Chapter Three

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It was like time had stopped after I had made my confession. I didn't know what to expect from her father or brother once they knew that I was her mate; well her unwanted mate. The three of us stood there staring at each other not know what to say and no one wanting to be the first to speak or what to say. This wasn't exactly something you want to hear about right after a funeral. But, I couldn't just not say anything, I had been doing that all week.

"When the hell did that happen?" Ryan asked

"A week ago, the night before I came here." I replied "I met her at a street race. I didn't know who she was or that she was your daughter sir, I actually thought I wouldn't see her again after that night." 

"Hm, well I guess its nothing new coming from Shia, she never wanted a mate." Ryan shrugged

"Yeah, I got that already. But, right now I don't think that me being the ''unwanted mate'' is all that important." I began "Shia is gone, and we need to find her."

"Luke is right," Alpha Morrigan began "Let's split up, everyone else is also searching for her. Let's hope we find her soon."

--2 weeks later--

It's been two weeks since Shia disappeared. Everyone else has gave up on looking for her including her own family. Who the hell does that? They keep saying that there isn't anything more they can do and Shia'll come back when she's ready. I think that's a bunch of bullshit. 

"You need to give it a rest, she'll come back." Ryan said standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"How can any of you just let this go? She's your sister!" 

"There's something you should know about my sister, it's the reason why the search has been called off."

He took a seat across from me at the table. With a heavy sigh he ran a hand through his messy hair. 

"Well....what is it?" I asked impatiently 

"You know that all shifters have the ability to mask their scent, right?"

"What shifter doesn't know that?"

"Well, Shia....she, well she mastered it." he said

"What'd you mean?"

"When we were little, we would always play hide-n-seek in the dark, using only each others scents to find one another. Because we played it so much Shia kept practicing on masking her scent and eventually she mastered it." he said "That's what she's been doing for the last two weeks, she's been hiding her scent so no one would be able to track her."

"So, all because she's hiding her scent none of you are going to continue to search for her?" I questioned

"How do you expect to find her if you can't track her scent?" he asked

I knew he was right but what choice did I have. I was not going to give up looking for her in the hopes that she would eventually come back home. For all we knew she didn't even intend on coming back. I was not going to let that happen. Some how I would find her and bring her home where she belonged whether the wanted to or not. 

"I don't know." I sighed "But I can't just give up."

"She doesn't want to be found, at least not any time soon."

My Unwanted Mate (Completed) - Under Major Construction!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz