Chapter Eight

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Waking up bright and early the next morning I felt for refreshed then I had in a while. Since I got just about 10hours of sleep that night there was no wonder I was up at the  crack of dawn. I sat in the middle of the bed with my legs tucked under me fiddling with my phone. I had been trying to get onto facebook, twitter--anything--for the past hour with no luck. Phone in hand I walked out into the hallway at the same time as my friends.

"My phones not working!" we all said in unison

I looked up from my phone as they all looked up at me. That was weird! Then the situation we were in came back to me and to say I was mad would we an understatement; I was livid. First we get sent here for reasons unknown and now none of our phone are working. Unbelievable! I stormed past my friends yelling out for Luke as I took the stairs two at a time. I found him sprawled out on the couch fast asleep. Well he wouldn't be sleeping very long.

"GET UP!" I shouted kicking the back of the couch

He bolted upright sending himself into a heap on the floor; groaning. I stood there looking at him with my arms crossed over my chest and eyes narrowed. 

"Well good morning to you too." he said "Is there a reason you pushed me off the couch?"

"I didn't push you, you fell dumb ass." I hissed

"God, what's with all the hostility this morning?" he asked pushing himself off the ground

I tried not to let the fact that he was standing there in all his shifter glory in only a pair of cotton pajama pants. There was a reason I was down here and it was not to ogle him. I pushed aside the dirty thoughts that tried to invade my mind. But the fact that he didn't even try to hide anything from view and it was very distracting. I picked up a shirt hanging over the arm rest of the couch and threw it at him. I waited till he put it on before continued.

"Why are our phones not working?" I hissed

"They were turned off." he shrugged like it was no big deal

"And why were they turned off?" I asked; this was ridiculous 

"It's safer that way." came his reply

"Safer? Do you not realize how stupid that is. I need my phone, it's my direct line to everything!" I said throwing my hands up

"You sound like such a girl!" Gage said from behind me

"In case you haven't noticed I am a girl, you idiot. And don't even act like you can live with out your phone." I said "Now, I am going to get ready and you're coming with me." I said pointing to Luke "Be ready to go in ten minutes." I turned as stared walking up the stairs and could feel someones gaze on my back side "Stop staring at my ass!" I shouted

Ten minutes later I walked back into the living room and everyone was standing around dressed and ready to go. I knew my friends wouldn't pass up the chance to go somewhere even though they had no idea what we were headed or why. I snatched they keys out of  Luke's hands and walked out of the house. I pulled into the first cell phone carriers I found which happened to be t-mobile. I was the first out of the car and in the store, walking up to the first available worker--he was cute for a human.

"Hi, I want to start a new service, five actually." I said with a smile

"Do you know what kinds of phone you want to get?" he asked

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