Ninth and Morgana

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A month after a certain blue haired boy's 13th birthday.....
The young zabrak boy pulled on the empiral's officers hand.
"Agent Kallus what's that?" He asked pointing at a loth cat.
"That's some of the local animals that live here." The agent rolled his brown eyes. The young boy looked at him with his large mesmerizing yellow cat like eyes.
"Why does it have the same colour eyes as me?" He asked.
"As far as I know it's because your an inquisitor." The agent responded.
"In training agent. In training."
"How long have you been training so far boy?"
"Since I was two. You should know. Whenever my master goes anywhere you watch me."
"Remind me to talk to him about watching you again while he looks for that Tano woman who is clearly dead."
"What? Don't you like me?" The eight year old boy asked.
"Maybe." The agent smirked.
The boy let out a sigh of relief. The ninth brother was the youngest inquisitor there was. Well he was still training like he had been for seven years. Yet this didn't stop him from getting what he referred to as the awesome yellow eyes as well as a cool black outfit. Maybe if he was good enough he'd get a helmet like his master the grand inquisitor. Oh and maybe a red spinning double bladed light sabre like ever other inquisitor. If he got one then Kallus would be very proud of him. He never had parents. Well if he did he couldn't remember them. This didn't stop him from trying to look for someone else who was his species in a desperate hope that they would know his parents. Had he found any yet? Nope but, that's not going to stop him from looking for either. So with out any parents he had the sixth sister who he thought of more as an crazy woman since she almost sliced the boy open during training one day when he was younger, his master who for some reason always took the blame when ever he had messed up, and Kallus who had spent the most time with him and cared about his opinions.
He'd still like to have friends his age though. Yet other kids were usually scared of him because of his appearance.
"Okay ninth you wait here while I go inside the building, okay?" Kallus stated pointing at a chair out side of an old medical shop.
"Okay." The boy stated sitting down. Kallus went in the building seconds after the boy sat down. Ninth knew many kids were staring when the walked by but, chose to ignore them. He looked at the woman next to him.
"Hi, I'm ninth." He smiled revealing sharp teeth as he held his hand out to be shook. The woman got up and left the chair empty. Ninth sighed and put his hands in front of him. Why was he so scary?
"Do those hurt?" A girl's voice asked him. He looked forward. In front of him was a human girl his age with brown long hair that went down to her shoulders and large beautiful purple eyes. She seemed to be batting her large eye lashed. Ninth's heart skipped a beat as he saw this pretty girl for the first time.
"W-what?" He asked felling his checks warm up.
"Those horns." She said pointing to the crown horns on his head. "Do they hurt?"
"No. Their just there. You know kinda like having teeth. There there you just don't feel them." He smiled revealing his fangs.
"Wow. You have fangs too?"
"That's so awesome!" She sat down in the chair next to him.
"So, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Oh. I came to town to pick up the groceries." She answered.
"You get to go by yourself?"
"Yup. My brothers did when they were my age. So what about you?"
"Why are you here?"
"Oh my da- friend had to pick up so meds for his co-worker."
"That's really nice of him."
"Well my friend's a nice guy."
"Oh my name's Morgana by the way. What's your's?"
"My what?"
"Your name?"
"Do you have to have a name?"
Morgana stared at him for minute before realizing what he was saying.
"You don't have a name?" She asked.
"No, I don't. Why? Do I need one?" He asked. His hands began to sweat. Why was he so nervous around this girl? She now had a large grin on her face.
"Well I could think of one for you. If you want."
"I'd like that."
"Well in that case how's Harry Potter sound?"
"Not happening."
"How about James Bond?"
"Nah. I'm no spy."
"Okay how's Alexander Hamilton?"
"I don't sing."
"Oh come on. Okay. How's Poppy sound."
"You do know I'm a boy right and Poppy's a girl's name right."
"In that case how's Steven Universe sound?"
"Yeah, no." He laughed.
"Okay then how about we call you Robin."
"It's a very nice name but, it's just don't want to be called that all the time. "
"Fine then. How's Kyle sound."
"Yeah. I mean you seem like a Kyle."
"I like it. I really like it."
"Well nice to meet you Kyle, I'm Morgana. It's nice to meet you."She said extending her peach right hand that had a star birth mark on her wrist.
Kyle blushed as he shook her hand.
"Trust me the pleasure is all mine." He smiled.

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