Baby talk

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Kyle was completely silent. He was sitting in the ghost in the kitchen area next to Morgana. The other Jedi minus Ahsoka had gone in search of Ezra's parents who were rumoured to be on Lothal. They had just escaped the empire and now were just waiting around. This probably would have been the time to tell someone about his secret. Yet, there were almost to many people in the room every time he went to mention it. So he just stayed quiet.
"I know why you're not talking." Morgana sighed looking directly into his eyes. Just have their eye meet made his heart beat faster. Hopefully he wasn't blushing this time. Not like anyone other than he noticed when he blushed.
"Ashoka wouldn't let you go on that mission." She stated. Kyle looked down at his feet. That's not why he was mad. He was mad because she shouldn't be going on missions alone anymore. Not after-
"You know she does care for you. Just because she didn't let you go on the mission doesn't mean she doesn't like you."
"It's not that." Kyle stated looking away from her. When ever he looked at her, she always found a way to get him to spill what ever was wrong with him.
"Then could you tell me why you're mad?"
"I'm not mad."
"Yes you are."
"Am n-"
"Kyle look at me!" Morgana stated grabbing the side of his face making him face her. He looked into her beautiful purple eyes. Her long brown hair was in a perfect braid that was pulled to the left side of her head. His heart beat so fast it felt like it was gonna explode. Is this what people felt like before having a heart attack?
"Then tell me please." She asked.
"You wouldn't understand." He said looking away.
"Then tell me." Her voice begged.
"I would but, I can't." He stated without looking at her. If his eyes even glanced over at her he would be guilt tripped into telling her everything.
"Why not? Aren't I your friend?" She asked.
"You are. It's just Ashoka-" He looked at her in horror.
"Oh. If it's a grey Jedi thing I don't need to know." She smiled. Yet, not a smile of happiness. One of a look of longing. The look she always had on her face when her brothers talked about their training. As if she longed to be a Jedi like everyone else.
"It's not a Jedi thing." Kyle sighed mentality slapping himself.
"Then what is it?"
"Promises not to tell anyone."
"M please."
"If you don't want to tell me that's fine." Morgana stated getting up. She began to walk towards the exit.
"No M, don't go." Kyle begged getting up behind her. The girl just sighed. She turned around to face him.
"If you want to keep secrets that's fine. Everyone else here does too. You can be like the others and not tell me a thing. In the mean time I'm going to go help Hera c-"Morgana turned to leave again.
"AHSOKA'S PREGNANT!" Kyle stated loudly before she left. He quickly covered his mouth. Oh he was so dead when Ahsoka came back home. Morgana just was staring at him looking completely shocked. They stood there for a couple seconds.
"Does Rex know?" Morgana asked.
"Do you really think Rex would let his wife and unborn child go on dangerous deadly missions?" Kyle stated.
"It's Ahsoka. Does he have a choice?" Morgana smiled. The two laughed a bit before Kyle answered her.
"Yeah. He knows. Every so often she sneaks out and ends up dragging me on missions with her. Rex nearly has a heart attack when she comes back with so much as a paper cut on her finger." Kyle sighed.
"So are we gonna tell the others?" Morgana asked.
"It's her choice. I can tell one person as long as they don't tell the others. I think."
"Well thanks for telling me than."
"Do you think Ahsoka would want to kill me, now?" Kyle asked. Morgana chuckled a bit. Her checks began to turn a bright pink.
"Oh what?"
"If Sabine can keep her mouth shut."
Morgana opened the door behind her. Sabine fell face first on the floor. She quickly sat up looking as embarrassed as ever. Morgana smiled and crossed her arms.
"Okay before you started, I thought you two were talking about something else." Sabine stated quickly.
"And what would that be?" Morgana asked.
"Cause I ship you and Kyle."Sabine thought.
"Well. We're waiting." Morgana stated.
"Ahhhhhhh.... a possible base. Yeah. A possible base." Sabine lied with a smiled.

Force siblings (complete ✔️)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora