Chapter Thirty-Six - Luke's POV

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I know my chapters haven't been that long and I'm sorry, I'll try and make this one longer no grantees though...It's almost over people, there is probably just one chapter and an epilogue left after this...





It was like Summer all over again. I walked out through the trees that surrounded the cliff. There she was; my mate, my life, my love-Shia. It had been a little over a week since the fight and death of her father. Today was the day that her would be buried. A few days ago we had a mass service for all the other fallen pack members. I knew today was going to be hard for her; how could it not? She and Ryan had to bury their father today. 

 Every night since it happened she would be wrapped up in my arms as she cried herself to sleep. We barely spoke these last few days. Every time Shia would try to have a normal conversation she would break down. I didn't want her to cry so I mostly just kept my mouth shut. It didn't help that the guilt was eating at me. I knew it wasn't my fault that her father was gone but, I couldn't help but wonder if there was some thing that I could've done to save him. 

 "Come." her whisper floated to me with the wind. She just stood there staring out into the horizon.

"The service is about to start." I said wrapping my arms around her waist resting my chin on her shoulder. She stepped out of my arms and linked her fingers through mine.

"Then we should go." she said tugging me along with her.

 We walked through the tree's in silence. Everything around was silent. The birds weren't chirping, none of the critters in the forest weren't scurrying around. It was almost as if the forest was also in mourning as the pack was. We had suffered a great loss. One of the strongest Alphas in the US was gone. No one thought it would happen the way that it had. Maybe it could've have been prevented but, for now we would get through the services and then go from there.

 The clearing where the service was being held came into view. I guided Shia to her seat and stood behind her. I could feel her sorrow through our bond even though she was trying hard to block it. She had already blocked out her brother and the rest of the pack. She couldn't deal with their pain and her just yet. Alli, Gage, Colt and Gi walked up and the girls sat next to Shia while the guys stood with me. Not long after Ryan and Layna came up and took their places. 

 Within not even five minutes the rest of the pack had gathered and the service began. I could hear Shia's heart pick up pace. She wanted to run, she didn't want to be here. But, she knew she had too and that she was strong enough to do it. 

 It's alright baby, I'm right here. I sent to her as I placed my hand on her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze

I don't know if I can do this. 

Yes, you can. You're stronger than anyone else I know. After all the things you've gone through-and survived-you can do this.

 The rest of the service went by smoothly with no more thoughts of running off from Shia. She hugged her brother tightly as her father's casket was lowered into the ground. I wanted to be able to comfort her as I had been this past week but, I knew she needed her brother right now. They walked together and each threw a white rose into the ground followed by my sister and my self. All our friends went next and rest of the pack after them. 

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