Chapter Twenty-Three

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I'm going to speed it up a bit with the next chapter so we can get into all the action. I was going to do it with this chapter but decided not to. So as always enjoy and of course...VOTE...COMMENT...FAN....


A few days later I was sitting around with my friends in a little cafe after school. I hadn't much time with them in the last week with everything that has been going on. It felt really good to be around them again. I was going to be spending as much time as I could with them from now on. I kinds felt like a bad friend for up and leaving them last week. But, I had to do what I had to do. 

"Your birthday is coming up in a couple months." Alli said as she sipped at her coffee

"Ooh the big One Eight!" Gage grinned

"You'll be the first out of us." Gi said

"Than it's Me, Alli, Gi and Gage coming in last." Colt nodded

"Bryce would've been first." I said looking down at my steaming cup of coffee. "You know, he was the first to know about Luke and I."

"Really?" Alli smiled

"Yeah, he was with me that night at the race. He supplied me with the alcohol that I wanted to try and forget about the fact that I had found my mate." I laughed

"That is such a Bryce thing to do." Gi said

"He was always good at helping us when it came to needing a distraction." Gage said 

"God, I miss him." Colt said 

"Me too!" the rest of us said in unison

This was really the first time we actually had talked about Bryce. Well, it was a first for me talking with them about him. Think back on everything I realized that I should've just stayed instead of running away. Maybe it wouldn't have taken me so long to come to terms with the death of Mia and Bryce. I would give anything though to have them here with me. Some times I think I can feel them but I know it's only wishful thinking. 

We all continued our conversation about our best friend. We relieved every memory we each had of him. In all honesty it felt really good to talk to them and remember Bryce. He truly was the best out of us all and it still sucks that he isn't with us any more. But, right now wasn't the time to dwell on the fact that he wasn't around. Now, we were remembering our best friend. We talked and laughed for a few more hours, it was just like old times.

It was almost time for dinner by the time we all got home. We were all still laughing as we stumbled into the house. Ryan and Luke looked up at us from there spot in the living room. I could tell by the smile on both their faces at the fact that I was so happy. I know I had been more happy in the last few days than I had in a long while and it felt really good. I was slowly getting back to how I once was. The care free girl who always had a smile on my face.

Pizza was on the dinner menu for the night since no one was in the mood to do any cooking. Everyone sat around the living room enjoying the food and some stupid movie that one of the guys picked out. After watching a few movies we all just sat around and talked. We talked more about Bryce, filling in Luke about our friendship and then we talked about Mia. I missed her just as much as I missed Bryce it was different in some ways though; she was my sister after all.

I realized than as the conversations went on that Luke didn't know very much about me.  I didn't know all that much about him. Usually mates would know everything and anything about their other half within a matter of weeks, sometime days. Under different circumstances Luke and I would've been the same. But, no, I had to go and run away. Than everything else happened. I was definitely going to have to fix that. I wanted to every thing about him as I wanted him to know everything about me.

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