Chapter Six

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not proof read so sorry if there are any mistakes, it 3:48am so sorry if it's not that great....but please let me know what you think. I also need help with a cast, I have a few ideas but would really like your opinion on some cast members...THANKS & ENJOY


My cell phone had been going crazy all morning. I was still in the same dress that I had worn to dinner last night. I barely got any sleep the night before, I just laid on my bed clutching my pillow staring off into space letting the tears roll down my cheeks. I hated this feeling, I felt so empty; something I've never experienced before. Maybe it was karma coming to bite me in the ass for how I acted and the things I had said to Luke the day I ran away. 

The ring tone I had set for Alli went off for the fifth time in the last twenty minutes. I knew it wouldn't stop, none of my friends had stopped calling all morning especially the girls. With a sigh I reached out for my phone. I didn't really want to talk to anyone but I knew I had to eventually. Swiping my thumb across the screen I placed the phone against my ear.

"Finally," Alli breathed "I've been calling you all morning."

I could hear Gage in the back ground asking what was going on and Gi telling him to shut up and wait. I almost laughed at that it was such a typical Gia/Gage moment. My laugh came out as more of a choked laugh I quickly shut my mouth but I already knew Alli had heard it.

"What's going on Shy?" she whispered "Is everything okay?"

Alli has always been the one that we all could go too if we need someone to talk to. We were all there for each other no matter what but Alli was like the mother figure so to speak in our group. 

"No." I whispered hoarsely

"Oh my gosh, are you crying? What happened?" she asked

"What?!" Gi nearly shrieked "Why is she crying?"

"Can you and Gi come over, there's something I need to talk to you both about."

"We'll be there in ten minutes!" she promised

Without saying goodbye I hung up and dropped my phone on the floor. As much as I didn't want to talk to anyone I really needed my friends and to just get it all off my chest. they were they perfect people to talk to. The tears had long since stopped but I still just laid there even after I heard my room door open and close. A few seconds later I felt the bed dip beside me, I didn't have to look up to know who was seated behind me.

"What did you want to tell us?" Alli asked placing her hand on my shoulder

"I found my mate." I replied

"That's great!" she said and I could hear the smile in her voice

"It must not be that great if she's crying." Gi said

"Shut up, Gi!" Alli hissed the same time I said "It's not!"

"Why don't you tell us when and how you met him." she said

"It was about two an a half months ago at the first race of the summer. I had to race him one-on-one."

"Did you win?" Gi asked "I bet you did!"

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