morgana whipped her eyes quickly on her sleeve.
"I'm coming!" Morgana yelled before running back to her family quickly.
~time skip~
Kyle let out a groan as he sat up. Sitting in front of him was Morgana, Ezra, Galen and Sabine. Morgana seemed to be sitting the closest to him. Their eyes grew large as they saw his.
"What happened?" Kyle asked. That was when Ezra started laughing. Galen joined him. Meanwhile Sabine had ran out of the room to go grab Hera cause his eyes weren't supposed to look like that.
"Why we you laughing?!" Kyle asked. Morgana grabbed onto the sides of his face as she looked deeply into her best friend's eyes. Kyle began blushing.
"Your eyes." Morgana mumbled.
"What's wrong with them?!" Kyle asked starting to get worried.
"They're pink." Morgana smiled. His normal yellow cat like eyes had turned into the large, bright pink eyes he was born with. The eyes he used to have before his training began. The eyes his mother had returned to him.
Boom! Done! I must say even though I had the ending to Sin's story from the beginning and almost changed it six times but, I'm just glad that I continued on the redemption kind of thing. Even though it does make my heart hurt a bit that she won't be in the all the chapters of the book anymore, that doesn't mean she won't be in the final chapter.
Anywho I was wondering on your guys opinion on adding a character. I originally planned to revive four Star Wars video game characters in this book. So far I got Juno and Galen in the book. Yet, I have one thing to ask you guys cash I wanted to add my own twist.
How would you feel about reading about a transgender Inquisitor? If you want in the book leave a comment telling me what you think but, try not to be to harsh in the comments. This is only and idea I had.
Any who is you don't excuse me there's a certain anime guy I have to find out what happened to in the third season of Voltron.

"Stellar!" Lilac yelled this as she ran at her sister. Stellar quickly wrapped her arms around her little sister tightly. Then her other siblings raced forward and hugged her even tighter.
"I missed you all so much." Stellar smiled looking at her family. Finally, she had did it. She was home. She was finally with her family again. Which was good.
Sin was finally home.

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