Why Kyle shouldn't babysit

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It had been a few weeks since the ghost crew, minus Marzi went back to Lothal. Everyone was on edge. Until on Friday when Kyle brought on a disc. It was the same time Ezra was gonna tell his family he was engaged.
"Oh my god! M! M! It saved! The baby thing we did saved!" Kyle raced into the room giggling. Morgana spun around before looking at the disc he had in his hand. She gasped as she raced over and looked at the film. The two made eye contact before laughing evilly. Arcann watched in fear.
"What baby thing?" He asked.
"Oh my god please don't tell me you two had a baby." Galen snapped glaring at Kyle. The two teens shook their heads as they began laughing louder. Hera was watching in horror wondering what they might have done with her daughter.
"We-we watched the bachelor one day a-and we though Hey! L-let's do this with some babies." Morgana's laughed so hard she kept snorting.
"Oh god. Don't tell me you actually married babies." Galen sighed rubbing his temples.
"N-nope but it was so cute!" Kyle giggled.
"Then why don't we watch it cause I'm sure that the kids are scared for life." Ezra sighed.
"Oh my god we totally should!" Morgana grinned.
~time skip~
Everyone on the they were staying had a snack. Zeb had somehow snuck a comm on board so his husband could watch. Kallus was staying back on Yavin watching the kids while trying to talk his husband into adopting one. Which for the record Morgana was helping him with. Meanwhile Ezra had his boyfriend sitting in his lap snuggling close to his chest.
"Okay is everyone ready to see the cutest thing ever?" Morgana smiled. Everyone side nodding. Hera rested her head on Kanan's shoulder with a sigh. Kyle smiled as he put in the film.
It began with a sweep shot over some beaches. Which was weird Mainly because rebellion children who live on the Yavin base were in the film. Then there was the fact that all the beaches had trade marks on the,.
"Every year everyone who is single wonders will they die alone? Will they have someone to hold them close on Valentine's Day?"
"M what if their an asexual. Those guys are cool with what ever?"
"Oh my god Kyle stop wrecking my monologue!"
"What?! This is the monologue?! We were suppose dot do that together!"
"Well you were busy with Echo."
"You are doing it right now though!"
"Alright fine. Fine. You can do it!"
"No! No you do it!"
"Fine......Will Asexuals still be chill with whatever happens? The wiser is we will never know but, we can get a good guess with the Baby bachelor!"
That was when the cute to Echo. The bottom of the screen had his name on it and his age which at the time was under a year old. He was squealing as he raced around the base. Then he ran out of the camera's angle and Kyle race doff screen and dragged him back on. Echo giggled reaching out to the camera.
"Out first baby bachelor is Echo. He's a year old and is a ladies man. His devilish smile is known for driving the ladies crazy." Kyle's voice stated. Meanwhile Echo garbed the camera and kissed it. Then they cut to and interview.
Morgana was sitting in a chair a few feels in front of Echo. She smiled looking at the toddler as he bounced in his chair giggling.
"So Echo what do you want from this competition?" Morgana asked.
"Hugs!" Echo smiled as he climbed out of the chair. He then raced over to Morgana and hugged her leg. She began laughing as she looked down. Then she calmed down looking at the baby boy.
"No Echo not me. What do you want from the contestants?" Morgana was god,into back laughter. Echo looked up at her looking confused. He hugged her leg tightly before sneezing and whipping his nose on her legs. You could hear Kyle yelp as he race over and pick him up. Meanwhile the camera was till on the other side of them reading what was going on.
"No! No! We don't wipe our noses on people." Kyle yelped.
Then the next baby was shown on screen. It was Diamond who was five and Philip was walking next to her, Holding her hand. Yet, half way through walking with his adopted sister, Philip dropped to the ground. He began picking up rocks and yelling about them being rocks. Then again he was two. Soon Kyle was standing there with the camera and Diamond walked over and began talking to the camera guy.
The the interview was set up again. Yet, with the two of them again
"So what do you want form this competition?" Morgana asked. Diamond smiled while Philip began eating his tiny chubby hand.
"Oh... Ice cream cake for a wedding cake."
"What about the guys?"
"Oh. I want a man to hug and to wove for a long time in my life."
"Ohh. That's really good. Philip what do you what for the competition?" Morgana asks. He looked down thinking before there was a squealing noise. Then Echo ran on screen. He giggled as Philip squealed and climbed off of the chair. Then he hugged Echo before racing off. Kyle had to chase them too.
Soon there was another child the kids watched on screen. This was a five what old madilorian in a bright pink fluffy dress. The title card below that had her name, which was Anne and her age. She had a tiny little bunny in he arms hugged closely to her chest. Then it explained how she loved fluffy and pretty dresses. She loved fancy expensive things.
"So what do you want from this competition Anne?" Morgana asked. Anne looked her for a minute. Then she began waving her stuffed animal.
"Kylie! Kylie! Kylie! I gotta go to the bathroom!" Anne yelled getting up. Kyle sighed walking on screen and taking her by the hand. He took her to the bathroom with a sigh. Then the camera was knocked off of the shelf showing off the sleeping babies and toddlers. They were having tiny tiny naps.
Morgana yelped seeing this. A little baby yawned rubbing her eyes. Marzi crawled over and hugged the camera. This was when they introduced her. Then it said her age was only six months whiles she drooled on the camera.
Soon other children were introduced. Including a few twi'leks that were found in Morgana's old house which she now baby sat. Soon there was a dip before the show started of the toddler's rushing Morgana before hugging her. She fell backwards laughing as Kyle out the baby bachelor title card.
"Why do I feel like this is gonna get weirder?" Galen sighed.
"I'm spidorman! I'm spidorman!" Philip yelled running around in weird black and white outfit. He ran right in between Echo and the girl he was paying with. The two other toddlers looked at the male. Then they joined him running around. The girl Echo was playing with ripped her shirt off as she ran around.
Then the next clip was of the the babies on dates. Really it was just them cuddling while playing. Then they showed a clip of when the babies crawling around the ship. Marzi was in the front.
"Oh no. The babies are rising up to kill the producers!" Morgana's giggled. Then the toddlers began running around in super hero costumes again. Philip kept yelling he was a super hero. Anne meanwhile was holding his hand as she ran next to him. Morgana began running while laughing
"And the toddlers have joined them." Morgana's laughed.
"When do we get the animal cwackers?" One of the toddlers yelled.
Soon the finale part of the baby bachelor was on. A few thanks scrawled one to each other had cuddled each other. Marzi meanwhile crawls dover to the camera girl and hugged her leg.
Then they cut to the toddlers. Echo was smiling as he picked up a red box which had a blue ring pop in it. He then waddled over Anne.
"Mwrry me?" Echo asked showing off the ring. Anne looked at him for a moment.
"No." She stated before walking off. The camera then zoomed in on Echo's face as a sad song played in the back ground. He looked sad. That is before he put the ring pop in his mouth and walked way happily.
"This isn't fun. No guys my age have asked me yet." Diamond pouted after a few asks.
"I know! They're all babies." She pouted.
"Oh! Anne, you wanna get married?" Diamond asked looking at her. Anne looked at her then she looked at the puffy blue dress she herself was wearing.
"Ummmmmm...,okay!" Anne smiled. The two were given a ring pop. That is until Philip ran over yelling he was spidorman again as he began tossing things.
"Oh my god we should have done this with you when you were a baby!" Galen smiled at his sister. Morgana's face turned red. Hera laughed a bit seeing how embarrassed her older daughter looked.
Meanwhile Arcann gripped Ezra's hand in the hall. Ezra stopped turning to look at him. "What?" Ezra asked.
"Ezra, my mom....." Arcann looked terrified for a moment not knowing what to say.
"What did she do now?"
  "S-she told Maul where we are."

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