Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Glancing down on the files sadly. "Yeah I know, listen I'll be at the office if you need anything." ,he says.

Taking a sit at her chair, he buries his head in his arms. Slowly digesting what Hillary said to him about Abi. "She's not herself? Could I be the reason for her current state?", he questioned himself constantly.

Unlocking his cellphone, he went to gallery. Pictures of him and Abi appeared on his phone. He glanced upon each one of them slowly, taking his time to catch her gorgeous face. Just being alone in her office that had her scent in the atmosphere, made it extremely difficult. His left hand itched to call her but when he did, it went straight to voicemail.

Hi this is Ms Anderson I'm not available at the moment, please leave a message after the pip...

"Hey Abi it's me Ethan, we seriously need to talk. Please call me if you get this message bye.", he sights while meticulously putting his phone down on the table.

"What got you up in a sad mood?", he heard someone say, he lifts up his head to see the person speaking.

"Cristal!, what are you doing here", he moved back on her chair sitting up straight. "Shouldn't you be shopping or at your friends houses talking who knows what?"

"Don't be silly!", she walks in heading straight to were he sat." I wanted to see and be with my handsome fiance.", she leaned in to give him a kiss but he wouldn't let her kiss him.( Only Abi had the right to do so.)

"Please not now, not here. This isn't the time for this.", she show that he was reluctant to ever loving her, not when he still has strong feelings for Abi. But she has strong feelings for him too, she couldn't give up that easy. She would do anything necessarily possible to make him love her. She slowly backed away from him.

"Ethan can we talk!", she sways around the desk, gently pulls the chair she spotted earlier at the corner.

"Talk about?," he asks looking discombobulated. "What could we possibly talk about?"

"Us ,love!" , she says excitedly. The idea of him and her lit up a spark in her heart.

"Us!" , he was stunned by her outcome.

"Yes us", she repeated. " Don't act so surprised.", she says as she noticed his reaction.

"There was never 'us' to begin with and please don't call me love. It's not like you to call me love, it just don't feel right."

"But your my fiance."

"Yes on contract but in reality there's no ring on your hand given by me to you with pure love. Indicating that I willing want you to be mine and mine alone for eternity.", he honestly speaks from his broken heart.

"I knew it.. you still have feels for this so called Abi girl.", there it was her true colours. And not the cute kind, abruptly she become sour ,so jealous of Abi. That she was the lone girl capable of winning Ethan's heart.

His facial expression changed, his temper rose , abruptly he become cold and formal. " This... she's not an object, she's a human being who has feelings like all of us."

"And I don't? Tell me what does this girl have that I don't have?" , there she goes again with the word 'this' that kept on raising his temper, making him more cold.

"Respect, honesty, loyalty, compassion, love. Those are the things that your lacking."

"Oh yeah what am I ?", she shouts clearly testing his patience.

"Disrespectful, heartless, dishonesty, disloyalty, no compassion, egotistical. Need I say more?"

"Ethan...", he cut her off mid sentence.

"Don't Ethan me, weren't you the one who said we needed to talk? Now I'm talking and you will keep your mouth shut and listen to every word I have to say. Truly truly I say this to you and I say this from the bottom of my heart. I didn't like the way you acted around me and Abi at the ice skating rink. What did you think you would possibly gain from that kiss?" And than having the outdaciousness to call her 'average' now 'this'.

"I just saw that bitch hugging you, thought she was stealing you from me. So I came there and kissed you, in a way of telling her that you already have someone in your life."

"Bitch!", his face hardened from that signal word. "Don't you ever call her that!"

"E come on, don't be like this."

"Are you okay?", he asks.

"Yes I'm okay." , she say certain as ever.

"No it doesn't look that way. You need help quick."

She gestured her teeth. "I said I'm perfectly fine and that bitch isn't."

"This conversation is over, please leave my office.", he took his gaze down at the table.

"Ethan!", her voice softens.

Roughly he took his gaze always from the table to meet her magenta eyes. His amber abruptly become black with anger filled with so much irritation. He glared at her with cold dark lifeless eyes. He gave her " I'm serious, you better leave my sight right now before I lose it look. " She grabbed her belongs and left.

"And that's the woman my grandfather said I would have to marry. Geez, havens No!", he says feed up.

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