Chapter Twenty-One

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It's New Year's Eve so I figure I'd post one more chapter for 2011! I'll try to make it a good chapter even if it's more of a filler in my opinion. I hope you all have a fun and safe New Year's Eve; don't get too smashed lol...Quite a bit of dialog in this...Anyways, as always ENJOY





Luke had of course won our little bet. Exactly 45 minutes after Ryan ran off he came bounding into the house with a not too happy looking Layna thrown over his shoulder. With a grin he walked past all of us and headed straight to Luke's study.

"Don't you dare mate with my sister in there!" Luke called after him.

"It ain't gonna happen!" Layna called back

"This is almost like deja vu!" Alli said

"How?" Gage asked looking down at her

"Shia also ran away from Luke." she giggled causing the rest of us to laugh

"Biggest mistake of my life." I said gazing up at him

"Okay, I get that you've only just went through with the whole mating thing," Gi began "But please, save the lovey-dovey crap for when we aren't around."

"Shut your ass." I laughed "I had to deal with the four of you all at once so now it's your turn."

"Pff, we weren't that bad!" she said

"Alli and Gage weren't." I agreed "But you and Colt were terrible. How many times did I have to pull you two off each other in the lunch room?"

"I couldn't help it. He's a master at what----"

I cut her off "Do not finish that sentence. I so don't want to know what goes on with any of you behind closed doors."

"Are you sure you went through with the whole mating process, or did he just mark you, cause you still sound like a virgin." Gi joked

"If this is your way of trying to get me to spill the details of last night, it's not going to happen." I said

"We don't want details." Alli said "We just want to know if it was good or not."

"My lips are sealed!" I stated

"That bad, huh?" Gage asked "You know, if you need some pointers I'd be happy to help you out." he offered Luke

"Shut up Gage!" I said punching him in the arm

"Shia!" Layna shouted storming down the hall "Please, talk to your brother."

"What'd he do?" I asked

"He's driving me crazy!" she huffed crossing her arms over her chest

"You're the one being stubborn!" Ryan stated coming into the room.

Great this is going to be interesting. Some friends I had they all disappeared as soon as Ryan walked in. I heard the bedroom doors close upstairs. Was it too much to ask for a little help? I had no idea what the heck to do with these two. Even Luke tried to sneak out of the room until he saw the look I shot him. It had him stopping in his tracks and coming to sit by me once more. There was no way in hell I was going to deal with them alone. 

I sat there rubbing my temples as Ryan and Layna went back and forth with each other. Something about him using his dumb ass alpha tone. Her acting like a stubborn child. Ryan needing to bring his ego down a notch. They were on their way to giving me a migraine. The whole time Luke looked on amused. I don't know what the hell was so amusing about all of this. To me it was damn annoying. How the fates chose these two as mate I'll never understand. After another half hour of them arguing I had, had enough.

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