Malcor part 2

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"Morgana? Come one stay awake." Kyle stated holding his friend in his arms. Blood began to pour out of her leg less knee. Kanan ran over and dropped to his knees. He was now helplessly looking over her as she slowly died. As his daughter slowly died before his eyes. Kyle was now holding her tightly begging her not to die.
"Ugh. Do you ever brush your teeth?" Morgana joked with a week smile as she opened her dark purple eyes. Kyle froze for a moment with tears in his eyes before hugging tightly.
"Kyle, I still have to breath." Morgana gasped making Kyle leg go of her for a signal moment. Kanan meanwhile dug out a piece of cloth from his pocket. Quickly he wrapped the bloody stump that was now her knee. He almost gagged once. So over all he was doing really good. All of a sudden one of the boys was sent flying their way. He ended up landing right next to Morgana. With a grunt Ezra turned his head to the right to talk to Kanan. What fallowed next was what felt like his heart stopping as he saw his little sister bleeding out next to him. Quickly he sat up and looked her straight in the eye.
"Morgana oh my god. What are you doing here? Where's your leg? Oh my god. Who cut your leg off? I SWEAR I WILL KILL THEM!" Ezra was freaking out beyond belief. Morgana seemed to have a bigger smile on her face seeing he was worried about her and no mad. Well not mad currently. He was probably mad in a minute.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Morgana smiled.
"FINE? MORGAN YOUR LEG IS GONE!" He screamed louder than he meant too. Gaylin looked up with a look of fear on his face. Meanwhile the seventh sister was thrown against a wall knocking her out for a moment.
"WHAT?!" Gaylin yelled back making everything except Ezra and Morgana jump. No one had heard him this mad before. Well except his siblings. They had learned their lesson about trying to smuggle Loath cats into his room a long time ago. Ahsoka slowly walked up next to Gaylin out of breath. She was gasping for air slightly as she held onto his shoulder.
"C-calm down." She stated as she took another gasp of air. Maul had just fallen off the side of the temple a moment ago so, she had nothing to do now except help the others escape. By any needs necessary. Gaylin looked at his friend looking confused.
"You okay?" Gaylin asked. Ahsoka nodded.
"I-I just need to w-work out more." She smiled. Gaylin seemed to calm down a bit before the seventh sister's blade was thrown at them. Thinking quickly he pushed Ahsoka out of the way and dodged the blade by a hair. He let out a groan of frustration as it boomeranged back to the seventh sister.
"Do you ever quit?" He asked digging out his blades. As soon as the yellow blades turned on the seventh sister was back up. Hatred was all that you could see in her yellow cat like eyes.
"No. I am not quitting until I get revenge for the only person who ever made me feel anything other than hatred." She mumbled throwing he blade again. Gaylin dodge the blade then stopped.
"Wait hold up. You were dating the grand inquisitor? But he was so ugly!" Gaylin exclaimed as she got her blade. She screamed again as she ran to attack him. First she slashed at his head. Of course he blocked it. Next she tried to slash his stomach in half. That was blocked too. For he third move she tried to slash his leg. That did work either. Every attack came faster and faster but, was always blocked. Eventually she went fora blow to the eyes. Gaylin caught her lightsaber between his two yellow light sabres.
"Why won't you let me get revenge?!?!?" She almost screamed.
"Cause if you do I'll die." Gaylin answered. Didn't she know this? Doesn't everybody know in order to win in a fight with lightsabers you basically had to stab someone with those right?
"I-" she was cut off by Kyle who saw his friend at the top of the steeps looking terrified.
"Amelie?" He asked. The seventh sister dropped her blade as her eyes fell on him. Very slowly she walked away from the battle and up the steps to her friend. As soon as she was inches away from him, she reached out to touch his face. She expected her hand to gaze threw him again. Unlike when she saw him when she entered the Jedi temple her hand didn't faze threw. Instead it actually touched his face. The was no way this was her brother? He died! She went to his funeral. She held back tears for days until she broke on his birthday.
"K-Kyle?" Her voice asked very shaky and almost in disappeared. Kyle gulped before nodding yes.
"Hi Amelie. I missed you, sister." He smiled. She felt tears weld up in her eyes. He called her sister like he always did. Quickly she pulled her 'dead' little brother into a hug. Everyone starred on in disbelief. Yet, she didn't care. She had her brother back. That was all that mattered.
"W-what just happened?" Gaylin asked coming up the stairs to see his friends. Ahsoka who was right behind him shrugged. She had no idea. Gaylin's sighed turning his vision to his family only to see Morgana without her left leg. Morgana had her left arm wrapped around Kanan's neck and her right arm was around Ezra. A look of fear was on Gaylin's face. He didn't move though. Why? He wasn't sure what he was going to do. Part of him wanted to pick up his sister and carry her to the ship. Another part of him wanted to start screaming at her for how stupid it was to follow them. He opened his mouth to say something but, no words came out. So, he closed his mouth quickly. Then his gaze fell on Kanan's eye. It looked it was completely burned. Once he saw someone was staring at it, Kanan closed his eye. Morgana was getting help before he was.
"Can we please go before you all yell at me?" Morgana asked. Everyone around her was nodding. That's when the seventh sister spoke up.
"I'll be coming with you." She stated as she threw her helmet over the side of the temple. Kyle looked at his sister with a look of complete star struck.
"Seventh I-" He was cut off by his sister.
"Amelie. Call me Amelie from now on." She smiled at her brother. Kyle felt himself get excited. Finally he was going to be with his sister again. Hopefully for a long time. With a smiled Kyle began to walk up to the top of the temple where Chopper was told to park the phantom. Meanwhile as they were walking back to the ship Ezra saw the sith holocron on the ground. Maul must have dropped it when he began to battle Ahsoka. So he did the one thing he could think of. He picked it up.
"Ezra, are you coming?" Gaylin asked  from on the steps.
"Yeah. I'm coming." Ezra stated as he put the holocron into his back pocket. There had to be a way they could open and get information they needed.
Ahsoka walked behind the rest of the group as the phantom came into view. She was beginning to feel cold. Not just any cold though. Cold that would make anyone's hair stick up. All the other force user felt it too. Very slowly they all turned their heads around. Darts Vader began slowly, menacingly walking towards them. Kanan grabbed Morgana and handed her to Kyle. Kyle this was forced to hold her bridle style.
"You two get to the ship. We'll hold him off." Kanan stated. Kyle nodded before running into the ship as fast as his legs would take him. Meanwhile everyone else had dug out their blades. Ahsoka had gone to attack him but, Gaylin forced pulled her closer to the ship. Thus Ezra ran up read to be the first person to attack the Sith Lord. First he tried to slash the man's stomach. His blade was hot to the left. Where Lord Vader picked up his hand and held him up before throwing the boy backwards. Ezra's blade fell out off his hand and broke.
Gaylin charged in next to battle him. Before he could even get a hit on him, Gaylin was in the air. He was being force choked for thirty long seconds. In the end Kanan slashed at Vader's arm cutting it off. This cased Gaylin to fall. He quickly grabbed his blades and tried to help Ezra to the ship. Kanan smiled realizing he had gotten a hit on this asshole. Then his good eye fell on the arm. It was just like Gaylin's metal arm.
"You have got to be kidding." Kanan stated before the Sith Lord pushed him so far back with the force that he was knocked into the phantom's wing. He was out of breath while Gaylin helped hi, into the ship. Amelie decided to distract him by throwing her light sabre at him which sliced his other arm. Not completely though. It had just left a cut on his arm before he sliced the blade in half.
"That's never a good thing." Amelie mumbled as she looked at the blade that was cut in half on the floor. Soon she was being tossed around in the air as of she was a rag doll. Soon though Lord Vader was distracted by Ahsoka literately jumping on him and cutting his mask in half. This cased him to drop Amelie. Together her and Ahsoka tried to run to the ship. Yet, Ahsoka stopped once Lord Vader spoke up again.
"Ahsoka." His now familiar more human like voice stated. Ahsoka stopped what she was doing and turned around and looked at him as he turned his face to look at her. Her heart stopped.
"A-Anakin?" She asked. Her dead master was alive and was a sith now? No. This couldn't have been him. He died so many years ago. She was devastated about his death for so long. Did she fall into depression for a year, because she couldn't save him nothing?
"AHSOKA COME ON HURRY!" Kyle screamed trying to get his master to the ship. She didn't answer him though. She just kept her focus on An- Lord Vader.
"I won't leave you. Not this time." She stated without thinking about anything else. Vader paused for a moment. He soon turned his blade back on near the skin part of his face making it light up in an ominous fashion.
"Then you will die." He stated. The ground watched hopelessly as she prepared for battle as Chopper began to take off.
"AHSOKA!" Ezra screamed. She ignored him.
"LADY TANO!" Amelie screamed from the ship trying to get her to move. Again she did nothing. The ship began to rise. Kyle looked from over the side of the ship and yelled something he said he would never call anyone.
"MOTHER!" Kyle screamed at the top of his lungs. Ahsoka turned around seeing a heart broken looking Kyle reach his hand out for her. Then she remember her child would die with her if she stayed. With a sigh she looked at Vader one last time before running towards the ship. She jumped in the last moment.
As the crew took off Ahsoka began huffing trying to catch her breath again. Meanwhile Gaylin had his little sister in his arms like he had so long ago when she was first born. Except she was smiling and telling jokes threw all the pain she was in. Meanwhile Ezra was trying to get a good look at Kanan's blind eye. No one was looking at it.
"Lady Tano what's wrong. Not as young as you used to be?" Amelie joked while smiling at the woman. Okay not the best move this twenty year old could make. Ahsoka snapped last minute.
"Let's see if you can still see you can still catch your breath while growing another person inside of you for five months." Ahsoka snapped back standing up. She looked away from the sith to see everyone staring at her with their mouths opened. Gaylin looked like he was the most shocked out of them. Why? He realized this meant Ahsoka and Rex had......ummm.....gotten funk five months ago. Possible when they were visiting them. Oh god. He shouldn't be thinking about this.
"Ahh, Surprise." Ahsoka smiled at them as a bit of sweat poured down her forehead.

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