Tale of two holocrons

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Kanan ran back into Commander Sato's ship. The rescue mission ended with Amelie and him finding a rebel soldier dying on the floor. He mentioned something about a red blade.
"Calling the ghost now." One of the rebel pilots stated. Gaylin and Ezra walked up behind Kanan. They hadn't seen the man dying. All they knew was that Kanan had dragged them all back to the ship with Amelie. Who had just entered the room the second Her appeared on the screen.
"Hera we think an inquisitor his hunting us again. They know where the ship is. Get everyone out of there." Kanan told her. Hera looked at her fiancé with a look of terror.
"Kanan, it's not an inquisitor." She stated looking down. Everyone jumped as she was pushed out of the way by Maul who had Morgana in his other arm. Unlike Hera, Morgana seemed completely well, emotion less. Almost as if she wasn't going to give him anything but, death glares.
"Hello master Jedi." Maul smiled. Everyone was speechless for a moment.
"What do you want?" Ezra asked. Maul seemed a bit more happy that someone finally asked.
"I want the Jedi and Sith holocrons and you." Maul stated as if it was nothing.
"We don't have the sith one. So no., Gaylin stated.
"How unfortunate. If that's true," Maul held Morgana higher in the air and held his blade to her throat. You could hear Kyle scream his best friends name in terror.
"Your friends have no future."
"We have it!" Amelie stated quickly knowing what would happen next. Everyone including Maul looked at her. Oh shit. Ezra was going to kill her. She promised she wouldn't say a word about it.
"I will need both by six at this exact place or else your friend side." Mauls stated before turning it off. Kanan just looked at her with his good eye which wasn't covered by a bandage. She began sweating like crazy as he lead them into the a extra ship since she lost the phantom. The second they were alone he asked it.
"You took the holocron didn't you?"
"Maybe." Amelie lied rubbing the back of her neck. Her short brown hair was behind her claws as the others called it. Kanan sighed while face palming. Gaylin on the other hand just sighed while Ezra looked guilty at the floor.
"Where is it?" Gaylin asked. Okay, so here's the thing. She may or may not have lost it while helping Ezra get info out of it Tuesday. Yet, she wasn't going to tell the others that. If she did then definitely they'd be mad at her. Especially Ezra. Amelie opened her mouth to say something when Ezra dug it out of his pocket showing his family. Kanan looked at Ezra in shock. Ezra could feel the sweat pouring out of his new, shorter hair cut.
"Before you say anything I took it but, she was the only one who could open it. Plus she hasn't let me open it alone so I took it two days ago. Only to know if I could even get enough courage to open it." Ezra stated quickly. Everyone was shocked and sat in silence for a moment. Amelie sat there for a moment playing with the golden star bird necklace Sabine had bought her a while back. Okay, last week since she started to trust her then. Which by the way was when she gave up wearing black for good. Instead she wore a magenta shirt daily with black pants and a brown sleeveless jacket. Kyle said it made her look amazing as well as the others would trust her as much as Kanan, Morgan and Sabine did in no time.
"I-Is your Jedi holocron on the ship with the others?" Gaylin stuttered of a moment.
"Where else would it be?" Kanan stated as if he was trying to cheer them up. Yet, as you could tell it didn't work. Instead it made everyone more nervous.
~time skip~
The droids held the gun to the back of the crew heads. Kyle felt tears burn in his eyes. Even though he was ready, that didn't mean he was okay with it. Everyone just lowered their heads. Oh god. He wasn't ready to go. There was many things he wanted to do. He wanted to meet Rex and Ahsoka's kid. He wanted to see Amelie get a boyfriend or something. Her wanted to tell Morgana he loved her with all the fibre of his being. Yet, once he opened his mouth only a bit of a sob came out. Quickly he shut it. The droids began grumbling to each other. Then you could hear them loud their guns. Just as they did Kyle felt someone's hand into his. His eyes flew to the left.
"Friends for ever even during death, right?" Morgana smiled. Yet, you could see tear weld up in her large purple eyes. It was obvious she didn't want to die. Or at least she didn't want to die alone. Everyone else was on Kyle's left but, she was on his left all alone. As far as she knew she may die alone without anyone to hold her hand when she was scared the most. Maybe she may have even known how scared he was and was trying to calm him down. That Kyle never would ever know. He gripped Morgana's hand tightly.
"Yeah. As long as I'm with you there's no reason to be scared, right?" Kyle grinned.
"Yeah. Let's do this like how we do everything. Together." She grinned. Lord. Kyle wanted to at least kiss her or tell her how he felt once. His heart was beating a thousand beats a minute. He was terrified. Almost as much as Morgana's was. At least they'd die together as best friends. The guns were pointed at the back of their heads. Morgana was holding back sobs just like Kyle was doing.
Then the droids were cut in half by Kanan and Amelie. The second the droids were down Amelie pulled her little brother into a hug. While he was still holding Morgana's hand. Kanan hugged Hera tightly as she whispered something in his ear making him grin. Then surprisingly Morgana was pulled into a hug by none other than Zeb and Sabine.
"You okay kid?" Zeb asked. Morgana nodded her head yes. They slowly all began to calm down before they realized both Gaylin and Ezra were gone.
"Where are the boy's?" Sabine asked looking around. Kanan looked at them with a look of fear.
"With Maul." He answered.
~time skip~
"EZRA OPEN YOUR EYES! DAMN IT! BROTHER OPEN YOUR EYES! I SAID OPEN YOUR DAMN STUPID EYES!" Morgana screamed at her brother while shaking him. The broken holocrons lay next to her. Maul had used her brother and opened them. Gaylin reached out to grab Morgana but, stopped half way threw. Instead he just stood their looking lost with his ands inches away from his sister.
"I KNOW YOUR NOT DEAD! SO OPEN YOUR EYES DAMN IT!" Morgana screamed again. Hera held onto Kanan so he did run over there and start shaking him harder than what Morgana could do sitting on him. Sabine meanwhile was staring on in horror with Zeb as Ezra lay on the ground unconscious for ten minutes as Morgana screamed at him that this wasn't a funny joke. Kyle just stood their with his fist clenched refusing to cry with Amelie standing behind him with her hand on his shoulder.
"I SAID GET UP DAMN IT! I KNOW YOU'RE JOKING!" Morgana screamed shaking him. Tear we're now freely pouring down her face. She felt a hand one her shoulder. Her eyes fell on Amelie.
"M, I know you won't let it go but, he's gone. You need to step away so we can bring him home." Amelie stated as if she had done this before.
"No. I'm not leaving him." Morgana stated. Amelie got on her knees and hugged Morgana tightly. The you could hear Morgana sobbing as loudly as possible while a single hand clenching her Opal necklace or a moment before letting it go. Almost as if what ever she wanted to do, she gave up on. As if she knew it wasn't going to work.
"At least I want to say a couple words." Morgana stated. Amelie helped her up before looking at the fallen boy. With a sigh Amelie began talking.
"Ezra Bridger was the first boy to ever befriend me in this battle for freedom on the rebel side. Why? I will never know. I did so many horrible things to him and you all. In fact I think he only ever trusted me because he believed with a little kindness everyone could change into an amazing person. I guess he was right. If he wasn't I wouldn't be standing here today. Or I wouldn't have gotten my first mission which he knew I'd fail at it. He may have been young but, he taught me a hell of a lot more in a month than what the empire taught me over the last ten years. Ezra may be gone but, his memory will live on in each and everyone of us. For the things he did and things he taught ever single one of us." Amelie stated before turning a crying Morgana to leave. They both slowly walked over back to the crew.

"Very touching speech." Ezra grunted sitting back up. Everyone turned around seeing him.
"YOU ASSHOLE!" Morgana screamed jumping on top of him before hugging him tightly.

Force siblings (complete ✔️)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora