It's ma birthday again

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Yay! I am now a year older again! Whoooo! Whooo!
Morgana smiled looking around Lothal's temple. They had just gotten to Ezra's home planet a few days ago and today they were planning with the rebellion. Plus it was her birthday today sooo....
Everyone in the rebellion on Lothal had wished her happy birthday. Then Kallus had sent her a birthday message where Echo, Marzi and him sang happy birthday to her. It was so cute! Sabine had gotten her paint bombs again, which she loved! Her brother's were on a 'mission' yet, really Hera had sent them to go get some more gifts for her. Kyle was currently trying to get cupcakes with Ryder's help. Oh boy were they gonna have a story to tell when they got home. Ezra's boyfriend on the other hand had something else planned.
Arcann smiled watching the young girl play with a few kids. Morgana was smiling brightly and she kept giggling. She loved babysitting little kids. They were the best! They were so cute! Some of the kids she usually watched while their parents were rebelling, had come to her today and given her stuff.
Little Ryun, he was about two, came up and gave her a flower before cheering happy birthday while hugging her leg. Diamond, she was four now, she had made her a card covered in glitter. Mae, she was three, she had given her a stuffed duck that didn't look much like a duck. Though it was hand made. Jack, he was the oldest seeing as he was eight, he had somehow gotten her a silver locket. So over all Morgana was having an amazing day.
Arcann yelled her name. She smiled waving goodbye to the kids before walking over. She smiled up at him as he smiled back.
"So what's up?" Morgana asked. Arcann held out his hand letting the engagement ring he had on his hand shine in the sun light.
The engagement ring had a tiny blue kyber crystal on the top of it. Morgana let out a shriek before hugging him. Arcann giggled hugging her back before pushing her off. He still hadn't told her the good part yet.
"Oh my god I'm gonna have a brother in law! What do you do with a brother in Law? Do we act like family or are we suppose to hate each other or are we supposed to be friends that avoid each other or are we just supposed to pretend to like each other?" Morgana started. She didn't stop asking these questions for another five minutes which made Arcann chuckle.
"M, m I didn't call you over to tell you that." He smiled.
"Than what did you wanna tell me?" She asks tilting her head.
"I was wondering if you wanted to be one of my bridesmaids." He asked. There was a moment of silences before Morgana shrieked some more and hugged him while yelling the word yes over and over again. Arcann laughed as he watched her do cartwheels while laughing. She then calmed down before walking back over to him.
"Okay, okay I'm calm. Congrats on your wedding and I would love to be your bridesmaid. I am also delighted you would ask me on my 15 birthday." She smiled trying to act calm. Arcann smiled down at her as she tried to walk away.
"Well there is another thing I was gonna ask for something else." He smiled.
"Oh. Okay, is it about a mission?" She asked looking at him.
"Nope. I was just wondering if you wanna be a god mother too."
And with that Morgana's 15th birthday got a hell of a lot better.
And the author torched everyone by link her favourite Guardians of the Galaxy moment up top and her favourite songs from the film down here.

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