"She has been the only sliver of happiness I've managed to obtain since coming to this God forsaken state. I can't enjoy the bustling city and bright lights anymore. She's been the only light I've come across..."

Rachel's eyes were raging and her eyelids turned into slits. And as much as I tried to deny it, she was incredibly sexy.

"Oh really?" a teasing, almost childlike tone took unto her voice. She approached me leisurely. An alluringly deadly demeanor evident with her walk, talk, and aura. My heart raced while from the neck down I was paralyzed.

Claws gently pressed to my chest and descended. I was bewitched by her spell, there was a strict desire coursing through me. Adultered by a sick, twisted game my mental state could not handle.

"So you're saying," she blew hot air unto my neck, "Your little friend can make you," her leg locked onto my left one flexibly, "Feel like this?" Her voice was just above a whisper. I felt deviating fingers work their way lower...lower.

My stomach tensed and breathing seized. As claws gripped me tight enough for the burning of my arousal to increase. "R-Rachel." I stuttered in both heaven and hell.

This wasn't right. There was a strong resistance mentally but physically...I was a pulp.

"Yes," she hummed out longingly, "Acey Baby. You've missed me I can tell."

Goosebumps trailed up my arms by the sound of her persuading voice. This blinded me, and for that I could not develop better judgment.

"I did miss you," I stated in defeat, then an underlying tone of anger devoured my words.

Snatching away every piece of body part I owned away from her, she was (to say the the least) flabbergasted by how drastic my attitude had changed.

So standing there, facing her. My heart couldn't let go. Rachel Dion would forever be my first love.

"I missed you in those cold nights I spent on that mattress. I missed you everytime someone asked 'how I've been.' Everytime someone mentioned the word love to me I had this idea in my head that it was us. That we were the ones in love when really it was just me idealistically captivated by a drug I had finally overdosed on."

This is where my spiel ended. But did it make me awful the way it usually did? No. For once I was able to return my demons back to the devil.

There was a sense of confliction and appallment detailed in her features. As if she didn't already know this. Then I was rewarded with the expression of shame. Knowing she was able to realize the damage she truly caused.

Sitting down defeatedly, "I...I'm at a loss of words."

"And I was at a loss period."

Her head went up and she adjusted the flannel around her waist suddenly appearing incredibly uncomfortable. "What can I do?"

"To what?"

"You know what I mean... to fix this. This bond I've broken."

Now it was my turn to come at a crossroads. Willow lingered on my mind constantly throughout this conversation. Did I love her the way I loved Rachel at one point?

"Let's take a walk," she bargained. "Maybe fresh air will freshen up your mind."

I agreed and we left, which was probably for the best since I didn't have a clear idea on when Nonna would be home.

We rarely spoke to one another while taking the first step on the sidewalk. I felt clueless.

"Rachel," I said to get her attention. She was entranced for a few minutes before I called her name. It tasted different on my tongue after so long.

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