Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sorry for the cliffy in the last chapter...i just couldn't help it lol...

 Not the best chapter, more like a filler I'd say...but enjoy none the less

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I was excited! Okay maybe a bit more than excited. Today is Shia's birthday and I couldn't wait till later tonight when I would give her, her gift. I had, had it for a long while now, since this past Summer to be exact. I was pacing around the living room waiting for her to come down so we could all head out to dinner with my family. It was supposed to just be the two of us, Ryan and my family, but, I knew it would mean a lot to her if her friends came along as well. We had a long night ahead of us and if she didn't hurry we were going to be late for dinner. 

"Relax, man!" Ryan said clapping me on the back "She's a girl and they take forever to get ready."

"She doesn't usually take this long. She's usually one of the first one ready." I said

"True, but when it come to her birthday, she takes longer than any other girl I have ever met." he said

"I can't wait till we get to the club and than we go to the races." Gi gushed "God, I haven't been to a race in so long."

"Me either!" Alli grinned "Too bad Shia isn't racing, I would love to see her race again."

"Maybe we can talk her into it, after Mr. S races." Gage said

"Will you all please stop calling me Mr. S and just stick with Luke." I groaned "I know I've asked you all to do so a million times."

"Yeah, but we like calling you Mr. S." Colt said

I resumed my pacing wondering what the heck could be taking her so long. I swear she's been up there getting ready for the past two hours. It doesn't take that long to get ready, right? I don't think it should take that long. But, I'm a guy, what do I know about getting ready when it come's to girls. A soft thump came from upstairs, nothing to be alarmed about. 

"LUKE!" I heard Shia scream. My blood ran cold. 

I sprinted up the stairs taking two at a time with everyone else on my heels. Throwing open the room door I froze in my tracks. It was a mess and Shia wasn't in the room. The window was wide open. The evening breeze blowing in causing the curtains to dance along with it. 

"Where the hell is she?" Ryan said stepping around me. "I swear Shia, you better not be messing with us!" he called out to the empty room.

There was a folded piece of paper sitting on my bedside table. I picked it up and read it. My heart faltering at the words that were written. 

Poor, poor Alpha to be...
What will you do now without your precious mate?
To think that the high and mighty Alpha Morrigan thought that he could send his family away thinking they would never be found. I must admit it was a challenge to find you all, but, with a little help I got what I came for. Actually, I got more than I came for. I'm sure you will be receiving a call shortly, though it wont be from me. I hope you enjoy your long lonely life, if I let you live that long. This is the last time you will hear from me, don't worry I'll be sure to take care of your mate for you. The same goes for Ryan.

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