Safe By Your Side

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Penny's POV
My nightmare was over, I hurt like hell but Merlin could never hurt me again. They said I had a few broken ribs from the stomach punch and some cuts on my face. I was lucky my jaw wasn't broken. Of course I had the small cuts on my ankles and wrists, but they would heal quickly. I was severely dehydrated and very weak from not eating, so I had to stay in the hospital until I got my strength back. I couldn't even walk when they found me. After they examined me and I was waiting to be taken up to a room. They let Brian come be with me in the emergency room.

"Hi Penelope."
"Hey there Junior" I tried to smile but it hurt too much.
"Did you give your statement?"
"Yes, they said they would come talk to you later and that I wasn't to leave town."
"Are they going to arrest you guys? Is my brother going to be charged with murder?" I could feel my blood pressure start to rise. The monitors started beeping.
"Please just calm down honey, no one is getting arrested or charged with anything." I don't think Brian was really sure of that. But I managed to calm down.
"I'm sorry that you had to go through all of this, I thought he was still in Prison."
Brian looked at me. "You don't need to be sorry for what I've been through. It is nothing compared to what you've been through. If I could, I would have switched with you and taken every hit so you didn't have to. I do wish you had told me about what Merlin did back then, but I understand why didn't want to talk about it."
"Did Tess tell you the whole story?"
"Yes. Honey. She had no choice." He explained.
"I knew she would have to if they picked up on how I wrote the note. I had planned to tell you this summer."
"It's time for you to let yourself mourn for your daughter. You've held it all in for over twenty years."
"I don't know if I can." The thought scared me.
"I will be right there with you. We are going to cancel our remaining gigs this month and there aren't anymore booked until early August."
"Brian, that will cause a lot of questions. I really would like this to stay private as much as possible. It hasn't leaked out has it?"
"It hasn't sweetheart and don't worry. As far as everyone knows, Matt is sick and can't sing."
"I feel terrible you guys have to lie and that Matt has to fake being sick."
"They love both of us and will do whatever it takes to help us get through this. As a matter of fact the guys, Jay, Allen and Tess are all in the waiting room right now."
"Do you think they would all understand if I didn't want to see anyone yet? I just want you right now."
"I'm sure they'll understand. I'll tell them how you're doing and explain it to them."
"I guess they all put their lives on hold the last few days. I can only imagine what it was like for you. Merlin screwed up or ruined a lot of people's lives. I hope Wanda makes it ok."
"Don't worry, we'll make sure of it ."
"Chloe's ok, right?"
"She doesn't even know, Max and I agreed we wouldn't tell her until you were safe."
"Or dead." I said.
"Don't think about that, okay? You are alive and we have our whole lives to be together. Why don't you rest right now, you haven't slept in days."

Brian's POV
Penny finally shut her eyes for a few minutes, but I could tell she really wasn't resting. I was exhausted too, but I had to keep going until she was ok.

When they took Penny up to her room they said It would be about 30 minutes before I could go in and see her. She was upset. "Brian, don't let them take me without you."
"Honey, it will be okay. I need to go out and talk to everyone in the waiting room anyway."
The nurse that had come down from the floor she was going to be on said, "It's okay Penny, I'll be with you. My name is Jennifer and I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." She smiled and held Penny's hand.
That calmed Penz and she said "Okay."
I took Jennifer to the side, "Are you sure you're ok with staying with her?"
"Yes, of course. I am a fan and I am glad to be able to help you both. Don't worry, I am not going to tell anyone she's here."
"Thank you"
Jennifer went back to Penny. I headed to the waiting room.

Matt's POV
We were all a nervous wreck, we didn't know what that Son of a Bitch had done to Penny. I knew Brian was relieved, but I knew this had taken a lot out of him. I really wanted to get a chance to talk to him. I knew that might be rough, his main focus right now was Penny.

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