Chapter 19: Hell Of A Road Life

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He smirked and parked the car, "Who's ready for pizza, air hockey and an ass kicking?" He asked jumping out the car.

I followed and took my crutches following behind him with Tyler. Both of our broken asses going slow but trying to be quick.

We headed through the doors and I was given a swipe card, "There's seven hundred on that one." Milo said handing me it.

I held it up between Tyler and my face, "Let's go!" I said going with him to the skee ball machines.

Milo and Gus always shared a card and I shared one with Tyler, actually it always went like that.

Tyler was my best friend and Gus was Milo's.

It just worked that way.

Tyler's POV:

She smiled over at me knowing she was winning.

I smirked and watched the puck fly across the table, my reflexes too slow and then it dinged into my goal.

"Damn you got a bit worse didn't you?" She asked staring at me with her big eyes.

I gave her a small nudge as she walked over, "I'm still better at skee ball." I teased watching her nod and look around for something else to play.

Looking around, my eyes caught on a distraction.

He leaned up against one of the machines laughing and brushing a girls hair back.

His hair brushed back and his eyes running down to her lips before he leaned over taking her face and kissing her.


I ran my hand through my hair and checked him out discreetly, "Jurassic Park ride?" I asked gesturing to the empty booth.

Vydia's eyes lit up and she nodded going with me to the booth.

She was breath taking, it honestly is no wonder every man who looks at her melts to her every word.

The girl was a god damn angel, but I could never see myself with her and I know it.

I'm not interested in her that way, I joke about it a lot but that's just to hide the truth.

I don't like girls.

I knew it the day I was making out with the most beautiful girl in the world and I didn't feel anything.

(The beautiful girl was Vydia)

Of course, coming out is a lot harder when everyone thinks you're straighter than a god damn pen.


I don't know.

Heading into the booth with her, I sat down pulling my leg into the booth and swiping the card.

Vydia took the gun giving me a look, "Ready to hunt some Dinos?" She asked cocking an eyebrow at me.

I grabbed the gun pretending to cock it, "You know it baby." I said grinning.

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