Chapter Fifteen

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A/N at the bottom...


The rest of the afternoon went by with everyone having a bit of fun. Swimming, sandcastles (lame it know--but fun none the less) volleyball, football. Anything you could do at the beach, you name it, we did it. But like all good days it had to come to an end so we could all get ready and head out to dinner. 

As eight o'clock rolled around everyone was ready to go. We piled into Luke's car and sped off to the restaurant. All day Luke's words floated around in my mind and I could think of little else. Even while we were goofing off at the beach or when the girls and I were talking I had fingers snapped in front of my face on more then one occasion. Everyone wondered if I was alright but I would just shrug off their concern and tell them I'm fine. 

During the drive I could tell that Ryan and Luke were more reserved than usual and I knew it was because they were about to drop the big bomb on us about why we were here. We had already been here a week it couldn't be so bad that we would never go back home, could it? 

"Shia, Shia, hello!" Gi said waving her hand in front of my face

"Hm?" I mumbled

"We're here, you gonna get out of the car?" she asked with an amusing glint in her eye

"Uh, yeah, I'm coming." I said shaking my head while getting out of the car.

I walked slowly behind everyone as we entered the restaurant trying to get my thoughts in order. Right now I needed to be focused on the conversation that was going to happen, not the conversation that Luke and I had today. Once we were seated and our drink orders were made, I finally had my head in the right place.

"Let's hear it." I said "No beating around the bush, no bullshit. Just lay it out and get it over with."

"Straight to the point, huh?" Ryan smirked, the smirk quickly vanished as he seen the look on my face "There are things going on that make it unsafe for either of us to be at home." he said looking pointedly at me

"That would be?" I pressed

"The fight that happened at the beginning of Summer wasn't just some regular fight." he said "It was a test, a test to see how strong our defence was."

"You realize that you are making absolutely no sense to me, right?" I asked 

None of this made any sense to be and I was sure it was just the tip of the ice burg. I could only imagine how much more confused I was going to get.

Ryan sighed before he continued "There are a lot of packs out there--even rouge packs--that would do just about anything to take over our pack." he said "They are teaming up to...well...take over."

"That's old news Ryan, everyone knows about that issue, it's been happening for years." I pointed out

"I know that, but they are far more determined now." he said 

"Okay..." I began slowly "But, what does that have to do with me having to leave? How is it unsafe for either of us?" I asked 

"It's not safe because of who dad is. What's the easiest way to take over a pack if you can't kill the Alpha?" he asked 

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