Have You Lost that Boy You Used to Know?

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Brian's POV

Penny and I had our nightly talk, she was in good spirits and planned to paint later. I was glad she was starting to do the things she liked, especially ones that that didn't involve Adam Gabriel.

Jay still had not returned my calls or even texted that he would get back to me. Something just wasn't right and I needed to know what happened.

Gwyn's POV

Time was running out. Adam had succeeded in getting rid of Jay, but I needed something to actually pry Brian and Penny apart. This was now an all out battle and will become a war if necessary. It was time to use the friendship and trust to that I had built with Brian to my advantage. The night after Jay called, Brian suggested we meet for drinks after he had his nightly chat with Penny out of the way. This was the perfect opening, time to get the crowbar.

"Gwyn, I need to get your opinion."

"Sure, what's up?"

"I need you to be objective, forget that we are talking about Penny."

"Okay, I'll try."

"Jay went to check on Penny for me a few days ago."

"You mean check on her or get rid of Adam?" I knew I had to be careful.

"Both, mostly Adam."

"If Penny figures that out, she is going to be ticked. How long is Jay staying?"

"He's already gone, he stayed one night. He was supposed to stay a week." You could tell Brian was suspicious.

"Why did he leave so quick?"

"He told Penny he had to go back for work. The really crazy thing is that I haven't been able to get hold of Jay since he left. I think he's trying to avoid me."

"Do you think something else happened that made him leave?" I was a little nervous about asking that. I didn't want it to come back to me.

"I have no idea, but you would think Jay would get hold of me."

"Brian, do you really want my opinion? You might not like it." It was time to turn this conversation to my advantage.

"Yes, tell me your thoughts. Am I being paranoid?"

"At first I did, I thought it was innocent. But I am starting to wonder, you know I love Penny but this whole thing with Adam is not like her."

"What do you think is going on?"

"I'm not saying that I think she has a sexual relationship with him, but I think that perhaps her reliance on him may be more of choice than necessity."

As we spoke Brian started drinking more and more. While we were talking, Jay called Brian back.

Brian's POV

"Hi Brian"

"What the hell happened Jay?"

"I had work things come up, I had to leave. I'm sorry."

"At least fucking tell me about when you were there."

"Well, Penny wasn't there when I got there then she came home with the Doctor."

"You're kidding me, did they say where they had been?"

"To lunch and Art Galleries."

"He came into the house with her?"

"Yes. He left not long after."

"What did they seem like?"

"Like friends. Penny was in a great mood, she looks great. It looks like she is back to her normal weight." He seemed to be speaking cautiously.

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