Chapter Thirty-Five - Luke's POV

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This chapter is kind of short...But don't hate people consider yourselves lucky that I uploaded so soon, I was going to make you all wait...But then I decided that I didn't want to be mean and posted this up...You've gotta admit though 2 uploads in 2 days, that is awesome! I haven't done that in a while...well enjoy! and you guys are the SHIZZ!!!





After spending an amazing weekend with my mate it was back to work on Monday. I still had a bit of catching up to do with my grading, but it could wait. The projects would take no time at all it was the tests and papers that would take me forever. It was worth it though, I had been neglecting my mate without meaning too and this past weekend was all about her. The plus side to the whole thing was when she agreed to move in with me. The smile didn't leave my face the whole time we were together. In fact it was still there.

This was going to be the start of our life together. In a few years we'd head back to Florida and take over the Alpha and Luna position from my parents. But, until then I'd find out what she wanted to do once she graduated. If she wanted to travel then we would go wherever she wanted to go. Whatever she wanted to do I'd make sure that she could do it. 

There were so many possibilities running through my mind that I didn't even notice that I had made it to the school. I was still running all the different ideas through my head as I walked to my classroom and got everything ready for the day. Would she want to go to Europe? South America? Asia? The possibilities were endless. I knew I'd take her to all the place I had traveled too and share my many memories with her as well as make new ones.

When me morning classes were almost over a call came in to the school. It was sent to my room and I picked it up. It was Ryan and I needed to get back to the pack house along with Gage and Colt. He didn't explain why just that it was important and the girl were not to be informed yet. After signing myself and the boys out I met up with them in the parking lot. The got into my car and we pulled out of the stall in time to see most of the older males also leaving the school. Whatever was happening was obviously bad. 

"So what'd going on?" Colt asked sticking his head between mine and Gage's seats.

"Don't know yet, Ryan called and said we needed to get to the pack house, but wouldn't tell me way." I answered

"You think it has to do with rogues?" Gage asked

"Honestly, I haven't go a clue. There hasn't been anything going on with the rogue situation ever since Miami." I said 

"Well, whatever it is it must super important if half the male population at school is heading to the pack house as well." Colt said glancing behind him at the line of cars that were following behind us.

Pulling up to the pack house car after car pulled up right beside us. You could feel the threat of something to come hanging in the air. It sent a chill straight to my bones; something was going to happen today and it was not going to be anything good. I nodded my head toward the house; Gage and Colt flanked me as we walked into the pack house. 

Everything was quiet eerily so. I had never been a pack house that was so quiet. Even during the day while some were in school there was always someone out and about. But, like the pack grounds the house was silent. The guys and I made our way to the Alphas office and walked through the slightly open door. The best of the packs fighters were lined up around the room. The Alpha was bent over his desk looking over papers with Ryan.

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