Prolouge- Let me tell you a story...

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  • مهداة إلى Jean and Ken Robertson

Are you sitting comfortably?


Well I'll begin anyway!

This is the story of me. My name is Fauna and I'm 13 years old. This is also the story of my family. There's me, Hurricane (who's 13), Flame (who's 11), Monsoon (who's 8) and Grim (who's 6). None of us are actually related by blood, but we're still totally a family.

The five of us are, well, AMAZING. Not to sound to full of ourselves, but we really are. That's because we're not your average group of kids. We were brought up in a lab, as experiments. Kept in cages, while they unravelled our DNA and put all sorts of other frightening things into it. We were like test tube babies if you like. But that was our past. Now we are free.

The same lab also created another group of experiments. They're 97% human, 3% monkey. We call them Minjas (monkey ninjas). I know it sounds ridiculous but they're more dangerous than they sound, let me tell you. They are great climbers and they even have tails. The lab uses them as a security force. When we escaped from the lab, the scientists sent out the Minjas to retrieve us.

We've been on the run from them ever since.

But now, I'm going to do something I've never done before. I'm going to share my story, no our story, with you. I say our story because you, the faithful reader, could become part of our adventures.

This is about all of us. Me, Hurricane, Flame, Monsoon, Grim AND you.

This is our story.

The 5 Experiments- An Experiment with the Elementsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن