Wash the Devil from My Hands

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Brian's POV

Once I got to Huntington Beach, I couldn't even stand to read the note. I ripped it to shreds, envelope and all. I decided that I was not leaving the house until she came back for her things. Hopefully, I could get her to listen to me. I had only been there a couple of hours when Gwyn showed up at the door.

"Gwyn, why are you here?" I didn't even try to hide how annoyed I was.

"We need to talk." She said.

"Unless you can tell me where Penny is, we have nothing to talk about." I wanted to slam the door in her face.

"Penny ran off?"

"No one has seen or heard from her."

"Just like I knew she would." She said under her breath.

"What did you say?" I asked. I was not in the mood for her jabs at Penny.

"Can I just come in, please?" She asked.

"Okay, for a few minutes. I don't want you to be anywhere near here when Penny comes back."

"I'm surprised you're not in Ohio looking for her."

"We have reason to believe she's here."

"Oh, well I am here to help you get past all of this. I am here for you Brian."

"I don't want you here, I don't want you anywhere near me."

"You're obviously tired and very tense, why don't I make you a drink?"

"Why, so you can get me drunk and who knows what else so I'll sleep with you?"

"I wish you wouldn't be so hostile and angry with me. I care about you; you just need a chance to see. You know deep down, who is right for you."

"Did you have Adam Gabriel lie and keep her here? Was that part of the plan?"

"No! I didn't know anything about it. We need to talk about us, you have to see that we are meant for each other."

"Gwyn, I don't need to see anything or anyone else but Penny. I need you to leave before she comes home."

"I'll leave for now, but you need to accept that she is gone and we belong together. Think about it Brian, a beautiful wife and kids."

At that, she tried to kiss me. I pushed her away. "I've told you before, I'm not worried about having kids and I already have a beautiful wife. Goodbye Gwyn."

I gently pushed her out the door and shut it quickly.

The next day she was there again, I wouldn't even let her in this time.

"Gwyn, I told you to leave me alone."

"I want to come in and talk to you Brian. You have to give me a chance."

"I don't have to give you anything! You have ruined my life." I said to her, gritting my teeth.

I slammed the door in her face and walked away as she pounded on it.

That night, I was getting more worried and desperate. I thought about the depression she fell into while I was gone. What if that was what was happening now? She's all alone and we don't even know where she is, what if she needs someone?

I was finally able to fall asleep around 2:00 AM. I had a dream that jolted me awake. I was home and thought I smelled smoke. I walked around the house and then saw a fire outside. I walked out and the gazebo was engulfed in flames and there was Penny and Adam dancing together.

Dance As The Sun Slips Away (Synyster Gates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora