Chapter Twenty-Six

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Check out my new story 'The Sweetheart & The Billionaire Heart Breaker' click the external link to read it or just go to my page...anyways on to the story!!!!!!


The pain was almost unbearable. I took all I had not to scream out in agony. I had lost count of how many times Shawna had cut into my body, how many time she stabbed me with all kinds of things. The slices and the stabs I could handle--sort of--it was the burns that were a bitch. She went at it for hours and hours. I didn't know what time it was and I didn't care.

All I could focus on was the pain and how hard I tried not to let it show. I tried to focus on Layna for a while to took my mind off the pain; but I couldn't. I couldn't watch as she silently sobbed because of what was happening to me. 

I had to keep reminding myself that I needed to stay strong. I couldn't give up no matter how badly my body wanted me too. I would not give up because I wanted to see my mate dammit. And, I would see him again. Some time ago I had somehow managed to get through to Ryan.

I told him what was going on and who was behind it. He had told me that my father was there with him and they were all at the pack house. He asked for more information; anything that could help them find Layna and I; but, there was absolutely nothing useful I could give him. 

The room we were in had no windows. The only light source we had came from the blinding light dangling from the ceiling. I don't know how Shawna managed to work under these conditions cause the light was a total bitch to my sensitive eye sight. But, then again she's crazy and I doubt the light was bothering her at all.

Ugh, I just want to go home or she needs to just kill me cause this is freaking ridiculous! I know, I sound like I'm whining and giving up, but, I have the right too. I was kidnapped, tied up and now my mate's psycho ex is 'punishing' me for stealing him, so you damn straight I have a right to whine about it!

"Well, this is getting boring!" Shawna huffed "You're not even making a sound."

"I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of making a sound." I hissed through my teeth.

"Yes, well, the tears streaming down your face were my motivation to keep going." she said slicing my cheek with a razor. "But, now, I think I'll just let the rogues take care of you and get out of here."

She rid her hands of my blood and walked out of the room. Taking the cart with her. I let out a huge breath and let my head drop forward. I sob built up in my chest--I refused to let it out no matter how much pain I was in. She had thought that I had cried because of the pain she was inflicting, in actuality I was crying for my mate. How I longed to be in his arms right now. I cried for Layna since it was my fault she was in this mess. I cried for my father who wouldn't have been put in this situation is he hadn't had me. But, most of all I cried for myself for being weak. I was weak when the rogues attacked my pack and I was too weak to stop them.

I sniffed one last time and squared my shoulders as the door opened. I would not be weak any more. I would not let that bitch or these rogues break me. I put myself through enough hell and it was time to put an end to it. If they were really going to kill me than so be it. They would get nothing out of me before hand if they wanted information. 

"Ah, Miss Shia Morrigan. I'm pleased to meet your acquaintance." a big burly man said--filthy rogue!

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