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One year later
An eight year old Morgana sat down in the front seat of the phantom and looked out the window. Everyone was asleep except for her seeing as it was midnight. Why was she up?She had a weird dream with woman made out of green mist trying to grab her. When they almost did, she woke up. She didn't want to wake anyone up so she came here. It was the place she went whenever she had a bad dream or anything making her feel un easy. It was her safe place. Her large purple eyes reflected the beautiful star perfectly. After days of watching Kanan and her brothers train, Zeb and Chopper fight and Hera talking to this fulcrum person it was nice just to look at the stars one last time before another mission. That's what always happened when they finally got a look at the stars. She looked down at the star birthmark hidden on her wrist. Gaylin always says she was like a star for many reasons. Her birthmark was one of them. Just then a hologram turned on.
"This is fulcrum." A voice piped up.
"AHHH!" Morgana screamed almost falling of the chair.
"Oh my gosh are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you." The voice stated.
"Nah, I'm fine." She said trying to calm herself down. "You must be Hera's contact, right?"
"Yes. Can I ask where she is?"
"In bed. I'll get her for you miss."
"What makes you think I'm a woman?" Fulcrum asked quickly.
"I don't know. Maybe it's because you don't have the voice hiding thing on and you sound like a woman."
"Damn it." The woman's voice mumbled.
"Language. And in front of an innocent child no less." Morgana joked.
"Hahaha. Very funny. Now how do you turn it back on?"
"You have to turn put in the voice coder chip."
"Really? How would you know that?"
"Easy. I have way to much free time on my hands and I also have a very large fascination of holo messages and how we can improve them in the future."
"So basically you're an inventor?"
"Yeah, basically. Don't tell Hera though. I'm not supposed to experiment on the ship anymore."
"I almost blew up the ship last time."
"Really. You know when I was your age all I did was obsessed with candy."
"My brother was, not me."
Fulcrum began to mess with the panel thing they were talking into.
"Did it work?"
"Yup. I'll go get Hera. Bye miss fulcrum."
"Bye kid."
"I'm Morgana."
"Well nice to meet you, Bye."
"Bye miss fulcrum."
With that Morgana left the phantom to wake up Hera while fulcrum waited patiently to tell Hera about some empiral defectors that had been caught and executed that lived on Lothal. They need to get this information about these defectors gave their lives for. Why? Well it mentioned a new weapon that would be manufactured on Lothal over the next weeks. Their new mission? Find and destroy not just the weapons but, it's plans. The inter galaxy depended on it.

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