Chapter Thirteen

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Okay you guys are most definitely AWESOME, I know you guys already know that but I just had to say it. I never thought that anyone would really enjoy my story as much as all of you and look where you guys have put my story.

Werewolf #31

Romance #76

What's Hot #175

That's beyond awesome and I am beyond happy. Thank you all for reading and voting and fanning. If it wasn't for all of you I wouldn't have the inspiration to write....


"So, first things first," Luke began once we climbed into his car. "You planned to go out with your friends, so where would that be?" he asked

"Avenue 29!" I answered

"Okay." he said and off we went

The club was a good 30 minute drive from the restaurant we were at so I had some time to think everything through. Well at least some of it. I stared at him out of the corner of my eye wondering if everything he had said moments ago were true. He seemed genuine in his apology, I could read it in his eyes. I was never really that good at reading people so I could be wrong; I hoped I wasn't though. I didn't know where all this doubt was coming from now, but oh well. 

During the drive my mind raced with all kinds of different things. I could barely keep hold of one thought. I replayed the kiss over and over again when my mind freed me of it's constant babbling. I could still feel the tingling sensation that his lips left behind. I could kiss him all day but that would have to wait till he proved to me that he was sincere. 

It was only about 9pm when we got to the club and I really had no idea if everyone was already here or not. I sent out a mass text to them asking where they were; they all replied with the same answer: Avenue 29. I didn't wait for Luke to get out of the car before I bounded up to the club and walked in with out waiting in line. Ah the perks of being a shifter and going to a club that's owned by one. What to do first? I thought as I walked into the crowded club. I could find my friends later.

"Let's get a drink!" Luke whispered in my ear. I didn't even realize he came in already.

He placed a hand at the small of my back and led me toward the bar. I never thought that I'd be at a club with him. The last time was different since I didn't come with him. The funny part about this situation was that I was underage and he was taking me to get a drink--and he said I was a child, pfft! He led me to a darkened corner at the other end and took a seat on the stool, I followed his action and sat next to him.

"What'd you want?" he asked.

I had the strangest urge to do something completely out of character for me. Well, it'd be out of character since I'd be doing it with him. But, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the look on his face.

"Body shots!" I answered simply

He said there with a dumbfounded expression, he definitely didn't expect that answer. I ordered two shots of tequila, the bartender placed them in front of me with some salt and two pieces of lime. He's going to be even more shocked when he realizes where I'm putting the salt. I knew I was supposed to make him work for but this was just to hard to pass up. 

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