Victim Of A Crime

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Penny's POV
Only two days until Thanksgiving  and I have never been so nervous in my life. My sister and brother were both older than me and haven't always been pleased with my life choices. When I started dating Jay, my brother said an older woman and a younger man never works. He liked Jay and they got along good, but when we split up, I could feel the "I told you so." I had always looked up to my sister and she has always been there for me. Even though she was the oldest and married when I was young. I know that I did not meet her expectations for me, going to college, a stable marriage, and a good job. Instead I got pregnant in college and had married three times. The only thing I finally succeeded at was the good job. My Mom is a very stubborn woman, with very decisive opinions. She always supported my decisions, but she didn't have a problem saying how she felt about them. But when she was really mad, she wouldn't speak at all. I don't know how they were going to react to Brian and how Brian would react to them.
Brian was flying in on Wednesday and I couldn't wait. On Tuesday, I went into the office to work. After work, I had the Mustang washed and picked up groceries for Brian's visit and my Thanksgiving dish. I got home around 8:00 PM, Chloe called right as I was getting out of the Mustang.
"Hey There Kiddo!" I went to the trunk of the car and grabbed the beer to bring in.
"Hi Momma! Is there anything I need to bring to Grandmas?" I walked into the kitchen.
"No, I think we have it covered" I heard a noise coming from the family room. "That man!"
"What?" Chloe said.
"Brian's trying to be sneaky, he must've come in early." I walked back to the Family Room. "You have to hear this." I jumped into the doorway of the Family Room. "Caught you Haner!!!" Only thing I remember after that was the intense pain as a very heavy object struck me in the head and screaming before everything went black.

Chloe's POV
"Mom? Mom! Brian?" I heard Mom scream and then someone running. Mom wasn't answering me and I thought I heard a door slam.
I hung up and called 911 and sent the police to Mom's. I jumped in my car and took off, I called Brian.
"Hey Chloe, what's up?"
"Where are you Brian?"
"Umm, in the Studio with the guys. Why?"
"Something's happened to Mom."
"What do you mean? Is she ok?"
"I don't know, I was on the phone with her when she got home. She heard a noise and thought you had come early to surprise her. I heard her scream and then a thud, I could hear someone running and a door slamming. I called out to her, but she didn't answer."
"Did you call the police?"
" Yes, I just pulled up to her house and they are already here."
"Find out what's going on." I could tell Brian was just as scared as I was.
"They motioned for me to stay back, the garage door is open and the trunk is up on the Mustang. They just went into the house."
Five minutes later I could hear an ambulance coming. "Brian, there's an Ambulance coming. The police must have called for one. A police officer just came out, I'm going to see what's going on, I will call you back as soon as I can."

Brian's POV
The guys stood there looking at me, trying to figure out what was going on. Chloe said she'd call me back and hung up. "Chloe!"
"What's going on, is Penny hurt?" Matt asked.
"Yes, I think so! DAMN IT! FUCK!"
"What happened?" Zack asked.
"I don't fucking know, Chloe was on the phone with her. There was someone in the house, Penny thought it was me. Chloe said Penny screamed and after that there was only footsteps and a door slamming."
"Holy Shit" Johnny said quietly.
"I need a plane, a flight, I gotta go to Ohio NOW!"
Matt called Val. "We're not exactly sure of the details, but something has happened to Penny. Brian is waiting to hear back from her daughter. Can you find the soonest flight possible to Columbus Ohio and book it for him? I'm going to drive him to the airport." "Thanks babe, I'll let you know as soon as we find out. Yes, I'll let him know."
Matt turned to me. "Val is booking a flight for you, I'll follow you home so you can pack a quick bag and I'll take you to the airport."
"Thanks Man, but I don't want to go home. Just take me to the airport. Just leave my car here."
"Johnny and I will run your car to your house." Zack said.
Matt and I took off.
"Now if Chloe would just call me back."
Just then my phone rang, it was Val "Brian, there's a Non-Stop leaving in 35 minutes. Should I book it?"
"Yes, thank you Val."
"Love you. Give Penny my love."
"Love you too. I have a call waiting, gotta go."
"Brian, I don't have great news." I could tell she was crying. "I guess someone smashed in the window in Mom's bedroom and got in the house. They must have been in the family room and heard her come home. When she walked in the family room they hit her in the head with your guitar. Then they dropped the guitar in the Kitchen and took off through the garage. They can't find Mom's purse. She probably sat it on the kitchen island and they grabbed it on the way out. The police think they ran because she was on the phone and they knew I heard it."
"Is Penny okay?" I felt the tears in my eyes.
"Brian, she took a pretty bad blow to the head. She's unconscious and has lost a lot of blood. The ambulance just left. I am on my way to the hospital."
I couldn't speak "Brian? Are you still there?"
"Yea, I'm here. Did you see her?"
"Yes, she was ghost white and her lips were blue. Brian, I'm scared."
"She'll be okay, thank God you were on the phone with her and called 911 right away. I'm on my way, I should be there about 2:30 AM."
"I'll have Max pick you up."
"Thanks Chloe, keep me posted."
"Okay. I'm glad you're on your way."
"She'll be okay Chloe. Bye."
She has to be okay.
I told Matt what happened.
"She's going to be okay, Brian."
Suddenly, I was full of rage. "I'm going to find this Mother Fucker and pummel him to death with a guitar!" And I punched the roof of the car. I felt bad after I did it. "Sorry, Man."
"It's ok. You need to get it out."
"Thanks, I appreciate your support."
"We're brothers right?"
"Keep us posted. If you need us, call us and we'll be on the first plane out."
"Thanks. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

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