The Family Grows

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  Brian's POV
Our honeymoon was as incredible as our wedding night. After months of Wedding planning, being alone together and away from the world was exactly what we needed. I love music, I love the guys and I love being in the band, but I needed just Penny time.

We spent the next 3 weeks after our honeymoon in Ohio, I worked on material for the new album and was able to collaborate with the guys via the web. Penny was painting and catching up with her family and friends. We double dated with Bianca and Wane. Jay came over and let me bounce creative ideas off him. Jay's girlfriend Stephanie and Penny got along great, Stephanie even used some of Penny's artwork when decorating a few homes.
Penny's artwork was beginning to be well known, but not landscapes or abstracts. She was being commissioned by people to paint portraits. Anyone could have a photograph put on canvas, but to have an actual painting that was unique. Penny really had an ability to capture the spirit of the person in the painting. She was making money doing what she loved and could work around my schedule. It was perfect.

In March we had to head back to California, it was time to start laying down tracks for the new cd. I loved that other than family obligations, Penny was now free to travel or be at home with me anywhere.

Penny's art studio at either house was off limits, not even I was allowed in unless invited. I respected that, and it was her own creative space. One day in California, Pinkly was nowhere to be found. Penny said to check her art room. I walked in and looked around for Pinkly. I accidentally knocked one of Penny's sketchbooks off a table. It fell open, the sketches caught my eye. They weren't Penny's usual work. The tone was dark and sad. I couldn't help leafing through it, I could feel the pain and as I continued through the book the images were darker and darker. There was a woman and a man, but their faces seemed to change periodically. After looking at this book, I knew that Penny had went through more than just being "hit". I heard Penny coming and I closed the book before reaching the end. I put it back and looked down just then Pinkly came running up. I picked her up just as Penny came to the door. "Good, you found her!" She said. I walked out of the room, I looked at the sketchbook on the table and didn't know if I wanted to see the rest of it or not. I remembered Tess telling me to not pressure her about it.
I still didn't know exactly what happened, but now I understood better why she wouldn't talk about it. The book may be a good thing for her, whatever happened she was starting to face it.
I put my arm around her as we walked together. After I put Pinkly down. I wrapped my arms around Penny and kissed her forehead, then pressed my lips to hers.
"What was that all about?" She asked.
"Can't a guy kiss his wife for no reason? I just wanted to give you a reminder that you are truly loved and safe here. I want to make sure whether we are together or not, that you know you I always love you."
"I know that and I always love you too. This just seems a little out of the blue. But I like it." She said.
"Good, expect more of it." I kissed her again.

The targeted cd release date was early June with a 4 month US Tour starting in mid-July, then a break until May 2019. Penny was with us the for most of the tour, we weren't able to go to Michigan in July for the third Anniversary of when we met, but we were together. There was a one week break in October and then back on until the week of Thanksgiving.
Penny's Mom had moved into Senior Housing and Penny had to be in Ohio to help Tess and Allen with getting her house ready to sell. We went home to California during the week off and then we would go separate ways for at least 2 weeks.

Penny's POV
We were back in California. Brian was able to stay for a week. I was going to Ohio for a couple weeks to help my Mom. I was going to meet him in a couple of cities, but he was going to be gone until the week of Thanksgiving.
Chloe called me one day. "Hey Momma, how are you two?"
"We are doing good."
"How are you guys?"
"We're good. When are you coming back to Ohio?" Chloe asked.
"I will be flying out next Tuesday, when Brian leaves for tour." I said.
"When will Brian be here?"
"Not until right before Thanksgiving. Why?"
"Max and I need to talk to the two of you, I really wanted it to be in person."
"What's going on Chloe? Is everything alright?"
"Yes, everything is fine. Would it be terrible if we came out there?" Chloe asked.
"Are you kidding? We would love that! We'll take care of your plane tickets."
"Ok, I'll check into Max and I getting a couple of days off work and let you know."
"Okay, let me know as soon as you can so I can get your flight taken care of."
Love you Mom.
Love you too.

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