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"Kanan dear, why is everyone laying on the ground?" Hera asked looking at the teens laying on the ground. They all just casually glanced her way. All of them could see inches away from them during this sunset was the ship behind her and the look of confusion on her face. Then they turned their heads back so that they were looking back up at the sky.
"Well, Sabine got tired a few minutes ago. So she sat down. I have no idea why the others are here." Kanan sighed as he wrapped his wife's large hips. His head was inches above hers. It was a pretty cute scene. It was a shame Galen was missing it.
"Okay, kids why are you on the ground?" Hera asked as she escaped her husband grip. A tiny smirk was on her face when she glanced back at his expression. Then she looked at the kid closest to her. Which happened to be Sabine.
"Reasons." Sabine sighed. Laying on the ground to her right was Arcann, Kyle, Morgana, Galen, Ezra and finally, Thexan. They all looked like they were questioning life. In a way. Except for Galen. He looked like he was asleep.
"And those would be?" Hera asked as she stood inches away from them all.
"I'm just wondering what my old family would say if they saw me today. Would they be proud? Would they still disown me? Am I even a Wren anymore?" Sabine questioned looking up at the few clouds in the sky. They were a mixture between blue, white with a bit of purple. It was amazing.
"If they don't we could alway murder them." Morgana stated as she put her arms behind her head. Kyle glanced at his friend with a stint smirk on his face for a second. Then something hit him again and he was back to what he was doing before. Looking up at the sky while questioning life.
"I'd kinda like that." Sabine smiled.
"Kyle, why are you here?" Hera asked.
Kyle turned his head and glanced up at the women. He kinda looked like he was prepared for death for a minute. Then to Kanan. He opened his mouth to speak before turning his head to towards the sky. After a few seconds he decided to speak.
"I'm a 14 year old lip virgin which means I'm gonna die alone." Kyle sighed. None of the teens even glanced at him. They just continued what they were doing. Hera felt her face heat up the same time Kanan's did. What the hell did that mean?
"Now when you say lip virgin you mean what exactly?" Kanan asked.
"I've had two girlfriends in my entire life and I've never been kissed on the lips. That's what it means." Kyle stated looking lost.
"Kyle when I was your age I never got kissed like that until I meet Hera. I'm sure Hera will tell you the same thing." Kanan sighed as he looked at Hera. She was still blushing while messing around with her hands.
"Well, actually, about that...." Hera looked a little nervous.
"What? How many guys have you kissed before me?" Kanan asked. He looked so confused. Like he had just been told that something he thought was really his whole life was fake.
"A few ex-boyfriends." Hera admitted.
"How many?"
"How many men kissed you before me Hera?"
"Well, I'm sorry that I had such a tasted in men that I had 20 boyfriend in my life and I kissed so many before I meet you." Hera complained.
"I expected you dated like seven guys before me! Not 20! And I thought you said I was a great kisser!" Kanan sounded so offended.
"You are. You're the best kisser I've ever had the pleasure of kissing for so long. If you want you c-"
"I do hate to cut you off but, we're just teens. I don't wanna hear what you two used to do and probably still do while we're gone." Morgana stated looking up at her opted parents. She looked a little traumatized.
"Yeah. It's kinda weird hearing it from you two." Sabine added.
  "It's like really awkward." Thexan added. Meanwhile his brother had his finger in his ears while preying they were done talking about what they were gonna do later.
"Pretty much. Oh and Kyle don't worry about the not kissing on the lips thing, Morgana's had two girlfriends and probably one boyfriend who haven't kissed her before either." Ezra added.
"Oh says the single Pringle!" Morgana snapped sitting up glaring at him.
"Kids, stop fighting!" Hera snapped. Morgana sighed before plopping back down on the ground again.
"Now would someone else like to tell us why the rest of you are one the ground?" Hera asked.
"Since Zeb left on a mission and no one else has anything for me to do, I decided to come here and watch the training. Soon the next thing I knew everyone was on the floor. So, I just layer here while thinking about things." Thexan admitted.
"What kind of things?" Ezra asked.
"Memes. Lots of memes and music."
"What are memes?"
"Ezra I keeping playing the same song in m head head over and over again."
"Which is?"
"Never gonna give you up. It's a pretty addictive song."
"I know. I play it all the time to annoying Galen. He hates it. I once played it so much that he began humming it on a mission. Then after realizing what he was humming, he tried to beat the sh- I mean crap outta me." Ezra smirked.
Soon silence fell over the teens again. This just left Hera and Kanan looking at the teens again. They just all were looking at the sky. Then Arcann glanced at Hear and tried t explain himself.
"As for me, I'm just wondering why I don't have a girlfriend. Or boyfriend. Like I will date anyone. Like anyone alive." Arcann sighed
"Really? Like even a talking rock?" Morgana asked.
"I'll literally take anything I can get." Aracann sighs again.
Hera had just noticed Galen was asleep. So had Kanan. They had thought that he just didn't wanna talk. Nope. Instead he was napping on the ground, peacefully. Well it looked like he was napping. It was either that or something else.
"Okay why are Ezra and Morgana on the floor then?" Hera asked. The two adopted siblings looked at each other for a minute. Morgana kept glaring at Ezra. Finally he sighed and rolled his eyes before looking at Hera.
"Galen hasn't been sleeping much this week. Every time he does I can sometimes hear him screaming in his sleep or just mumbling things. So today he passed out from his lack of sleep. I checked on him to make sure he was alright." Ezra explained. "So I just laid down here with Morgana so that everyone thought we were hanging out."
"So, when he waked up we're not say anything about him. Well except you two. Your the adults. You know what to do in a situation like this. Right?" Morgana asked.
"Yeah, we do. So why do you guys head in the ship for dinner. Fen Row (don't know if I spelt that right) is currently in there all alone with Chopper and a lot of food." Hera explained. She smiled at the kids.
"Not until Galen wakes up." Morgana and Ezra said at the same time. The rest of the teens just nodded in agreement. Except for Galen.
As if he had heard them, he had woken up. A tiny yawn escaped his mouth as he sat up. A large smile was on his face for a second as his arms stretched in the air.
"Hey guys. What did I miss? (Virginia my home sweet home I'm gonna give you a kiss. God I'm a Hamiltion dweeb.)" Galen asked as he sat up.
"You all almost missed dinner. Now go eat before I have to drag you all. Which will take longer to do then having my the baby." Hera smirked. With a smile all of the teens raced into the ghost with Kanan on their heels. Expect for Hera and Galen. She had held him back for a second.
"Galen sweetie, is everything okay? Are those dreams about that night coming back again?" Hera asked. Galen felt his eyes bulged out of his head. Was it that obvious?
Galen didn't wanna think about that night. Yet, he used to daily and nightly. He had gotten a lot better about not thinking about it for years but, a few weeks ago, he saw him. Galen saw the man who did that and everything began coming back. The night terrors. The panic attacks. The constant fear that it was going to happen again.
"I'm fine." Galen fake smiled at the Twi'lek women who was a few inches shorter than him. Hera just looked at him for a second.
"Galen, I've raised you for over nine years now. I know when you're lying." Hera sighed as she put her hands on her large hips. Galen felt tears fill the corners of his eyes. He quickly tried to whip them away before Hera saw it. Yet, he failed. She pulled him into a high. He quickly hugged her back while trying to be careful of her large stomach.
"I-I saw him Hera. H-he looked right a-at me and smile. How does that?" Galen asked.
"It's okay Galen. He's never touching you again." Hera whispered in his ear. Galen tried to smile a bit before breaking down in her arms. Hera tried to rub circles on his back to try to calm him down. He soon became a crying mess all while hugging the one person who he knew he could trust with anything in the world.
His mother

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