Darkness Has Kept the Light Concealed

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Brian's POV

The day after my birthday and the party fiasco, Gwyn came to my suite as I was packing to leave.

"Can we talk?" She said. I let her into the room.

"We have to leave soon, what's up?" I was actually nervous being alone with her.

"I can tell you're tense and I am sorry. I want to apologize for last night and for the stupid things I've done since we met."

"You have made me very uncomfortable on many occasions."

"I know and I have said crazy things to both you and Penny."

"Why?" I asked.

"I was jealous of what you and Penny have. I realized last night when I was drunk and made a fool of myself, what a terrible friend I have been. Not only to Penny, but to you."

"I'm glad you finally realize that. Penny loves you like a sister, she would be devastated if she knew..."

"I know and I appreciate you not telling her. Can we start over and be friends? I know that Penny would like us to be." Gwyn said.

"That's fine with me, but the weird stuff stops." I said.

"No weird stuff, I promise. We both have something very special in common, we both love Penny." My cell phone rang, it was Val.

"I told you Brian!" Val said, I didn't even get a chance to say hello.

"Told me what?"

"That you should have told Penny about Gwyn. Please tell me you talked to her about it last night."

"I was going to, but I just couldn't." I looked at Gwyn, she had a confused look on her face.

"There's a picture of you and Gwyn all over Social Media. It looks like she's getting ready to sit on your lap. Thank God you at least look pissed."

"FUCK!" I couldn't help but give Gwyn a dirty look. I picked up my iPad and searched my hashtag, there it was. "I found it. Gwyn is right here; she is going to help me figure out what to do about this mess."

"Why the hell is she there!" Val asked.

I handed my iPad to Gwyn showing her the picture.

"She came to apologize. If you hear from Penny, let me know."

"Don't trust her!" Val said.

"I can't worry about that right now. I'll talk to you later."

After I hung up, Gwyn was practically in tears.

"Oh my God, this is all my fault! I am so sorry!"

"It's done now; we have to decide what to do. I'm not sure how Penny is going to take this."

"Should we tell her before she sees it?" she said "Maybe she won't see it."

"She'll see it; she looks at that stuff. Especially since I've been gone and she's all alone."

"Maybe I should tell her. It was my fault."

"Let's call her together."

I called Penny on FaceTime.

"I've been expecting your call." When she said that, I knew she had already seen it. Her arms were crossed too, not a good sign.

"Penny, let us explain." I said. "It's not what it looks like."

"Us?" She asked.

Gwyn is here with me. She wants to talk to you. I handed Gwyn my iPad.

"Penny, I was drunk. It was a party and I was stumbling and acting stupid. Brian was just sitting there and I practically fell in his lap. Nothing happened."

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