I May Not be Perfect but I've Always Been True

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Brian's POV
The next morning Penny was still asleep when I woke up. She looked better. She opened her eyes and smiled. "Bri, your home."
"I've been home. It's morning sweetie."
"Oh wow, that must've been one hell of a shot Adam gave me."
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"I feel okay, a lot better than yesterday for sure. It helps waking up and looking into those gorgeous brown eyes." She smiled.
"I wish you had called me yesterday. I'm sorry you had to rely on someone we barely know to take care of you."
"I wouldn't say we barely know him. He was there and I didn't want them to call you."
"Speaking of Adam being there, how did he end up at the restaurant?" I asked
"Gwyn invited him, something about thanking him for the lovely evening and saying goodbye." She still seemed a little out of it from the meds.
"Really? That's interesting." I decided then wasn't the time to tell her what I did.
"Why?" She said.
"Nothing. Penz, promise me that if anything like that ever happens again that you will call me right away. I don't care what I'm doing or where I am at. You are more important to me than anything I could be doing."
"Okay, I promise. I'm sorry, I just want to do what's best for you."
I interrupted her. "You are what's best for me. What if it had gotten worse and something terrible happened? Do you know what not being there would have been like for me? I hope you know how much you mean to me."
"Of course I do." She said. "We're connected, remember?" She smiled and then the smile faded and she looked far away in thought.
"Are you okay Penz? Val wanted you to come over and spend the day with her, but if you don't feel up to it I will stay home. I don't want you alone today."
She still seemed distant but said "I feel fine, I would love to see Val and the kids."
I just couldn't tell her about the incident with Adam, I could tell something else was bothering her already.
"Why don't we both jump in the shower?" I asked.
"You know, why don't you go ahead and take a shower and then I'll take mine." It was odd for her to not want to take a shower together.
"Are you sure you're feeling okay and are up to going out today?" I asked.
"Yes, I feel a million times better. I just figured you needed to leave by a certain time and I don't have to. I just don't feel like getting in the shower just yet. Aren't you already late?"
"No, I'm driving you to Matt and Val's. There was no way I was going to let you wake up and be alone. What if you were still sick? Now get your little butt in that shower!"
Something in what I said clearly upset her, she looked like she was about to cry.
"I am driving myself and I am not getting in the shower right now!" She said. Her eyes were starting to tear up. I didn't know if it was anger or trying not to cry. I decided to drop it.
"Okay Penz, I just thought you'd like that. I'm going to take a shower now." After my shower, she wasn't in the bedroom. I was almost dressed when she walked in. I didn't look at her at first and said "You should probably get in the shower now."
"Already done." She said.
I turned around, she was already showered and fully dressed.
"Wow! That was fast. You took a shower in one of the other bathrooms?"
"I decided I wanted to get over to Val's." She said.
"Why didn't you just get in the shower with me?" After I asked that, she just looked at me for a moment and looked away.
"I figured you were half way through and I didn't want to hold you up from getting to the studio." She said. I didn't ask anything else, it was clear she didn't want to talk about what was really going on.

Penny's POV
I felt so much better and I was having great day with Val and the boys. Brian called practically every hour to check on me.
"Bri, I promise I'll call you if anything changes. I'm pretty sure Val has had to swear an oath that she will if I don't."
"I just don't want to be the last to know again." He said. "You promise?"
"For the hundredth time, yes! Now get back to work Synyster! Love you, byeeeee!"

Late in the afternoon Adam called.
"How are you feeling today?" He asked.
"I feel much better, a little shaky still but I can eat and everything. I am forever grateful to you for yesterday."
"I was glad to be there; you gave me quite a scare. You really should've went to the hospital, hopefully it's over now. I also called because I wanted to find out when I should send all your hard copy records from here to Dr. Callahan. I also need you to sign a release form."
"Why would you do that? What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Brian said last night that once you leave for Ohio, that my services are no longer needed."
"He said what! So you're saying he basically fired you?" I couldn't believe Brian had done that and didn't even tell me.
"Yes. He said Dr. Callahan would be managing your care from here on out. I asked him if he had talked to you about it and he said that was none of my business."
I was now livid. "Adam, your services are still needed and I absolutely want you to consult and be the lead Doctor for my care. It doesn't matter whether I am here or in Ohio. I will take care of it. I am the patient; Brian can't dictate who my Doctor is."
"I didn't mean to start a fight between you two." He said. "I thought you must have known."
"Don't worry about causing a fight. Mr. Haner has brought this upon himself. I apologize for whatever he said to you."
"You don't have to apologize, I know he's just very worried and stressed." Adam said, defending Brian.
"Maybe, but it's not the first time he's been rude to you. I'm not sure why."
"Don't be too hard on him, he's just protective of you. He sees me as a threat. He and I do have tension, but we both want the same thing for you."

As soon as I said goodbye to Adam and hung up, I said to Val. "I have to go." I grabbed my purse and keys.
"Penny, wait. Brian was just upset about this guy being there all the time."
"You know about this?"
"Matt was there. Brian thinks this guy has a thing for you. He came home and the guy was sitting on your bed, holding your hand."
"Exactly! He wasn't in the bed with me! He was taking care of me until Brian got home. He had my hand because I was upset right before I fell asleep and I actually grabbed his hand. It was totally innocent. I can't believe I am the last one to know about this."
"You have to see how that could worry Brian. Doctor's don't usually go that far taking care of their patients." Val said.
"I can maybe see him worrying a little, but he should talk to me about it. He shouldn't go around dismissing my Doctor without me even knowing!" I had to calm down. "Listen Val, I appreciate the perspective. I need to talk to Brian."

Brian's POV
We were all getting ready to call it an early day and my phone rang. "It's Val" I was afraid Penny was sick again. I answered the phone anxiously.
"Val, is she okay?"
"No Brian, she's not okay. Physically she's fine, but she is mad as hell at you."
"She talked to Dr. Feel-good?" My new nickname for Adam.
"Yep, he called to check on her. He casually mentioned that you had dismissed him. She just left, I'm not sure where she was going."
"Probably home to find the best weapon to kill me with." I said.
"I told you last night that you needed to tell her." Val said. "At least he didn't tell her about you three almost fighting."
"I know, I should've listened. I should have known the jerk would call and tell her the next day. He probably didn't tell her all of it because he knows she would be upset with him too. Thanks Val."
"The shit hitting the fan?" Matt asked.
"Big time."
"Good luck, it was nice knowing you." He slapped me on the back and laughed.
"Not funny." I was dreading what was ahead of me. Then I got a text.

I'm sure Val has called you by now. I am home, I suggest you do the same as soon as possible.

"I'm fucking dead." The guys all looked at me like I was a condemned man heading to my execution.

When I got to the house, Penny was nowhere to be found. I walked all through it calling for her. I went to our bedroom. There was a note on her pillow.

Went down to the beach to calm down. It said.

I found her sitting there, just staring at the ocean. Her facial expression was stone cold.
"Hey Penz, what are you doing?"
"I was thinking about the relationship I thought we had built since we walked together for the first time on this beach. All the things we went through; barriers we overcame together. I especially thought about the day we married, wasn't there a part of our vows where we said we would trust and respect each other?"
"Penny, I do trust and respect you, it's him I don't trust."
"Why? What has he done other than do everything within his power to save my life? He has never hit on me. You are the one who started getting defensive when he came here out of his way to see me when I was sick. You should have been grateful." She looked so disappointed in me.
"He was holding your hand last night. Trust me, I can tell he has feelings for you that go beyond you being a patient. I'm just looking out for you."
"No Brian, you don't trust me. He was holding my hand because I was upset right before I fell asleep. He was trying to ease my mind."
"What were you upset about?" I asked.
"I was just dwelling on being sick." She seemed to be choosing her words carefully. "It had been a rough few days. I felt discouraged. He was just trying to help me through it. You obviously don't trust me if you jumped to the worst scenario."
"I trust you Penny, but sometimes you put too much trust in others."
"Really? Maybe I've put too much trust in you!" She said. I could tell she was now on the verge of tears. "I'm going back to the house."
She stood up and started to leave, I put my hand on her shoulder. "Please Penny, I didn't mean to upset you. It's good that you have faith in others, but it does worry me sometimes. I see you get hurt a lot." I couldn't help but think about Gwyn when I said that. She turned around to face me, I held her hands.
"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. I said that to him when I was tired and worried about you. I freaked out okay? I almost lost you forever. When you got so sick those few days, I was scared."
"But why didn't you tell me?" she asked. I saw her expression soften a bit.
"You were out cold when it happened and I didn't want to upset you this morning. I screwed up. Can you forgive me for not being perfect? I trust you and you can trust me to always want what I think is best for you. I might be wrong about that sometimes, but no matter what it's because I love you."
She smiled a little. "I love you too, that's why it hurt."
"If you want to keep Dr. Gabriel as your Doctor, I will not interfere."
"Good, because he's the best and I am not ready to risk my life because you're jealous."
"I understand, but you have to promise me that if he EVER does anything out of line that you will tell me." I looked at her very seriously.
"I promise, but I don't think that is going to happen." She hugged and kissed me. "It has been a rough week and in a couple of months you are going to be gone. Let's focus on 'us' and not let anyone get in the way of that."
"You are right; I want to spend as much time as I can with you when we get back to Ohio. Which should be in about a week. Will you come to the studio with me in the meantime? If you're not feeling well enough to go, I am going to stay home with you."
"Brian, I don't" I interrupted her.
"I want to; I don't want to miss any time together right now. I want to be there for you as much as I can."
"Okay." She said. "That sounds wonderful. You know, it's ok to tell me when you're worried or scared about my health. It doesn't mean you're not strong, it means you care and we are partners. We need to help each other through this."
"I love you Penelope Haner."
"I love you my dear best friend and soulmate."

We took a walk on the beach and enjoyed the evening. I agreed that I would apologize to Adam. I still did not trust him, but I trusted Penny. I knew that all of this caused extra stress that wasn't good for her right now. I didn't tell her everything that happened and all that the jerk said. I didn't see any point in upsetting her more.

When we were back at the house I said, "Ready to join me in the shower?" I asked.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because we usually take a shower together when we come back from the beach."
"Let's skip that tonight, I think I'm going to go read by the pool for a bit. You can jump in the shower if you want."
"I have an even better idea; why don't we go for a swim?" I said enthusiastically.
She opened her mouth to speak, but didn't say anything at first, then her thought must have kicked in. "You know what, I don't have a suit that fits right now. You can swim and I can read and watch you."
"Who said anything about swimsuits? Come on Penz." I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room. We went out to the pool and I grabbed her, kissing her. I started to lift her shirt off and she stopped me. "What's wrong?"
"My head is starting to hurt again." She said.
"Why don't you lay down on the couch and I will bring you something to eat, we totally forgot about dinner." I said.
"You're right, that's probably where the headache is coming from."
I had the feeling that she was trying to get out of swimming rather than a headache. We did have a nice relaxing evening after that.

Adam's POV
Maybe I shouldn't have called Penny and told her about Brian, but I knew he hadn't really talked to her. I am really starting to not like him, but I don't dare tell her the whole conversation. She would not be happy with me for what I said either. I was pretty sure Brian didn't want to tell her either. Then my phone rang, it was an unknown number.

"Hello Adam, it's Brian."
"Hello" I knew he was being forced to call me.
"I wanted to apologize for last night. I appreciate what you did to help Penny. I was stressed, tired and worried about her."
"I think we both were coming from that place; I am sorry too." I knew he wasn't really sorry, but I felt it best to mend this as much as possible. "We both want the same thing, for Penny to be well."
"I agree. Can you just do one thing for me? If anything like this happens again you will call me? No matter what." He asked.

The conversation ended and I still didn't like him.

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