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Today's mission was supposed to be a normal op. Just steal some weapons and sell um to vizago. That is until they returned to the ghost no just with the weapons but, two droids. Morgana loved droids so this was the best thing possible for her. Everyone else not so much.
"Morgana get a couple restraining bolts on these two." Kanan stated heading to the ladder. Yet Morgana was to distracted talking to the droid.
"Morgana. Hello. Earth to Morgana." Ezra said walking up to his sister. She looked up.
"What?" She asked.
"Did you hear what Kanan just said?" He asked.
"Yes! Of course I did." She smiled.
"Okay then. So what did he tell you to do?" Ezra smirked.
"Ummm. Make sure we have all six crates?"
"Call Vizago and tell him we got the crates."
"No, that's what he just left to do."
"Find out what we can from the droids."
"No. We already know their imperial."
"No their not."
"Look M, we found them working with the empire."
"Well that makes no sense. Ones an R2 unit definitionally from the clone wars. Same with the c3 unit I think. Plus R2 mentioned that they weren't working with the empire. Maybe we could return them to their master."
"I like the optimism but, just get some restraining bolts on them or Kanan's gonna kill you."
"Well about that. Umm we maybe be out of restraining bolts."
"Morgana. What did you do with the restraining bolts? Gaylin asked.
"I may or may not have used them to make magnetic shoes to allow me to walk on the ceiling of he ship." She said innocently.
"What the hell M. That was a horrible idea." Gaylin sighed. The blue R2D2 unit beeped a couple times.
"Well R2 thought it was brilliant." She smiled.
"Hera and Kanan are going to kill you." Sabine piped up.
"Let them try catching me on the ceiling in a hour when this mission is over!"
~time skip~
The crew had just dropped off the weapon and talking with Vizago when a walker dropped from the sky. Or at least that's what it looked like to Morgana and R2.
"You were followed!" Vizago yelled.
"That's not possible." Hera exclaimed.
"Tell that to the empire." He said sitting on his transport ship. That's when he left.
"Are we gonna leave?" Gaylin asked.
"No. We're not letting them get these weapons back." Kanan stated. Sabine nodded and went to grab the t-seven ion disrupters.
"No wait." Morgana grabbed onto one of the weapons. "Sabine aren't these able to blow up if you rewire them right?"
"Yeah. We could use them to blow up those walkers up with them." Sabine smiled. The two girls began to re wire one of the weapons. That is until one had that hadn't been rewired had fallen right into the line of the troopers fire. R2 quickly picked it up and wheeled it over to them.
"R2 what do you think your doing?" C3 asked. The R2 droid began to beep.
"Joining the crew?" C3 was shocked. "Why?" The droid beeped again.
"You made a friend?"
"My sister has that effect on people and droids." Gaylin smiled continuing to shoot at the troopers.
~time skip~
Kanan had gone to drop the droids back off at their home with their master. Everyone else was busy except for Ezra who had just walked into the kitchen to find his sister trying to find any Oreos she could. He sat down at the holo table.
"Hey M do you wanna play a game?" Ezra smirked.
"No. You always cheat." Morgana stated as she kept searching for the Oreos.
"Hey M." Ezra frowned.
"Did you know about the connection between Zeb and those weapons."
Morgana stopped what she was doing for a single second.
"Why do you ask that?" She said turning around.
"You seem really close to him. I thought maybe he would have told you." Ezra frowned.
"Shouldn't you know. You did save him from that agent."
"Hera told me."
"I knew about what the weapons. That's why I wanted them to be blown up and not to keep them. Don't tell him though."
"Ez look. Would you like it if you found out that Kanan did something on a mission to help you even though it almost got them killed."
".....Pretty bad since everyone almost died from me."
"Don't say a word in that case then."
"I won't. Did you find the Oreos yet?"
"Nope but, I'm going to keep looking."
Ezra snickered and left the room. She still had no idea Ezra had hid them all in his room.

Force siblings (complete ✔️)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें