Barriers of Trust Will Fade

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Brian's POV

I was so glad when we were headed home, I just wanted to check on Penny and relax. Gwyn made me very tense.

"Maybe we could have that swim tonight." She said.

"What swim?" I asked.

"The one you didn't join me on last night." She said trying to use a sexy voice.

"We'll have to see if Penny feels up to it." There was no way I was getting in a pool alone with Gwyn.

"Brian, you need to have some fun sometimes, you can't always just sit around playing nurse to Penny." Before I could tell her how I felt about that terrible remark, we pulled up to the house and she asked about the convertible parked at the front.

I looked at the car and recognized it. "That's Dr. Gabriel's car, I hope Penny is okay."

"Did she call or text you and you missed it?"

I checked my phone. "My phone was shut off; I must have done it by accident. Great, there is a voice mail from Penny. Damn it!"

"We should probably go in and check on her." Gwyn said.

I went straight to our bedroom, of course Gwyn followed me.

Just as I walked in I heard Dr. Gabriel ask Penny where I was. He was actually sitting on the edge of our bed next to her.

I interrupted and let him know I was right there.

He turned around, stood up and looked at me with surprise.

"Brian and Gwyn, you're home! I started getting really sick again and called Adam, he came right over." Penny said.

"Adam?" I asked.

"I told her to call me Adam, we see each other so often I get tired of the formality."

"Ok Adam, I assume I may call you Adam as well?" I realized after I said it, that it may have sounded bad. Penny looked at me with a stern, questioning stare.

"Of course, Brian." He said with thinly veiled sarcasm, I tried to stay calm and hide my irritation.

"What's up with our patient?" I felt stupid after saying that.

"Well, she's a problem patient," Then he smiled at her turning my question into a charming comment for him. "but I think she either has food poisoning, stomach flu or possibly a little of both. Her immune system is not strong right now, you need to make sure she is very careful."

I didn't really like the implication of what he said and Penny must have sensed it.

"Brian is fanatical about making sure I'm careful and take care of myself. No worries on that." Then she changed the subject. "I'm so rude, I forgot to introduce Gwyn to you." Penny then introduced them to each other, both were cordial.

"Penny, I am going to leave you in your husband's very strict care, now that he is here." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you Adam for coming so quickly." Penny said.

"Yes, Dr. Gabriel. I certainly appreciate your close personal attention to my wife's care." I hoped he picked up on my sarcasm. Penny was now glaring at me.

Gwyn offered to walk Dr. Gabriel out and they both left. As soon as the door shut Penny spoke and I felt foolish because I knew I had let Gwyn get into my head.

Penny's POV

I wasn't sure what all that was, but it wasn't like Brian.

"What the hell was that? Why did you act that way with Dr. Gabriel?"

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