Chapter Sixteen

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I've been meaning to put this chapter up, but I've been super busy these last couple days. Well not busy busy, just catching up on some Supernatural. Ah, dean & sam freaking hotties lmao...

Oh & I'm really in need of some new covers, posters (whatever) and stuff like that for this story...If any of you would like to make one than please have it....For anyone who sends me one will get a chapter dedicated to them and I'll post up what they made...Thank YOU !!!!!

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<3 CRiS =)


The soft glow of the morning sun was warm against my skin. After the events of last night all I wanted to do was stay in this bed all day. I just wanted to wallow in my own misery. Maybe bring in a gallon of Ben & Jerry's, after all they were a girls best friend. Some may say that a girls best friend is diamonds, but they are sadly mistaken.

As I thought of ways to stay holed up in here a sweet smell assaulted my senses. A sweet floral smell; roses and lilies mixed with Luke's over powering scent. I cracked open my eyes taking in my surroundings. I sat up quickly  as I caught sight of the room. Every flat surface was covered in dozens of roses and lilies. My breath caught and my eyes widened. 

What in the world? I thought

There was a note attached to a vase on the night stand. I picked it off and read it over.


I hope that you're feeling better this morning.
I told you I wanted to make things right so I'm trying it this way.
Aside from that, I hope these flower's bring a smile to your face and brighten your day.


I wanted to laugh and I kind of did. This was Luke's way of making things right? Wow just wow. The man really knew how to make a girl weak at the knees huh. What girl wouldn't want to wake up to dozens of flowers everywhere. Shaking my head I walked into the bathroom for a shower. I was still in the clothes I wore last night to dinner. 

Once I was showered and my morning routine was finished. I walked down stairs dressed in a pair of black pajama short shorts and a light pink cami. The house was quite and still as if no one was around. I didn't dwell on it to much as I passes a window that looked out onto the drive way. There was Luke--shirtless--washing his car. It was a sight to see. I went to get a cup of coffee before I returned to the window. Leaning against the wall I just watched him through the slightly open curtain.

"Are you spying on your mate?" Gi asked

"I am not spying, just looking." I said not tearing my eyes away from the sight before me.

"Spying, looking, watching, stalking, gazing, ogling. Same thing!" she said dismissively "I smelt flowers a little while ago, are there flowers in the house?" she asked changing the subject

"Oh, yeah, their up in my room. Their from Luke." I answered

Gi ran up the stair to my room I assumed "HOLY CRAP!" she shouted and I heard her running back down the stairs "You realize the room is covered in flowers, right?" 

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