Chapter Twelve

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"Getting to know one another "

Abigail's POV

I roll my eyes, grab his arm and drag him to my room. When we got there I closed the door behind us. Ethan took a seat on the edge of my bed and I walked over to join him. I stopped myself from taking a seat, don't get me wrong but how can I sit when I'm about to confess everything to the man I hold dearest to my heart. I kept pacing around the room figuring out a way to tell him the truth. Well , I simply do not have a choice but to tell him how I feel , to tell him the truth -- about my past , if I want to start a relationship with him.

I turn around to face him, he looks so impatient, lost and discombobulated. I take a deep breath , close my eyes and open them once again.

"Three years ago, I fell in love with a guy named Andrew. I thought he loved me but his love turned out to be fraudulent. Instead of taking care of me , he abused me emotionally and physically. I was fortunate enough to escape his clatches. Since then I've been afraid to date,  neither find someone to love and to share my love ,pain, sorrow and joy with.To be honest,I'm afraid that when I find love again, I'll only get myself hurt and also abused all over again." ,I take a deep breath once again.

''That's why, I-I....'' , I couldn't bring myself to say it. My heart dropped with every word that came out of my mouth. In fact, my left hand was trembling with fear.

''That's why you refused to go out with me?'' , he asked,concentrated.

''Yes.'',  I replied,sadly. He grabs hold of my hand and places me on his lap.

''Look ,Abi I will never hurt you, nor lay my hands upon you like Andrew did. All I want from you is to give me a chance to show you how much I love you and how of a precious person you are to me. None of my intentions are to hurt in any way. So... will you give me that chance?'' He asks. I nodded in agreement placing my head on his chest.

"Say it", he commanded.

" Yes,I'm willing to give that chance,Mr Carson",I said quietly.

''Love you Ms Anderson." He says,placing a sweet,soft kiss on my forehead.

''Love you too Mr Carson.'', I replied,blushing scarlet.

Ethan's POV

Time went by with Ms Anderson and I lying on the bed talking to each other. Getting to know one another better.

''How do you know my older brother, when d'you guys  meet?'', she asks.

"Well , funny story actually,Dexter used to date my cousin, and when she brought him home to meet the family we sort of... just became instant friends and so it began..."

"Wow, I certainly did not know he was dating.",she says with a surprised expression on her face.

"Well, he's single now."

"Yeah, I guess so." ,she said,looking lost in her thoughts,with a yawn at the end.

"It's pretty late and you... need to get some rest." I said,suppressing the word *you*, getting up from her bed. "But not before you answer my question." I said with a mischievous glare.

"And that question is.....?" ,she asks,also getting up to pull down the covers.

"Abigail , will you go out with me?"

She turned around to face me as she couldn't stop herself from smiling. "Of course!" ,she says, jumping into my arms,looking so young.

I let out a soft chuckle and say, "Friday night , 6 o'clock?"

She lets go of me and nods her head.

"Okay, its a date." ,I say ,backing away, making my way to the door.

"What, no goodnight kiss...?, She said looking disappointed.

I turn around with a smirk planted on my face as I walk back to her. I grab her waist , crash her body into mine so we could be as close together as possible then I  kissed her passionately. I didn't let the kiss turn into something more because I wanted our first time together to be special. So I broke the kiss and looked her in the eye.

"Goodnight Ms Anderson."

With that said I let go of her waist ,she unwrapped her arms from around my neck and I left.

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