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"Galen we got a bit of a problem." Morgana sighed leaning against the door to the bathroom in the house they were hiding in.
"And what would that problem be M?" Galen asked as he got all the files he would need for a meeting today ready. Ezra meanwhile was getting dressed in his room with Arcann. Sabine was sitting down eating breakfast.
"I...I need new pants." Morgana's voice was hardly hearable but, Galen heard her. He always heard her. He looked over and sighed with a tiny smile on his face. He had no idea why his sister was like this. This happened every month. Sure it was embarrassing for her but, she shouldn't be embarrassed around her older brothers when saying this.
"Okay Morgana. I'll get you some if you want." Galen smiled going to leave. That was when Sabine spoke up.
"She can borrow some of mine." Sabine said without thinking. Morgans sucked in a dele breath hoping not to have to start something out loud. Yet, she knew she would have to.
Galen had froze in his spot biting his lip. Morgana made him promise not to say a word about it. She made him promise. It would kill her if someone knew.
"Umm...I don't think I can." Morgana eventually spoke up.
"Oh come on Morgana they'll look so cute on you and they're really comfy." Sabine added.
"No I mean I physically can't."
"Sure you can j-"
"What are you? A size 3?"
"Yeah, 3 and a half. Why?" Sabine asked. Morgana sighed burying her face in her hands.
"Sabine,.... my hips are size 7." Morgana sighed looking at he larger hips. She hated this. Morgana hate puberty so bad. She tried so hard to look like Sabine. To looks like Hera. To look like every girl in her life. To look tiny but, she looked like this. A big chubby blob of fat.
"You a aware I have tinnie-"Sabine counties but was cut off.
"Look let's just I'll just borrow Galen's or Zeb's. I mean their bigger guys and I'm a bigger girl that's like a pug so I can just fine dome to fit me there okay." Morgana sighed.sabine sighed before looking at her sister.
"Sis, trust me I have pants to fit you." She sighed. Morgana nodded with a pout before  being dragged into the next room over.
Soon she walked back out in larger sweat pants that Sabine had bought for her sister but, as far as Morgana needed to know these were her skinny sisters.
"Can I broke your bridesmaids dress for the wedding tomorrow too?" Morgana teased. Sabine laughed nodding a bit.
"Tell ya what, of you call yourself beautifully once today in front of someone you can wear all my clothes and make up for a day." Sabine smiled. Morgana cheered before going to hang out with Kyle making her brother smile.
Yet, none of the, knew what pain was about to come out of a wedding.

Force siblings (complete ✔️)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu