Chapter Seventeen

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Okay so this chapter gets a bit hot&steamy....if you don't want to read it, than just skip that part...don't worry it's nothing too bad, well I don't think so any way lol....

New cover by Molzar13...THANK YOU!!!


By noon I was finally ready to come out of the room. I hoped the novelty of of what my friends had witnessed wore off. I was never that lucky though, but one can hope right? I was readying myself for the embarrassment I was sure to receive from my friends when the smell of baked chicken hit me. I followed the heavenly scent into the kitchen. 

Everyone was sitting around the room each with a full plate in front of them. Luke looked up when I entered and stood from his spot to grab a plate out of the microwave. Placing it at the empty spot beside him, he sat back down.

"Thank." I said sliding onto the stool next to him

"You're welcome. I would've brought it up to you but I figured you'd want some time to yourself."

"It has nothing to do with you." I said "Well, ir kind of does, but not in a bad way."

"That's good to know. I was starting to think that you regret what happened."

"I don't." I assured him

"Me either." he smiled

The rest of lunch went on without a hitch. The girls and I cleaned up the kitchen before moving into the living room where the guys were watching some football game. Alli and Gi took a seat next to their mates. Ryan on was perched on the edge on the recliner engrossed by the game. Leaving the only seat next to Luke was sat on the love seat. He was so into the game that he didn't take notice of me claiming the empty spot beside him. That only last a second. With his eyes still on the screen he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled into his side. 

I paid the game little attention. All I could focus on was the way Luke's fingers trailed through my hair. His touch sent shivers down my spine. I was not liking the fact that he had this kind of affect on me. I had take slow deep breaths to keep at least some of my sanity. If not I probably would've jumped him right there on the couch. Not a good thing with everyone sitting around the room. 

After the game we all just sat around and watched some movies. No one felt like cooking for dinner so we just ordered pizza. For the last few hours Luke would go from running his fingers through my hair to trailing them up and down my arms; leaving a trail of goose bumps behind. We were in the middle of the latest movie we were watching would I couldn't put a name to because of Luke's distracting fingers when I phone began to ring.

Excusing myself I walked into the first room I found--which was apparently Luke's study. "Hello?" I answered

"Hey, sweetie." my dad replied

"Dad, hi, how are you?" I asked

"I'm doing alright." he answered "How are you? How's everything in Florida?"

"I'm fine, it's been okay here."

"What about you and Luke?" he asked

"Better." I replied a smile gracing my lips

"That's good to hear."

"How's everything there, Ryan explained things to us last night."

"Quiet for the time being. We've had some of the neighboring packs helping out with security and keeping an eye out for anything suspicious." he said 

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