Chapter Twenty-Two

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  • İtfaf edildi all my AWESOME fans and readers

Having another case of writers block so I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best. In a few chapter the action with start and I really hope that you guys will like it. In the next couple chapters though I'm be adding more friend and brother time. It can't always be just about Shia and Luke; well it can, but, I gotta throw everyone else up in there lol....Well enjoy!



The whole do-over thing had been truly magnificent. We ate. We talked. We danced under the moonlight. I couldn't have asked for a better night with Luke. It still came in second to the night before. I had a smile on my face the whole night even when Luke walked me up to the room. 

"Thank you, tonight has been wonderful." I smiled

"I'm glad you liked it." he said

"I loved it!" I stated

"Even better." he said pecking me on the lips "Now, go get some rest. Tomorrow's Monday."

"Aren't you coming?" I asked confused

"I'm gonna go clean up than I have some thing's to take care of." he replied

"Like what?" I asked curiously

"For my first class. I haven't finished grading their Art History papers." he replied "I shouldn't be long."

"Okay, don't work too hard now." I teased

"I only work hard when it comes to you." he said

"Corny much?"

"I try!" he shrugged 

With on last lingering kiss we parted ways. I did my nightly routine and changed into a silk nightie before crawling into bed. Sleepy didn't come too easily even though I was beyond tired. It took me awhile--about a half hour before I finally succumbed to sleep.

I'm not sure how long I had been asleep when I woke up with a still empty bed. Not remembering what time I had went to sleep I looked over at the clock and it read 1:43 am. I was sure it couldn't have been more than a few hours since I had gone to sleep. It surprised me though that Luke still hadn't come to bed. 

I climbed out of the comforts of the warm bed and padded my way through the house. Everything was dark; not a single light on. As I walked to the back door I saw the door to Luke's door slightly ajar. Taking a peek I saw him sitting at the desk reading over some papers. How many papers did he actually have to finish grading? Tip-toeing toward him I wrapped my arms around his shoulders from behind.

"What are you still doing up?" I asked sleepily 

"Just going over some things for my dad that I forgot to do this weekend." he replied

"I thought you had papers to grade?"

"I did. When I finished those I found these under them." he replied "What are you doing up?"

"I woke up to an empty bed and decided to come looking for you." I yawned

His hand came up and stroked my arm. "Go back to bed." he said 

"Only if you come with me."

"In a minute," he said distractedly "I'm almost done here."

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