Chapter Thirty-One

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  • Dedicated to All my AMAZING readers and fans!

Don't know how long this chapter will end up being since I'm kind of just winging it. I'm just writing as I go and I have absolutely NOTHING PLANNED for this part so I'm sorry if it isn't that good. I just wanted to do a Valentine's Day chapter since today is well...VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!

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Valnetine's Day!

It's the one day out of the whole year that is all about love. I used to think it was beyond stupid. I had a reason to think so back than since I was single. This year was just the same as other except I had a mate now! Queue smiley face! It had been just a bit over a month since all the crap that happened back in Florida. 

This last month since I've remembered everything has been...I don't even have the right words for it. Peaceful; I guess. It has been; really peaceful. Not one run in with rogues, haven't had any come near our boarders or any of the surrounding pack lands either. So life was going pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.

I had spent most of my time with my friends in and out of school--since we started up again at our old school. My nights were spent with Luke who had yet to move back into his house that he had here. I prayed that life wouldn't throw any more curve balls at us. We'd been through enough to last a life time and I just wanted smooth sailing from here on out. Or at least for a while.

Since today was Valentine's Day the girls and I decided to wear something red or pink to school today. The halls had been decorated for the last week with heart and all that other stuff for this very day. It was a bit overwhelming walking through the halls and seeing everything decked out in pink, red and white. The color was really starting to get on my nerves and to think I agreed to dress in the same colors today. When this day was over I was not wearing any of those colors for a long while. 

Luke had already left for work and I was left standing in front of my closet wrapped in a towel wondering what the heck to wear. Picking out a pair of white skinny jeans and a red corset top I got dressed. Now all I needed was shoes; I already pulled on my black cropped leather jacket so I chose a pair of black knee high heeled boots. 

Dressed and ready I headed out since I'd be late if I didn't hurry. I ran out of my room only to run into Layna and almost knock her over in my haste to get out of the house.

"Shit!" I hissed rubbing my forehead. "Sorry Lay, I wasn't paying attention."

"It's okay." she waved me off rubbing her head too. "Guess we're both running late."

"Yup." I nodded "I like your outfit. It's cute." I commented taking in her pink and white floral print top and red skirt.

"Thanks." she grinned "I like your's too."

"Okay, I like both of your outfits. But, if the two of you don't move it you're going to be late." Ryan said pushing us to the stairs.

"I don't know how Layna can put up with you, you're so damn pushy." I grumbled stepping away from him and bounding down the stairs.

"Unlike you, she loves me!" he stated

"If you say so!" I said stepping out the front door. "See you at school." I called over my shoulder to Layna who was stuck with my brother; pfft and he's the one who said we'd be late. She will be now because of him.

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