Chapter Thirty

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Okay so I tried to make this chapter longer...I'm sorry that my last few chapters were way shorter than what I usually write...By the end of this chapter I'm sure you'll all love me again lol...Read on and enjoy...





It was still a bit weird for me to believe everything the my 'friends and family' had told me. I really didn't know what to believe. How was I supposed to be sure that what these people told me were true? I didn't! I guess I'd have to take their word for it. For the last few days I was beginning to wonder about Luke. He had been there when I had woken up looking like he'd been there for a while. But, he had stopped coming around. Yes, I know that we were in the same house, but, I don't know it just felt different. Kind of like he was trying to avoid me. Everyone else had came to talk to me over the following days of me waking up. They told me stories about myself growing up and everything else in between. But, I couldn't help but feel like they were leaving something out.

I hadn't questioned anyone about it. I knew they were treading on thin ice when it came to me. I felt bad about it too. Some times they would begin to talk to me about some thing or another than completely change the subject. At first I didn't really think much about it, but, it kept happening. Though I still didn't say anything.

When my 'father' told me we were going home in a way I was sad and I didn't know why. But, I was also really excited for some reason. I guess I just wanted to remember all the things that everyone had told me. Maybe being back 'home' would help bring back all my memories. It had been almost a week since I had woken up and Luke still hadn't talked or came near me. It hurt me that he had been so distant. I tried to shake it off. but it just was not working. Even during the flight I wanted to get up out of my seat and sit next to him--he was seated in the back row of the jet all by himself just staring out the window looking so lost. My heart went out to him. He looked so lost and broken. Like he nothing to live for.

Not even five minutes after our seven hour flight I was catered off to a car that was waiting for us at the air strip. I couldn't help but feel irritated about being confined into an enclosed space. I wanted to be out in the open and feel the air against my skin and flowing through my hair.  Even with the air con on I had the window down and leaned against the door letting the cool air brush along my skin. 

My 'brother' Ryan had showed me to me my room. My 'father' said he had some thing's to tend too--whatever that meant. I sat on the ed for a while trying my hardest to remember anything. It was getting seriously frustrating what I couldn't remember a damn thing that they told me. As I sat looking around the room that was supposed to be mine I couldn't help but feel that Luke should be here with me right now.

I stood and wandered around the room taking everything in. There were pictured taped against every wall except one--top to bottom. I looked so happy in every single one of them. Only problem, I couldn't commit a memory or any one of them; how I wished I could. I wish I could put a memory to every picture I looked at. For some reason I knew that each picture portrayed something. There were even picture of two people that I had never seen before; or so I thought. 

After a few hours of wandering around the room. I felt like someone was standing there watching me. I didn't take notice at first; I was too caught up in trying to remember the life I had apparently lived before I lost everything--my memory that is. After a while I had to say something since whoever was watching me had yet to say a word.

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