"I Love Lucy"

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Penny's POV
A month later my bruise was gone and the band was heading oversees for a mini European tour. This was it, I was going to go with them, with Brian. I took time off of work, got a passport and braced myself for the long flight to London. Brian and I held hands through the airports, went sight seeing and ate at restaurants together. It was amazing, I shouldn't have kept us back for all that time. There were some incidents that weren't so enjoyable and I was the Wicked Witch according to social media. I had obviously cast an evil spell on Synyster Gates for him to want me.
I spent a month with the band and then had to head back home. I was a little worried about what it was going to be like now back in the states. Brian would be home two weeks later. He had a few months off before any other concerts, I was going to fly home to California a few days earlier than him and make sure all was ready. I couldn't wait to pick him up from an airport and not have to hide in the parking garage waiting in the car. Hopefully, I don't get too excited and attack his gorgeous body right there in the airport.

The day before Brian was to fly in, Val and I met for lunch. I was caught off guard when Michelle walked up.
"Hi Sis"
"Hi. Umm, I'd like you to meet Penny."
"I know who she is." Michelle said in a very flat tone.
"Penny, this is my sister Michelle." Val said nervously.
I figured the best bet was to kill her with kindness. "Hi Michelle, I'm so happy to finally get to meet you! Would you like to sit and have lunch with us?" I could feel Val's tension as she waited for her sister's response.
"Umm, I would love to. Unfortunately, I am meeting someone."
"Maybe some other time?" I asked.
"Sure, it was nice meeting you Penny. Later, sis."
Once she walked away I was finally able to breathe. "Well, that was fun."
"How did you do that? She was preparing to pounce, I know my sister. You turned it around." Val asked.
"When it comes to ex-wives or new wives after me, this isn't my first rodeo. I have no reason to dislike Michelle and she has no reason to dislike me. They were divorced when Brian and I met. You are also my friend, I don't want you to be put in the middle of a cat fight." I looked over at Michelle and her lunch date, he was pretty hot and they were definitely into each other. "It looks like Michelle has moved on too."
We both laughed and finished our lunch.

Brian's POV
The month overseas with Penny was the best ever. It felt so good to be with her in public. She was handling all of it beautifully, my Penny shined. As much as I loved the new openness, I couldn't wait to get back home and have her all to myself again.
As soon as I got out of the gate, there she was. She ran up to me and jumped into my arms. We kissed for quite some time. I'm sure there were pictures being taken and probably videos. But I didn't really care. We finished and continued through the airport. Penny was blushing and I probably was too
"That's probably already on Instagram." She said.
"Two months ago, you wouldn't even dance with me in public." I said.
"Do you regret going public?" She asked.
"Not at all. This is what I wanted all along. Do you regret it?"
"No I don't, I feel like an idiot for holding us back for so long." She said.
"That's behind us now. We have so much ahead of us. Things that we enjoyed last year but now we can enjoy a whole new way. Although, I still plan on having our little private dates."
"I like that plan. Let's go home for a private date right now." She grabbed my hand and started dragging me through the airport.

Penny's POV
One of our new experiences was going to a costume party for Halloween. We found out that we as a couple had been given the nickname of Lucy and Desi. I guess it was because Lucy was older than Desi. So we dressed up as Lucy and Desi. The party was at Johnny's house, but Bianca and Wane were able to make it out. They were an 80's Prom King and Queen, their costumes were perfect!!
Brian had mastered his Cuban accent (at least he thought he did) and he was very dashing in his 50's suit. I loved the dress, I even colored my hair red and it was styled perfect.

Brian's POV
Best party ever. I was enjoying being Desi and Penny was the sexiest Lucy I had ever seen. There was something about her that when she dressed innocently, like in a fifties Lucille Ball dress that made me very horny. Maybe because I knew the not so innocent woman behind the clothes.
Tonight was no exception, I snuck up behind her and put my hands on her hips and with my perfect Cuban accent said "You know Lucy, you look super sexy tonight."
"Are you getting fresh with me Mr. Arnez?"
"Yes I am, you know what they say about Latin lovers." I spun her around and kissed her, not a fifties TV show kiss. It was an all out passionate kiss. We didn't stop kissing until I grabbed her hand and led her to a spare room. We resumed our kiss and I lifted up the tail of her dress and the petticoat slip underneath and discovered that she was wearing a garter belt and stockings, no panties.
"Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do." I said.
"I didn't want anything to keep me from my sexy Latin lover."
She bent over the side of the bed and I took my cue. I flipped her skirts up and dropped my trousers.
I teased her first, almost entering her and then pulling back. In my Desi voice I said "You know Lucy, you have been bery bad walking around all these people with no panties under your dress. What am I going to do with you."
"Well, you could spank me."
"Okay Lucy, you asked for it." I smacked her naked butt.
She laughed, "Ooh That Tickles!!"
I spanked her again. "Mmm...I mean, ouch." She teased, in a sexy voice.
"That does it, this spanking is not teaching you a lesson. It's time to try something else." I entered her full force and did not stop until she was completely punished.
After we made ourselves presentable again. She said "Should we head back to the party?"
"Yes, before someone comes looking for us. Do you know how difficult it's going to be the rest of the night knowing what ISN'T under that dress?"
She laughed a most wicked laugh, "That's what I'm counting on!"

Penny's POV
We planned to stay in California until a week or so after Thanksgiving and spend the holiday with Brian's family. Two weeks before Thanksgiving I was told that there were crucial meetings everyday that I had to be in Ohio right up until the day before Thanksgiving. Brian had obligations in California during this period as well. He wasn't happy.
"Since when do you have to go to meetings for a whole week? Especially right before Thanksgiving?"
"I don't know, it isn't normal. There must be something big happening." I said. "I'll be back the night before Thanksgiving."
"Hopefully it doesn't snow and you can make it back. If I could, I would just go with you." He was really stressing over it.
"I know you would, we knew things like this would happen. We both have jobs. Well, you have a career and I have a job."
"Exactly, I have a career and I make a million times more than you. Why do you keep this job?"
Now I was getting pissed and a little hurt. "I have no idea how much you make and that is not the point. We are not married and I am capable of working and making my own money. Would I love to be able to go on every tour and trip with you? Hell yes, I would. I would like to not worry about going back to Ohio when you can't, to sit in a whole week of boring meetings and in a big house all by myself." I was starting to tear up. "Am I worried about not being able to make it back to be with you for Thanksgiving? Yes, I am."
He saw I was getting upset and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry Penz, I didn't mean to upset you. I am sorry for what I said about how much you make. I know you like working and I know us being together makes that all very stressful for you. It will all work out and we are probably worried about Thanksgiving for nothing, the weather will probably be fine."
He was wrong.

Brian's POV
I couldn't believe it, winter storms right across Ohio. All flights were canceled and Penny and I would not be together on our second Thanksgiving. On top of that, she is acting very weird. She hasn't even talked about the meetings she had and changes the subject every time I bring it up. When we would FaceTime, I could see in her face that something was bothering her.
"I'm sorry Bri, I wish I wasn't stuck here. It's so lonely here without you and I miss you. I'm kind of stuck here in the house now too. Tess is going to her son's house, Chloe and Max are already going to his parents. Allen and Kim went on a cruise and Mom is even out of town visiting my cousin."
"I miss you too and you don't have to be sorry. I know I was a jerk when you said you had to go and I am sorry for that. We are going to have lots and lots of Thanksgivings and even though we are apart we still are connected, remember?" I hoped that would help, but I barely got a smile from her.
"Yes, I remember. We can make it through anything, right?" She seemed worried and I knew there was something she wasn't telling me.
"Okay Penelope, tell me what's going on. I can tell there is something bothering you."
"Okay, but I don't think you're going to like it. The meetings I had this week and last week aren't over, they resume again on Monday and will probably go right up to the week before Christmas."
I was trying very hard to be a supportive and loving boyfriend, instead of a jerk like I was before. "Well, maybe I could clear some things off my calendar and be there earlier than we had originally planned."
"That would be great, but I would still be at work all day." She reminded me.
"That's okay, I have plenty of stuff I can work on there. I will see what I can do, and be there as soon as I can." She finally smiled.
"I love you Brian Haner Jr., Goodnight.
"I love you more Penelope, Goodnight.

Penny's POV
We spent most of December together in Ohio. It was fun to watch Brian experience his first Ohio winter. I'm pretty sure at times he wished we were in California and I wasn't able to take any whole days off until the week of Christmas. We had some great times anyway. We were like kids having snowball fights, making snow angels and going sledding. We had adult fun too, snuggling and "other activities" by the fireplace.
We had several parties, our circle of Ohio friends had increased. Bianca and Wane were now pretty serious. Tess was dating Ralph, a successful Doctor and Brian had even become friends with Jay. They would get together and play guitar, Jay played rhythm guitar. It was great watching them and it made me very happy. Jay was dating Stephanie, a local interior decorator (Wane introduced them) and I liked her a lot better than Bimbette. Brian, Allen and Jay liked going to the shooting range together and the whole group went skiing several times.
As I was getting recognized as Synyster Gates' girlfriend more and more, I had to learn how to deal with both fans and haters. I did lose a lot of freedoms that I had never even realized. I know it's crazy, but I sometimes missed being just another face in the crowd. I never knew when someone was going to take a picture of us. A couple of times, I even had people waiting outside my work. Of course the house was no longer a secret either. Luckily, I work in a secure building with security officers and Brian had made sure the house was secure when he bought it.
We spent New Year's Eve in California, it wasn't quite as intimate as the year before. But we went to a great party with the whole group, Michelle and her new fiancé were there and all was fine. I was so proud to kiss Brian at midnight for everyone to see. It was hard to believe that we were starting another new year together and things had changed so much since the last one.

I had more meetings in January and Brian had to be in California the week before my birthday. I still hadn't talked to Brian about what all my meetings at work were about. I didn't want to talk to him about it until I had more solid information. At the end of January, I was certain enough that I knew I had to talk to him about what might be ahead.
At least I was able to get a couple of weeks off in the beginning of February. This year we were going on a two week cruise. It wasn't a private island, but we didn't have to hide out either. Although, it did seem like my birthdays tended to have a nautical theme at least this year I didn't have to worry about going fishing. We would be on the cruise for Valentine's Day too.
I knew that I needed to talk to Brian about the work situation while we were on the cruise. I just didn't know when.

Brian's POV
The last few months have been a challenge, with Penny working in Ohio and my obligations in California. Hopefully she can start working from home again soon. We both really needed the time together on the cruise.
The ship departed from Miami, we had to fly in and meet each other there. Once we were aboard the ship, I could see the joy and pure wonder in Penny's face.
"I've always imagined going on a cruise, but this is beyond my imagination!"
"Did you think I was going to take you on the SS Minnow?" I winked at her.
"Yes, Gilligan"
I made a goofy face. "Ha Ha. Are you ready for some relaxation and some 'us' time, Miss Penelope?" I put my arms around her.
She looked at me and her blue eyes were sparkling. "I am ready for that more than anything Mr. Haner. It's been a stressful few months, being apart so much and my work..."
"No talking about that, we have two weeks together. I have you trapped on a boat so you can't run away!"
"Really Junior? Do you really want to go there?!" She laughed and punched me in the chest.
I picked her up and carried her over to the bed. "No, I want to go here!" Then I layed her down on the bed. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me down to her waiting lips, from there I worked my way down her neck and then pushed down her low cut top and her bra and kissed and sucked and nibbled on her breasts.
"Mmm Brian, I've missed you."
I stopped and looked up at her "I've missed you, Penny."
Soon we were naked and making love, We spent the first three hours of the cruise in our room. Making love, holding each other and talking. We were talking about being apart so much and then I told her as best I could how much being together meant to me.
"When we are apart, I miss everything about you. Not just making love, I miss waking up in the morning and just watching you sleep. I miss just talking, how you love to cook, working out together. I miss you watching me play, seeing your face and how much you enjoy it is better than a whole audience of screaming fans. I love watching you paint, the excitement in your eyes as you create. When we are together away from home, no matter where we are I feel at home because home is wherever you are."
"Brian, that is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me and I feel exactly the same way. You are my heart and my home. You make me complete. I Love You."
Then we actually took a nap, sleeping in each other's arms was something we hadn't done in awhile. Then we explored the ship and went to dinner.
We were both hoping this two weeks didn't go by too fast.  

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