Chapter Four

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I really want to know what you all think about this story. I have an idea of where I want it to go but any input you have would be great...ENJOY


When the school day finally came to an end I couldn't make it out of there fast enough. Suffering through two hours of Art with Luke was torture. Through the whole class I noticed him glancing at me every so often like he wasn't sure I was actually there. I practically ran out of class when the bell rang. I heard him call out to me but I ignored it not wanting to be around him any longer. God, this was going to be a long ass year.

As soon as I got home I ran up to my room and changed into a pair of denim short shorts and a old black tank top. Maybe if I spent some time working on my car I could get all this mate nonsense off my mind if even for a little while. I ran back down stairs and out the side door that led to the garage. Once there I ripped off the car cover over my skyline and popped the hood. I threw my hair into a pony tail and stood there staring down at the engine. I had no idea where the heck to start. After a few minutes of thinking it over I decided on just starting on some basic changes that needed to be made. Like replacing the spark plugs and changing out the oil. 

15 minutes later, I had oil smeared on my shorts legs and arms. I hated changing oil because I always managed to get it all over myself. With a huff I started removing all the spark plugs when an all to familiar scent attacked my senses. 

[MATE!] my wolf growled

[I know!] I said

[We need our mate!] she hissed

[No, we don't!] I grumbled

[You want him, stop denying it!]

[Shut it!]

I did my best to ignore him which wasn't really all that hard since he had yet to say anything; but my wolf was another story, she refused to leave me alone while he was around. I continued to do what I had set out to do when I came out here. Though this time I could barely concentrate on the simple task of putting a spark plug back in. It took me five frikin minutes to put one of those damned things in.

"Is there a reason you're here?" I asked breaking the awkward silence "Or are you just planning on standing there all afternoon?"

"I just cane to see you." he replied

"What for?"

"Well, you are my mate, and I haven't seen you since you ran off two months ago."

"Well, you've seen me today in school and you've seen me now." I shrugged wiping my hands off on the rag in my back pocket. "So, if there's nothing else you can go."

I turned to look at him. He was standing there shoulders hunched, hands stuffed in the pockets of his black slacks looking down at his shoes. He looked so adorable--I stopped that thought from continuing on. I did not need to be lusting after him right now. I was no where near ready for that at the moment. Who knew when I'd be ready for it.

"'re a teacher." I said since he didn't look like he was leaving anytime soon. "Didn't see that coming since the first time we met was at a street race."

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