The Government's Articuno.

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"Fine by me then." Kuzan sighed. With a second at D, questions running through his mind, he prepared to fight the kid. "But this will be a battle to the death."

D watched the fight from a safe distance away. It was obvious Luffy was at a disadvantage. Kuzan had more experience fighting with his devil fruit than Luffy did. But D wasn't worried for multiple reasons. First, Luffy would be really mad if he interrupted. Probably enough to quit his journey, and D didn't want that happening. Second, Kuzan was honorable so even if he killed Luffy he wouldn't chase after the rest of the crew, which would be good. He didn't know if he could summon an ability that could stop Kuzan. Third and the biggest reason. Some friends were already on there way. And they would be arriving soon.

"He was right." Kuzan suddenly called out to him. "You didn't get involved."

"Captain's orders." D grinned.

"Now that he is defeated would you stop me from killing him?" Kuzan asked.

"Do I need to?"

Kuzan sighed. "He really trapped me there. Didnt he?" Kuzan sat on a frozen boulder. "Since I defeated him I'd be going back on our agreement if I went after his crew. Which is probably what he wanted from the start. Or did he think he really had a chance to win?"

"Who knows." D chuckled. "You aren't able to unfreeze your targets. That's not part of your ability."

"This is annoying." Kuzan moaned as he stood. "The higher ups will be mad if I do absolutely nothing. And with him frozen it would be so easy to destroy him." His leg rose up ready to kick him to pieces.

D remained where he was. He knew Kuzan was testing the waters, so to speak. Besides, he would be stopped regardless. D didn't need to do a thing. And sure enough Kuzan's foot shot towards Luffy.

Only to be stopped by a large root suddenly shooting out of the ground wrapping around his leg and body. The surprise on Kuzan's face was nice to see, he didn't react easily., as the root tightened shattering his body into pieces of ice. Of course he didn't die. Instead he reformed a short distance away, already taking a battle stance.

"Shouldn't we give the children a chance to grow?" A voice behind Kuzan asked pleasantly making D grin and Kuzan's eyes widen in surprise as a blue blade of ice was placed against his neck.

"It's good to see you, Frost." D stood up and moved to stand beside Luffy. "And you too Miss Rose."

A large flower bloomed from the earth and the fore mentioned girl stepped out of it. Her outfit a tight fitting green, red, and brown color. Her hair also seemed to be made from plants. The Shizen fruit fit her quite well. He also noticed a delicate blue flame and ice ring upon her finger. It seemed her and Frost had gotten to know each other quite well.

"It's good to see you too." Rose bowed. "Frost's father."

"What?!" Kuzan asked surprised once again. If he wasn't careful he was going to shorten his life getting surprised so many times.

"Since the cats out of the bag." D shrugged. "How are you Frost? Haven't really talked to you since I left you with Pops."

"I'm good." Frost nodded his way, releasing Kuzan. On his finger sat a similar ring to Rose's. "We found one of your old temples."

"Those are still standing?" D asked astonished. "Did you meet any of my fragments?"

"Yes." Frost moved over to stand beside Rose, his arm instinctively wrapping around her. "Faith married us."

"Faith is still alive!?" D danced for joy. "The truth isn't as hidden as I thought!"

"Excuse me." Kuzan spoke up drawing all eyes to him.

"Oh yes!" D rushed over to him. "I forgot to introduce everyone!" He turned back and pointed at Rose and Frost. "That's my boy Frost and his new bride Rose."

"I've heard of them." Kuzan frowned. "The Ice Wizard who has been appearing all over the world like a magician using ice abilities causing problems for the World Government, also the supposed brother to the Blue Flame." D glanced at Frost and he shrugged opologetically. "And his new companion who has been seen using a plant based power, The Rose."

"Awww!" Rose looked down dejectedly. "They just used my real name for the title."

D ignored that and turned to introduce Kuzan.  "This here is Kuzan. User of my ice abilities and also know as the World Government's Articuno."

Rose, Frost, and Kuzan each looked at each other confused. Frost stepped forward to try to clear the misunderstanding. "You mean Aokiji? The blue pheasant?"

D looked at him confused. "That's what I said. Articuno. The blue pheasant."

"Could you say that again?" Rose asked. Did they lose they're hearing during their travels?

Shrugging D spoke loudly and slowly. "Articuno."

"I think you think your saying the same thing." Frost glanced at Rose. "But maybe you've gotten it mixed up."

"I don't know what your talking about." D huffed. He may be old but he wasn't that old.

"Let's try to say it together sound by sound." Rose suggested. D fidgeted for a bit before nodding. So they began to sound it out.

"Ao." "Ao."

"Ki." "Ki."

"Ji." "Ji."

"Aokiji." "Articuno."

"Those don't even have the same amount of sounds!" Rose shouted and Frost quickly shushed her and comforted her.

"Let's just leave it alone." Frost suggested. "How about you tell us what you've been up to?" He asked D.

"I've been having a blast!" D grinned like a little kid. "Luffy and the other Strawhats have been loads of fun. Plus I think he's got the best chance of becoming the King of the Pirates."

"I've heard that title alot during my travels." Frost's head tilted to the side curiously. "How exactly do you get it?"

"It's easy." D laughed. "Just go to Raftel  and gain the One Piece."

"So going to Raftel?" Frost suddenly looked concerned. "Is that.....____?" He spoke a location which was blocked to the ears of those that have yet to reach it.

"Yessiry!" D smiled. "What did you think? Nice place right?"

"It is beautiful." Frost nodded. "But does this mean I'm the King of the Pirates?" Kuzan perked up at this. D was certain he was curious. Anyone who traveled the seas held curiosity about the fabled land to some level.

"Nah." D waved him off. "You have to be mortal for that." D grinned inwardly as Kuzan looked at Frost with confusion filled eyes.

"Does that mean I'm Queen of the Pirates then?" Rose asked, she seemed to have recovered from the headache she suddenly had after they had pronounced Articuno together.

"Nope." D shook his head. "Have to be mortal." He answered again. But before Rose or Frost could ask any further he continued. "You'll understand with time." He glanced at Luffy's frozen body. "If we're going to continue talking we'll need to move. His friends will be here for him soon."

"What else is there to talk about?" Kuzan asked.

"Several things." D jumped over to stand beside Frost and Rose. "This little one wants a better pirate name for one thing." He pat Rose on the head. "Plus I've been meaning to talk to you about your daughter."

"I can't make such changes." Kuzan answered about the first subject. "And I have nothing to say on the other matter."

"Oh I think we can work something out." D grinned as Frost suddenly appeared behind Kuzan. Grabbing his shoulder Frost Kuzan both appeared behind Rose and D. Rose knew what to do and grabbed both Frost and D by the hands. They then disappeared leaving Luffy frozen and waiting for his crew. He didn't have to wait long.

The Devil's Grin - A One Piece Fanfic (Snail-like Updates)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن