Can't You Feel the Poison Rising?

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Brian's POV

I picked Penny up, put her in the car and rushed to the hospital. This clearly wasn't food poisoning and I was scared as hell. I didn't even think; I did what she wanted. Adam didn't answer, so I left a message.

"This is Brian Haner. Penny is sick and she told me she wanted me to call you just before she lost consciousness. I am driving her to the hospital here in town right now. I'm pretty sure she has a high fever." I realized after I left the message that she wanted him first off. I felt a pang of jealousy and then snapped to my senses, remembering that Penny was out cold beside me.

I pulled up to the emergency room, got Penny out of the car and ran in. I didn't even shut the car off. I heard the horn go off because I had the keyless fob in my pocket, but I didn't care. They saw me carrying in an unconscious woman and had me take her back to an examination room. I gave them her name and they said that I should go park my car really quick. I ran and did so in a panic. On my way back through the waiting room I was recognized. A fan tried to stop me and ask for an autograph or something, I blew by them so fast I can't even tell you if they were male or female.

I filled the Doctor in on Penny's condition and told them that her Doctor was in town. I tried to call again and even text Adam.

She still hadn't come to; they had taken blood but the results would take time. They ran an EKG and EEG and both were fine. They put her on an I.V. because she appeared to be dehydrated and needed meds to try to bring her fever down. She was still sweating and now instead of hot, her hands were cold and clammy. She wasn't still either, she seemed to be in pain but not conscious. She would even speak softly here and there, usually it was just Brian and a couple of times it was Adam. I told her I was there and that I loved her, but I doubted she could hear me. I felt totally helpless, this wasn't supposed to be happening. This wasn't part of what Jimmy showed me. He said I could save her.

She was running a very high fever, which was the main concern. I called Chloe and Tess, they were on their way. All I could do was wait and pray.

Adam called an hour after we arrived at the hospital and spoke to the Doctor on call and they moved her up to the ICU because of her being high risk. Adam arrived shortly after. You could tell Adam was shaken and nervous. He didn't have privileges at the hospital, but the Doctor's there followed his direction. She was given her normal treatment and lots of fluids.

Adam's POV

I left Gwyn's, I was furious. I hadn't even processed it all when I realized I had multiple voicemails and texts from Brian. I quickly looked up the address of the hospital and mapped it in. I called the hospital and spoke to the Doctor on call, they were taking her to the ICU. I needed to call Gwyn next.

"What did you give her?" I said before she could even say Hello.

"Hello to you too." She said sarcastically.

"Stop the bullshit games. Penny is in the ICU; I need to know what it was."

"Oops, I might have over done it a tad."

"A tad? What was it?" I demanded.

"I'm not telling you. Just keep pumping fluids through her. Good luck." The line was dead, she hung up on me.

I got to the hospital and did everything I could without actually telling them I knew what was wrong. I even had her stomach pumped, but I'm sure it was too late to do any good. Without knowing what Gwyn had actually given her, there wasn't much I could do.

Brian barely left her side, it was clear I was wrong about his priorities. He would wipe the sweat from her forehead and talk to her. He was so frustrated because "we" couldn't figure out what was wrong.

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