It's ma birthday!!

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Yay! It's April 7th. It's my birthday! Yay! So it'll take a while to write the Malacore thing so here's a chapter about everyone's birthday to keep you happy for a while while waiting.
Zeb's birthday...
Zeb drug his feet threw the dark empty hall way. He stretched his arms. Wait a second. Where was everyone? Just then the door opened revealing a room decorated with streamers and balloons everywhere. On the table was a large purple cake. Next to it were about five presents.
"Surprise! Happy birthday Zeb!"The kids yelled at the same time. All Zeb could do was smile. Soon he found out what everyone got him. Gaylin had got him some new books about the history of his people. Ezra had got him a sleep mask which was purple. Sabine had painted him a picture of Lasat. Morgana had got him a cook book stating that 'now she didn't have to cook when Hera was gone all the time'. Kyle on the other hand wouldn't let anyone see the gift he bought Zeb. Why? Probably because it was embarrassing. With that they began to dig into the cake.
"You know Hera's going to kill you when she and Kanan come back home from the mission if this isn't cleaned up." Zeb stated. Morgana stood up with a smile on her face. She pulled up her arm revealing a button on her silver bracelet.
"Let them try to catch me on the ceiling!" Morgana stated pressing the button. To everyone's amazement as she hangs upside down from the ceiling. Sabine's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
"You finally got it to work?" Sabine asked. After a year of working she had got them to work without her help?
"I told you I perfected them yesterday. Bet you wish you listened to me now."Morgana smiled at Sabine. All of a sudden the shoes began to beep and the button began to glow red.
"Wh-"Ezra was cut off by Morgana falling from the ceiling. Kyle made a mad dash catching he run his arms when she was only a couple inches away from hitting the floor. His face turned red as he began to realize that he was holding the girl he liked in his arms.  Morgana smiled getting up.
"Nice catch." Morgana stated. Kyle just stood there froze in time. That was when Zeb decided to take this opportunity to see what Kyle got him. Quickly he grabbed the box his gift was in. After a couple moments of unwrapping Zeb held up what appeared to be a metal flat item with cylinders that was about the size of a cereal box. Everyone looked at the thing confused (except for Kyle. He was still frozen). What was that? Zeb looked shocked. He pressed a dark black button on the top of the box. The item unfolded to reveal another bo-rifle that looked a lot like Zeb's.
"Where'd you get this?" Zeb asked. Kyle stood completely frozen still. Morgana sighed and snapped her fingers in his face. The thirteen year old boy jumped a bit. He looked around a little panicked. Soon his eyes fell on the bo-rifle.
"Oh. Well I sorta kinda made it a while back." Kyle stated.
"By your self?" Zeb asked.
"Yes. It was supposed to be a surprise." Kyle mumbled. Morgana looked offended.
"You made one of those without me?" Morgana stated looking at him. Kyle nodded. Zeb deserved it. After everything that happened to his people while Kyle was still an inquisitor he deserved it. It was worth all the sleepless nights and electric shocks just to see his new friend smile. He wouldn't ever admit that though. Otherwise the others would know he's kinda soft.
"Thanks kid." Zeb smiled.
"Don't mention it." Kyle stated.
Sabine's birthday....
A month later Sabine had just come back from a supply run. She was a little bit offended that no one remembered what it was her birthday. It was okay though. Her mother use to forget all the time. Even though she always excepted it Sabine was always proven wrong. Except this year. They had just joined the Rebellion three months ago and gone to Ahsoka's wedding last Friday. With a sigh she headed to the kitchen area to discover everyone sitting at the table which was covered in presents and had a large multi coloured cake on it. She could help but smile.
Hera and Kanan had gotten her some new canvases. Meanwhile Zeb had bought her a new kind of pink paint. Ezra and Gaylin had put their money together to buy her a whole paint set with over 150 different colours of spray paint. Rex and Ahsoka had bought her three sketch books. Now when it was their turn to give her their gift Morgana and Kyle handed her three bombs. Sabine turned her head to the side.
"You bought me explosives?" She asked. The two of them shook their heads no with excitement. Kyle pointed to the red button in the top of the bomb.
"It doesn't blow up. Press it." Kyle stated. Sabine shrugged and pressed the button on one of the bombs. An explosion of gold glitter came out of it. The glitter had covered her pants and face.
"AWESOME!" Sabine smiled picking up the rest of the glitter bombs. She had the largest smile spread across her face. Before hand she didn't see the couldn't see the name of the colours was written in the bombs.
"We have got to make a pink one." Sabine smiled.
"Heck yeah!" Morgana and Kyle stated. Hera sighed. This was going to take a while to clean up.
Gaylin's birthday...
It had been a week since he had saw lord Vader again. Just thinking about him made Gaylin's skin crawl. That man was to evil to even think about without feeling nervous. Since it had only been a week it wasn't a big deal that the others forgot his birthday. He didn't want to celebrate it any way. The others knew this. For once he was thankful that they forgot something. Then there was a knock on Gaylin's bedroom door. He yawned as he marched out of bed to the door.
"What is it?" Gaylin yawned looking around. No one was there. He was just about to go back to his nap when he saw the gifts on the floor from the others. The first one he picked up read 'I don't care. You're getting a gift this year. From, Morgana.'. Inside was a stick. Yet there was a button on it. Next to it was blue prints. Apparently this was supposed to spit out fire balls. It probably didn't work but, he was kinda glad just to have it. Rex had given him was a jacket with the republic's symbol on it. The jacket appeared to be a couple years old. Hera had bought him socks. Yup. He should have expected that. Meanwhile Ahsoka had given him a new gun with a note that said 'don't tell Hera.'. Ezra had given him a box of cookies. Kanan on the other hand had given him a book on Jedi history. Sabine had given him his father's old guard helmet with a new coating of paint making it look brand new.
As Gaylin packed away his gifts there was a knock on the door again. This time Kyle as there.
"What do you want?" Gaylin asked. Kyle shoved something into his arms and ran down the hallway.
"DON'T SAY I NEVER GAVE YOU ANYTHING!" Kyle screamed running away. In Gaylin's arms was his dad's old lightsaber. He chuckled a bit walking back into his room. That kid must not have known how gifts work. His finger slipped pressing the one button. The busted old lightsaber turned on revealing it's mighty double blades. He fixed it? Kyle fixed the lightsaber? How? It didn't matter. All that mattered is that it worked. He turned the blade off.
"Thanks." Gaylin smiled putting the blade up.
Sins birthday..
"Ugh. What do you want now?" Sin whined looking at Morgana who was holding onto her Opal necklace. Morgana smiled.
"I know I can't give you anything but, I just wanted to say happy birthday." Morgana stated. Sin froze. Was she serious? She did this all just to show she remembered her birthday. The ghost crossed her arms.
"You aren't supposed to call me unless it's an emergency." Sin sighed.
"Oh come on. Aren't you happy I remembered?" Morgana asked.
"Aren't you happy I remembered?" Lilac asked with a smile handing her sister and Opal necklace. She took the necklace to study it for a moment. After she was done she quickly placed it around her neck. Sin messed with her thirteen year old sister's short white hair.
"I'm just happy you can remember something for once." The sixteen year old joked.
"Hey!" Lilac whined as Sin grabbed her sister's necklace.
"If you want it your going to have to chase me for it!" Sin smiled running off. Their older sister Daisy watched inside their home with their ten year old brother while laughing.
"Stellar!"Lilac began to chase her sister as fast as she could.
Sin shook her head. She didn't want to remember who she use to be or what happened to her family. It just made her weak. That's all emotions did. They made you weak. If it wasn't for them her soul wouldn't have been stuck to this thing. Her gaze fell on Morgana. God, this kid reminded her of her younger sister.
"Okay fine slime ball. Thanks. Can I go back now?" Sin asked. Morgana smiled. As she nodded her head yes Sin went back to where she always goes afterwards.
"Happy 116th birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. I wish I was with my family. Happy birthday to me." Sin sang as she began to play with her hair.
Morgana's Birthday...
It was the end of the day. Morgana had received so many gifts and birthday wishes. She had just finished her cake so, she and Sabine was headed to back to their bedroom. The second she got to her room she was surprised to see Kyle laying on her bed.
"What are you doing here?" She asked. Kyle held up a DVD book. It was the second season of Fairytale.
"Happy birthday." Kyle smiled as Morgana grabbed the disc. He sighed.
"We're watching now aren't we?" Kyle asked. The girl's nodded. All Kyle did was smile and watch the show with the girls. He didn't notice that Sabine was staring at him and Morgana as they sat next to each other with a grin on her face.
"I ship it." She thought before directing her attention back to the show.
Ezra's birthday...
Ezra sat on a rock with his arms wrapped around his knees. For his birthday he didn't just get older. Nope. He just found out his parents had died. Happy 16th birthday, your parents are dead.
"What great gift." He thought sarcastically.Tears began to roll down his cheeks. A large pair of arms wrapped around him.
"I know it's not much but, I left your gift on the ship. So I thought a hug would do you some good." Gaylin smiled. Erza wrapped his arms around his brother and sobbed into his chest. Gaylin patted his back.
"It's okay. Let it out." He stated to his little brother.
"Let it out."
Kyle's birthday....
No one gave him anything all day. No one knew it was his birthday. Except Morgana, who was on a mission. The day was almost over when Ahsoka called him into the kitchen revealing a single cupcake and a entire counter covered in baking items.
"Happy birthday!" Ahsoka smiled. Kyle laughed looking at the mess. Ahsoka sighed.
"I know it's a mess but, hey at least I didn't burn the house down." Ahsoka stated.
"It's amazing." Kyle smiled. She handed him the cupcake. With a large smile Kyle blew out the candle on top of it. Within second the two of them were sitting at the table watching Kyle open a gift that was clearly an book.
"Stop kicking me." Ahsoka whispered.
"I'm not kicking you." Kyle stated confusingly. Ahsoka just giggled.
"Sorry. I was just talking to the baby." She smiled.
"Oh. Don't you mean Kyle junior?" He asked.
"No. We're not naming it Kyle junior."
"How's Daisy sound?"
"How about fluffy cakes?"
"My baby's not a hamster."
(So I realized I forgot to add this part so, I added it. It's a little more sad then what I'm usually right so, get ready for the feels that may come back later in the book)
Meanwhile somewhere on an imperial ship
Kyle's old bedroom door opened revealing the messy room that had been abandoned for so long. Well almost for so long. Agent Kallus had tried to clean up the mess with Kathy two months ago but, he couldn't do it. He couldn't throw out what he had left of Kyle. It was all he had left of the boy he had wanted to adopt for so long. So very long.
Amelie trudged over to Kyle's old bed. She sat down on it and watched as the door closed ever so slowly. Then a shaky breath escaped her mouth. Soon another came out. Followed by tears welding up in her eyes. Every year on her birthday Kyle used to sneak in her room or call her first thing in the morning. He sang happy birthday to her so many times that she memorized everything he would usually say. It was the one thing that made her birthday more special. As a thank idea, every year on his birthday she'd wake him up first thing in the morning and sing it to him. He use to love it. She reached over onto the side table, picking up his first helmet. Her eyes looked directly where into the helmet seemingly. With another shaky breath she began singing happy birthday like she always did on his birthday.
"Happy birthday to you. *sniff* Happy birthday to you. *sniff* Happy birthday little brother. H-" She didn't even finish the song before full on sobbing. Her arms wrapped the helmet. Hugging it. Yet, she didn't think of it like that. She thought of it more like she was hugging her brother one last time. One more time before letting go. Before trying to move on.
Okay that's it. Now to finish the day I'm including a happy vocaloid song. Why? Cause it's ma birthday. Plus there's also no reason I can't.

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