Chapter Seven

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I was utterly confused as I walked from my fathers study up to my room. Why did I have to leave? Why was it so important that I go? What did I have to be kept safe from? When would Luke or Ryan tell me everything? i had all those questions flying around in my head. I was in a daze as I went through the motions of packing up some clothes. I wasn't even really sure how much I was supposed to pack, all my father and Luke told me to do was pack 'a bag'; so maybe we weren't going to be gone that long.

"Please tell me you know whats going on!" Alli exclaimed as she barged into my room, successfully bringing me back to reality.

I looked around and realised that I had my bag packed and ready to go near the door. I could feel her eyes on me as she waited for a response. My gaze shifted from the room to her. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked eyeing the bag she dropped near her feet and heard three pairs of footsteps coming our way. 

"Will you tell us what's going on?" Gi asked as she, Gage and Colt walked in.

"I don't know, but why are you all here?" I asked confused

I grew even more confused as I noticed they each had a bag as well. 

"Our parents made us leave the party and when we got home we had to pack a bag and they brought us here." Gage replied--oh and I might have forgotten to mention the he and Gi are twins.

"Me too!" Alli said

"Same here!" Colt added

"Luke and my father said the same thing but neither of them would tell me why." I sighed

I dug through my drawers to find something ti change in to, there was no way I was going to who knows where in this dress and heels, they were definitely not travel attire.I pulled out a pair of faded skinny jeans, a form fitting red top, my trusty leather jacket and 2-inch heeled boots. I tossed them all on the bed and turn my back on my friends. 

"Can one of you unzip me please?" I asked pulling my hair aside

One of the girls came over and unzipped my dress, I let it fall to the ground and pulled on my jeans before turning back to them. Yes, I can change in front of my friends even the guys and not give a shit. We've all done it a million times so we're used to it. I pulled on the rest of the clothes and threw my hair into a ponytail.

I had a feeling we would be needing some money on this little 'trip' of ours so I kneeled on the ground and grabbed the two large duffel's out from under my bed and placed them next to my bag by the door. 

"What's in there?" Colt asked

"You'll see soon enough." I replied

"Oh good, you're all here and ready." Luke said standing in the hall "Let's get a move on."

The two boys each grabbed one of the duffle's along with their bags and followed after Luke. With one last look around my room I made sure I had everything I needed. My eyes landed on a double frame which held a picture of Bryce and I the other of Mia and I. I quickly grabbed it and placed it into my purse along with my phone and charger. When I was a hundred percent sure I got everything, I grabbed my bag of clothes. The girls and i made our way down stairs, but my father stopped me before I could make it to the door by pulling me into a hug. I dropped everything in my hands and hugged him back. 

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