Old home

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The crew had arrived at Gaylin's old house. The very dark house was located any feet outside of the town. It looked like nothing more then an outline on the dark sunset. The house appeared to have holes in the roof, was one floor, and was no bigger then the ghost.
"You never told us you used to live on Alderon." Hera stated.
"Well I don't know when that would have came up." Gaylin said pushing on the front door. Surprisingly it opened. The shocked crew entered followed by Rex and Ahsoka. Kyle would have been there to but, he was taking a well deserved nap on the ghost. Now as for the inside of the house it was a mess. Burnt things were laying on the floor. The brown couch in the living room was flipped upside down. Oh and all the windows were broken.
"Remind me what we're supposed to be looking for?" Sabine asked.
"Anything that has to do with the Jedi." Ashoka stated.
"Okay but, why would we be searching here?" Ezra asked.
"Honestly I'm not even sure. It's just a hunch to be honest."Ahsoka sighed. With that everyone began searching. They split up into four groups. Group one (Hera and Kanan) searched Marlin's room. Meanwhile group two (Zeb and Sabine) were supposed to search the kitchen. Now group number three (Ahsoka and Rex) searched the living room. Which meant Ezra, Morgana and Gaylin  had to search their old rooms.
Now Gaylin's old room had a tiny old red space ship bed with red blankets which were all messed up. Almost as if something was in it a couple of nights ago. Or maybe last night. The rest of the room was blue with red space ships painted all over it. There was also a tiny window which had been cracked but, not broken yet. While the white door to get in had little red and blue wooden letters nailed to his door spelling out his name. Though the letters 'l' and 'n' were missing. Right next to the door was a tiny white dresser. Plus there was also a tiny white desk with three blue little stuffed animals on the desk. He also had a tiny closet filled with clothes for a young boy.
"Where do we look first?" Morgana asked.
"Everywhere." Gaylin sighed. Honestly he didn't know where his dad would hide anything.
"Why is you room better then what mine was like when I was younger?" Ezra asked looking threw a closet.
"I'm surprised you don't have toys ever where except for the desk." Morgana chuckle while looking under her brother's old bed for anything that might help them. Gaylin stopped looking in his old pale white dresser. He walked over to the desk.
"I only had the one stuffed animal and I took it with us when we left." Gaylin stated. He reached out to grab the stuffed animals.
"Wait, then who-" Ezra was cut off by what sounded like something crashing into the floor from the hall way. The three siblings ran to the hall way. There was an old coat rack laying on the floor. It had just been standing a moment ago. What knocked it over?
"Maybe we should grab the others and go." Ezra stated.
"No. We're going to find what Ahsoka was looking for." Gaylin sighed walking down the hallway.
"What if it's not here?" Morgana asked. Gaylin's stopped walking. What if it wasn't here? What if this was all just a wild goose chase?
"Hey, M. Why don't we search your room?" Ezra asked. Morgana nodded. With that they all headed to Morgana's old room. The white door leading to the room was closed. Just like her brother's door her name was spelt out with wooden letters except hers were purple. Very slowly Gaylin opened the door. The room was pitch black but, you could make out a couple shapes. There was a tiny purple toddler bed which looked to be right next to a tiny wooden book shelf which was filled with books. There was also a tiny closet probably stuffed with what was left of Morgana's clothes from when she was younger. You could also see a stuffed teal loath cat laying on her pillow. Yet, there was another odd thing. It appeared that her old baby crib was sitting right next to the bed.
"Why are the lights off?" Ezra asked Gaylin. He was just about to answer the boy when a figure sat up in the bed as quickly as possible. The teens screamed. In return the figure screamed. Soon Hera came running over to see her children yelling a tiny figure. Just then the lights turned on. A little red T'wilek girl with the largest green eyes quickly ducked under her covers.
"Who i-" Morgana was cut off by the loudest cry ringing out threw the room. Ezra quickly covered his ears. As you can guess Morgana and Gaylin did the same.
"What is that?" Ezra asked. Everyone's eyes flew to the crib. Inside it was a tiny orange T'wilek boy wearing a tiny blue onesie holding onto the cribs bars screaming his head off. Hera ran over and picked the young boy up. She began bouncing him up and down. He had almost stopped crying when Morgana ran off. Seconds later she came back with one of the tiniest stuffed animals from Gaylin's desk. The second he grabbed onto the toy and stopped crying. Within seconds Morgana felt a tug on her arm. She looked down. The little red girl had come over to her. Morgana dropped down to her hight.
"Hi there. Do you live here by your self?" Morgana asked. The young girl pointed to the little boy.
"Nerah!" She beamed pointing at her little brother.
"Oh. So you live here with just your brother?" Morgana asked. The young girl shook her head. Soon she was at the closet. The second she pulled it open her other siblings came tumbling out. There was another boy who was around seven year old. He had green skin just like Hera. There was also an five year old girl with orange skin. They all shared the same colour of green eyes as the two other kids.
"Oh. Where's your mother?" Morgana asked the young girl shrugged. Just then the others came running over.
"Hera we heard screaming what's-" Kanan stopped in his tracks.
"Wow. You two couldn't have waited until you were married could you?" Ashoka grinned.
"These are not our kids." Kanan stated.
"Okay so who's are they?" Zeb asked. The oldest sibling dug a picture out of her pocket and handed it to Hera. It was all of them with a orange man Hera didn't know and a purple T'wilek she recognized. The girl pointed to the woman.
"Have you seen our mother?" She asked.
"Yes." Hera said breathlessly.
"She works with the rebellion. You're her children. Did you escape when your home was burnt down by the empire?"
"Yes. Wait, can you take us to her?"
"I don't see why not. It is my ship you'll be travelling on."
The children all ran over to Hera and hugged her. Then, ran off to go grab their stuff. Well, except for the youngest one. She ran over to the purple carpet below them. With one swift moment she removed the carpet revealing a wooden trap door. She quickly opened it and dug out the few items in it. One of which was a temple guard helmet. Another was of a temple guard lightsaber with Marlin Merick's entisols on it. Finally the last thing she dug out was a clip of something. Then she walked over to Gaylin and handed it to him. It was labeled 'For Gaylin and Morgana from dad". After handing him this she ran off.
"I was right?" Ahsoka asked.
"Yeah. You always were." Gaylin sighed.
"Right? Right about what? What don't we know?" Sabine asked.
"I lied about my dad." Gaylin stated.
"About what?" Kanan asked.
"Our father was Marlin Merick." Gaylin didn't finish his sentence. He didn't have to. Morgana finished it for him.
"Head of the temple guards."

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