Cookie adventure

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Gaylin's POV
I woke up with Ezra hugging me. Very carefully I sat up. That was a weird dream. I wonder why that blue box was. All of a sudden Ezra woke up. He looked terrified.
"Ezra what's wrong?" I asked.
"I had a weird dream." He stated.
"Did it have a blue bow in it with gold corners?" I asked. His eyes grew in size.
"How did you know?" He asked.
"I had the same dream."
"Then what do you think it means?"
"Nothing good. That's for sure."
"Could you guys even try to whisper?" Morgana asked. She got out of her bunk and was now giving us a death glare.
"We're sorry. Now go back to bed." I stated.
"I can't go to bed now. There's a certain aroma in the air." She stated with a smirk. Ezra glared at me.
"Did Gaylin fart in his sleep again?" He asked. My face went red.
"No. It's the aroma of adventure!!" She said. I sighed.
"No more adventures Morgana. During the last one Ezra almost got killed by a Loathcat." I whispered back.
"But Gaylin I want to go on an adventure." Morgana whined.
"So do I!" Ezra piped up. They tried to do puppy eyes to beg. It was horrible. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Fine. If you two never do that again, we can go explore the ship." I laughing. With that we left opened the door and left. Hopefully we didn't get into to much trouble before tomorrow.
Zeb's POV
I woke up to the sound of kids laughing. Karabast. Those little midgets must have left their room. What ever. Hera can deal with them. In the meantime I'll just get some more beauty rest. Wait a second. Where's my borifle? Oh please don't tell me I left it in the kitchen. Within seconds I was in the kitchen. Sure enough my bo-rifle was there. The two boys were looking at it curiously.
"What do you think it is?" The blue haired boy asked.
"I don't know but, I don't think we should be even near it." The other boy stated.
"Gaylin stop being such a drag and help me turn it on."
"Ezra I really don't think we should touch it." Ezra reached out to touch it.
"HEY!" I screamed. The two boys turned around. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" They looked at each other.
"Scatter!" Ezra screamed. With that the boys ran off. I don't know where to nor do I care. Just as I sat down one of the cabinets began to talk.
"Guys I found the cookies!" A little girl's voice piped up. It was completely silent for a couple moments.
"Guys? Did you leave me again?..............Yes? Well the I get all the cookies!" She said delightfully. Wait a second. We had cookies on the ship?
"Agh. I was tricked. Their health cookies. What kind of evil person makes cookies out of broccoli!" I couldn't help but laugh.
"Is someone else here?" She asked.
"Just me." I stated.
"Who's you?"
"I'm Zeb."
"The purple man thing?"
"Do you want so cookies? There kinda bad but there nice and healthy. You know the stuff adults like."
"Nah I'm good."
"Do you guys have Oreos?"
"No, I don't think so."
"What? You people are insane. I mean who buys health cookies?"
"Hera. If it was up to me I'd have cabinets full of Oreos."
"Do you at least have ice cream?"
"I think so."
"Okay then can I ask you one more quick question?"
"Yes, you can."
"How do you get out of the cabinets?"

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